Athenian vs. United States Democracy - StudyMode July 19, 2015, Those worried about Greece should consider the fiscal pressures on the U.S. (Photo: Pacific Press/Sipa USA/Newscom), Romina Boccia Next. Although the form of democracy in the United States and ancient Athens is very different, there are still similarities. Citizens are allowed to vote in both states, and both also have a bicameral legislature. These aspects of American life were often in contrast to the values and traditions of many nations in the world who were not receptive to American influence and American power. However, the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and New York City on September 11, 2001 fundamentally altered President Bushs plans and caused the United States to launch the Global War on Terrorism, beginning in Afghanistan in October 2001. In addition to their governments, the two cities had a democratically elected assembly whose members people elected. Athens vs Sparta - Difference and Comparison | Diffen Athens and Sparta are famous as they are two major city-states in ancient Greece. temperature Sparta and Athens are a pair of the most recognizable cities in the history of the ancient Greece. Advisory services offered through Financial Sense Advisors, a registered investment adviser. Another similarity between the two city-states was their military prowess. During the 17th century England was stirred by talk of democracy and republicanism, learned from the study of Greek and Roman history. The city is centred on the Island of Montreal, which obtained . Their empire posed a threat. Athens democracy had some of the highest rate of participation known. Despite the differences, the fiscal pressures confronting the United States spring from sources similar to those afflicting Greece. But one thing is certain, given the march of time: The people of the United States have lost their moral center and are in danger of falling into a kind of chaos. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates in its alternative fiscal scenario that U.S. publicly held debt will grow to 180 percent (exceeding the current Greek level) by 2039. The Athenian government was a democratic government, which means it was ruled by the people to vote and have a voice in society. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy. There were many both fair and unfair things about Ancient Greece. . Carmen M. Reinhart, Vincent R. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff, as well as Manmohan S. Kumar, Jaejoon Woo, Stephen Cecchetti, Madhusudan Mohanty and Fabrizio Zampolli, report that advanced economies with high levels of debt (85-90 percent of GDP and higher) grow more slowly annually than their lower-debt counterparts. PDF Ancient Athens Vs Sparta Comparison Chart Democracy first took root in a Greek city-state called Athens which was an aristocracy at first (Page 10, P.1). And we live not only free in the administration of the state but also one with another void of jealousy touching each others daily course of life, not offended at any man for following his own humor. The United States, like Athens, believes that its way of life holds the key to prosperity and liberty for other nations. Democracy (Ancient Greece) - National Geographic Society The Athenians expressed a similar predicament when they said, Certainly they put up with much worse sufferings than these when they were under the Persians, but now they think our government is oppressive (Thucydides, p.81). By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Militarily, both the U.S. and Ancient Rome have been considered superpowers of their time. What is the Difference Between Athens and Sparta - Pediaa.Com The Future of Warfare. That is, every citizen voted on everything. This early attempt at a fair and equal government run by the citizenry was unprecedented, and it served as a model for all the democratic governments that came after it. In June, Greece defaulted on a 1.73 billion payment to the International Monetary Fund. All these evils entered together with this war, Thucydides stated. What are similarities Athens and Sparta in education? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. There is currently no real alternative to global US leadership and the vast majority of challenges facing the world in the near future will be borne by the United States. What does Greece and the United States have in common? Amid Big Tech Layoffs, Demand Still High for Foreign Workers With H-1B Visas. For the first time in the eurozones history, the exit of one of its member countries became a very real possibility. Zareef Peeroo Tim Bailey October 15, 2014 Athenians vs. Spartans The differences between government, the role of women, and the education status of Athens and Sparta led to similar yet very different societies residing in the same area; therefor I will deconstruct these issues using an analytical comparative framework. Because each city-state in ancient Greece possessed its own government, some of these types existed other than democracy, namely monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy. Athens had an organization of government by the Council of 500. Building an empire or not? Athenian imperialism and the United States Athens and America are not the same. The truth might be that an experiment, successful to date, is nonetheless headed for ultimate disaster. Also, it is a decentralized structure of government, meaning that many hands or groups of hands have a grasp at the power around them. In both the US democracy and the Greeks democracy, political privilege can be use by citizens. The United States is on track to reach those levels by the end of the decade. Of course, it led to a devastating civil war that claimed more than 100,000 lives. Athens and America: Parallels in the Modern World, Columbus, Ohio: The Heart of Buckeye Beauty, History, and Culture, Some Common Ground for Liberals and Realists, Taliban Infiltrates South Dakota Legislature, The Captivity Stories of John Tanner, Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca and Olive Oatman. Slaves were used. The similarities do not end with the structure but also there are similarities how citizens view democracy and who should lead. Another way that they differ is that Athens was ruled by a council of 500 and the Roman empire was ruled by the senate and up until third century BCE Roman kings.The Roman Empire is far more superior to the Athenian city-state because of the more efficient government, better laws and more in touch citizens. Athens was fundamentally a democracy; Sparta was an oligarchy. Rather than being revolutionaries, they were reactionaries who believed in the wisdom of the past. Can wars of this kind happen again? Similarities between ancient Athens and Roman Republic Thucydides. Wherein there be an equality amongst all men in point of law for their private controversies. Sustainable growth is precisely what the doctor ordered for the Greek economys ailment. Just because you were poor or not extremely rich didnt mean that you could not have a job. (Doc.3). ! What are the similarities between ancient Athenian democracy and modern democracy in the United States? At some point in time, most likely the past, when the population What are the similarities and differences between Athens and Sparta Learn about the similarities and differences between life in Athens and life in Sparta. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Athens, in the wake of their victory over the Persians, immediately set out to build for themselves an empire that would assure them a dominant role in the world. Both governments have left a mark on history and in fact, they even are partially emulated by our very own, the United States of America. . That meant as the laws The gentle lifting of warm, moist air as it moves up and over colder air will form _____. to keep up with the changing laws and with the growing population of the people., Comparing Athenian Democracy and Modern US Democracy, Both have similar structures where power is given to the people in the form of participation. cold air below warm air The gravitation towards elitism being shared between many citizens of both democracies. Both Athens and Sparta had an assembly, whose members were elected by the people. (1995). Both ancient Athenian democracy and modern democracy in the United States are based on the idea of representation and the protection of individual rights. They examined the similarities behind having a city-state set up (comparing the colonies to Greece's Athens, Sparta, etc). The Athenians emphasized political and modest display, and believed in the power of the individual human (Cole, Symes, Coffin, & Stacey 2011, 58), therefore citizens of Athens called the shots. would grow and/or change to the population the government would have to grow and/or change Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill / Dushkin. Because each sovereignty ruled differently, they had different advancements in the areas of democracy especially in the people's role in the government, the method of voting and fairness of law., Like Mesopotamia, Athens might be well known for their system of law and order. Join the millions of people who benefit from The Daily Signals fair, accurate, trustworthy reporting with direct access to: Dont have time to read the Washington Post or New York Times? In the US when citizens are 18 and older they are granted the right to vote. Which countries have good relations with Greece? Its main allies are the United States, France, Italy, Bulgaria, the other NATO countries, Cyprus and the rest of the European Union. us domains must be U.S. citizens residents or organizations or a foreign entity with a presence in the United . To this, I can only agree to in part. New York: Random House. All rights reserved. Only certain people could participate. Ancient Athens wasnt., Democracy has been around for hundreds of years and while the basic principles have stayed the same though each society governed in a slightly different way. It does not store any personal data. Similarities between US and Athens are that US and Athens have a democracy. The Athenians had discovered a new way to govern themselves. How were the culture and government different in Athens and Sparta? Those rights include the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to pursue happiness. Similarities between athens and sparta. Athens and sparta Lesson 12. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. What is associated with stable air? The promotion of democracy through social and cultural globalization generated much resentment toward the United States as American corporations seeking to advance their economic interests exposed the rest of the world to the good and the bad aspects of American culture, American values, and American democracy. Another idea that the United States government got from the ancient Greeks is the idea of a jury, which is a panel of citizens who have the authority to make the final judgment in a trial (Page 13, P. 1). Like the Athenians of the fifth century B.C., we stand on the brink of the greatest commotion that ever happened. Both Athens and Sparta placed a great emphasis on military training and were known for their strong and well-disciplined armies. United States compared to Greece - MyLifeElsewhere In a republic, citizens still have high power but use that power to elect representatives to govern the state. More than half of the U.S. debt is held by creditors within its borders, rather than by foreign entities. In Greece, that number is 17.3% as of 2019. be 18.5% more likely to live below the poverty line In United States, 15.1% live below the poverty line as of 2010. In what way were Athenian and Colonial American democracy similar quizlet? What does Greece and the United States have in common? This means that ancient Greeks could enjoy exotic foods, good music, and read literature, just as we do today. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . > United States vs United States > Roanoke, VA vs Athens, GA. They lose their sense of proportion, their sense of right and wrong. He also contributed greatly by promoting the idea of a direct democracy. First, in the US we have a representative democracy which means that people vote on representatives who create the laws. One Athenian tyrant named Cleisthenes made his assembly a genuine legislature, which is an idea that the United States government uses today (Page 11, P. 1). In the US most of the democratic system that the government uses is either identical or very similar to the Ancient Greek system., The three branches of the United States government are modeled after three parts of Athenian democracy. In its efforts to maintain the dominance established over other nations in the wake of the Second World War, the United States increasingly antagonized former allies to the point where much of the world expressed negative views about America and its role as world leader. We have also ignored the warnings of our forefathers about foreign entanglements. grow and change in order to keep the set area safe as they grew in size. Greece is a country united by its name, but divided by its ways. One similarity deals with the government. There are few reasons why Ancient democracy differs from modern democracy. Life Differences Between Athens & Sparta - Similarities About Both Athens and Sparta hold historic value for Greece and the world. While Athenian democracy was made up of the Ekklesia, the Boule, and Dikasteria, American democracy is made up of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. Similarities And Differences Of The Athenian And Roman | Bartleby The major powers, on the other hand, would prefer a multipolar system in which they could pursue their interests, unilaterally and collectively, without being subject to constraints, coercion, and pressure by the stronger superpower (Huntington, 1999). Every great power makes enemies, and Athens made plenty. fog While there are important differences between the U.S. and Greek economies, policymakers and the public should be concerned with the dismal U.S. fiscal outlook. The bipolar world that existed following the Allied victory in 1945 eventually came to an end as the poor economic conditions in Eastern European countries dragged down the Soviet economy, forcing Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to release his communist empire in an effort to save his government at home. This differentiated geography lesson focuses on presenting data from the comparison study of the Western . They both had the same method of voting the governors and the president of their country by grouping many people of citizen as much as they can.But the Athens had no free choice to vote as like the South Korea. Which city-state would you prefer to live in and why? Also, there was a regular review of magistrates and how they conducted themselves during their spell in office (Jones, 1957)., Dalpino wrote, Globalization offers a bait and hook. Autocratic governments usually agree to a global regime to receive economic benefits (Dalpino). Despite these . Athens saw the beginning of democracy and government like we know it today. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Athenian democracy was the direct democracy, meaning that all Athenians had the right to vote on all new laws and other important decisions. Alexander, B. When it comes to ancient Greece and the U.S.-China relationship, the most prominent comparison is the " Thucydides Trap ," made famous by the political scientist Graham Allison, which uses the. Your email address will not be published. Each city state had at least a partially elected government and a strong military, and both relied on the labor of slaves. Once men break with tradition, venturing upon a colossal political experiment, they lose the ability to navigate. Athens is the capital and the largest city of Greece. And we have lost our common sense in matters of family and personal behavior. Who was considered a citizen in ancient Athens? It was a democracy with many parallels with the contemporary liberal spirit. Updated: 02/10/2022 The daily life of an ancient Greek was very similar to our lives today. Without the support of people, action could not happen because not mattering the class structure everyone has an individual power. Cons : Inconclusive. Athens as a whole stresses the importance of an active citizen whose life is intertwined with the government. C. Clockwise Why is direct democracy important? However, in some cases that deal with countries adopting democracy; the country elects to use the doctrine without any pressure or influences from prodemocracy groups. In the background, is the Acropolis.