Enjoy your life and always remember to say your prayers. I love you. God has already made it clear in many verses throughout the Quran, e.g. Knowledge is light; God casts it into the heart of whomever He wishes. Both men and women are considered partners for one another, acting as a source of comfort. they all appear to us to express ideas that are quite obvious. Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. 38. Indeed, ALLAH is knowing and acquainted. I wish and pray for the well-being of my loved ones and myself on a delicate day like this to our graceful Allah. Happy birthday, princess. I will always be making duas for you, may you live a healthy life. Happy Birthday my friend! Sending some birthday wishes in an Islamic way will surely lift up their mood and enthusiasm on their birthday. Happy birthday to you, my friend. The Quran is the only book where the author is in love with the reader. I give Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, glory, honor, and adoration for His goodness and mercy upon the life of my mother as she adds to her number of years on Earth. May Allah fill your life with endless happy moments, countless wonderful surprises, and infinite success! Al Alaq-14, and Allah is the best of providers Surah Al-jumuah : 11, Indeed, Prayer prohibits immorality and wrongding Al Quran 29:45, And seek help in patience and prayers- Al Baqara 45, He is with you, where you may be; and Allah is seeing your deeds Al-hadid: 4, Indeed, My lord is the hearer of supplication Quran 14:30, And he is with you wherever you are Quran 57:4, This is the book about which there is no doubt, A guidance for those conscious of Allah Al-Quran 2:2, And Say: My lord, Increase me in knowledge Quran 20:114, Allah is with the believers Al Quran 8:19, Indeed he does not like the proud Quran 16:23, [Allah] said: fear not. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. Happy birthday to you. You're in the right place! Surah Imran Ayat 34. I pray that Allah strengthens your bond with Him and makes you one of His favorites. Happy Birthday to my beloved daughter! Happy birthday to you.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'limitlesso_com-leader-4','ezslot_16',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-leader-4-0'); 58. I wish myself a wonderfully happy birthday. Here is a list of Bible verses that are best for birthdays. Enjoy your special day to the fullest! Quran with English translation, and beautiful recitations. Happy birthday to you. Im grateful to Allah that Ive found the one I ever wanted and I celebrate with you on this day. May happiness surround you on this special day and in the years ahead! Today is the best day to thank the Almighty for sending you into my life. When she was born, her mother prayed to Allah (SWT) that she and her descendants stay safe from the clutches of Satan. May all your Duas get accepted by Allah and may He replace your worries with divine joy. [Quran 2:155], And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient., Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve., And there is not a thing but that with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known measure.. Verse 1 , Verse 2, Verse 3, Verse 4, Verse 5. You can even send some Islamic birthday duas saying how much you feel connected to them. Ask for Allahs blessings. 1- "God tasks no soul beyond its capacity." (2:286) al-Bagarah. Happy Birthday! Happy birthday. Moreover, it is the most important connection with God. Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. I wish you more years to come in health and wealth. Do the people think that they will be left to say, We believe and they will not be tried? Elsewhere, the Holy Qur'an says: "O mankind, surely We have created you from a mele and a female, and made you nations and tribes, that you may know each other. 13. May the Almighty Allah shower you with more success and glorious years as you enter your new year. Happiest birthday ever. I pray for your well-being and success. 48. Go all out and get the best of your birthday. You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance. With happiness that lasts a lifetime and surprises that call for celebrations shall Allah fill your life. We hope to make it easy for everyone to read, study, and learn The Noble Quran. I cannot express how grateful I am to Allah that He has blessed me with you, daughter. 10. May Allah grant you good in this world and in the hereafter, saving you from the torment of the hellfire! "We took the liberty to make some enquiries concerning the ground of their pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation. Sending lots of love and good wishes to my dear daughter on her birthday. 30. My dear brother, I pray that may Allah reward you for your every good deed. They held the belief that the afterlife was a non-issue . May He guide us on the true path and keep us together. [Surah Ali-Imran; 3:45] 5. 52. The Holy Qur'an also singles out the birthday as an important event and worthy of mention. Wishing many happy returns to the world's most caring father! Happy birthday to you from a heart that cares. I love you so much, baby girl. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Congratulations on Quran Ameen. 2 Comments. Have a blessed celebration! I feel very excited and fortunate to witness your special day celebration. 55. "And send salaam on him the day he was born, and the day he dies and the day he wil be raised up to life (again)" (19:15) On the contrary, in any worldly exam, you are evaluated by the results only! Stay blessed and have a splendid day! May the light of Allah guide you to a place where happiness is endless and your smile never fades away. Happy birthday. Allah says in the Quran: And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. Thank you for being such a caring and loving dad to me. Quran 3:200 Abdulkareem Khadeejah on December 14, 2019: Masha Allah, what about bday dua for our kids? And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah] [Quran 2:45], [ : 45]. 27. May Allah continue to bless you with His divine love beyond this day. Happy returns of the day, I love you. As you celebrate your [insert year] birthday with great expectations, may Almighty Allah in His infinite mercy grant you peace of mind and progress! Remind them how important it is to offer prayers to Allah. 1. May Allah fulfill your desire and provide you with an amazing life ahead. I love you so much. May Allah give you abundant resources to do your part in making the world a better place for us all. All praise to Allah who has blessed me with the prettiest and perfect wife. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Happy Birthday Dear. May Allah bless this day and make it a day to remember and cherish. I pray that the blessings of Allah always lead you to the right path, wherever you go. I pray that Allah in His infinite mercy will fulfill all that you wish for in life as you grow older. 1. Zaid Zaid. May you enjoy a marvelous birthday this year. May Allah bless this day forever. Have a blessed celebration! Dear son, no matter how old you have been, always express your gratitude towards Him. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me. [Quran 2:152], [ : 152], Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. All my prayers and good wishes to you. May Allah bless you with good health and long life! Quran 2:153 O you who believe! Quran 2:45 O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. As you have loved and cared for me, may your days be long and forever be in Allahs book of favour. May He put you among the pious people as you keep on growing in mind and spirit. So let not this present life deceive you SurahFatir:: verse 5, He released the two seas, meeting [side by site] 14. Thanks and happy birthday to you. Your email address will not be published. Happy Birthday, brother! Happy Birthday, my pretty lady! I pray Allah give you enough strength and resources for the tasks ahead. And may Allah shower you with blessings of good health and long life! and establish prayer and give zakat. Happy Birthday my dear friend! Bismillah has a practical application. Quotes tagged as "quran-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 106. I rejoice with you as you add another year to your life today. Thanks. Happy Birthday to the best husband! Be sure that the light of victory comes after the darkest moments and the hardest situation. Below are the verses . indeed, I am with you both; I hear and i see. Good learning tool. You have been an inspiration to me, brother. Zaid. May Allah bless you with knowledge and wisdom. I have become a sign to many; you are my strong refuge. Enjoy its bliss! If you had been stern and hard-hearted, they would surely have dispersed from around you.". 54. Forgive my parents and me, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established". I am thankful to Allah, For blessing me with a friend/lover/sibling like you! Its always been my prayer that may Allah fill your life with joy, and success and guard you against harm. Your birthday is a gift from Allah and it is to be cherished, loved and treasured. These were the people who heavily dowelled in . So remember me; I will remember you | Surah Al-Baqarah 2:152. I pray that Allah keeps you safe and sound and helps you reach each of your goals. [They continued] until, when the messengers despaired and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Our victory, and whoever We willed was saved. Quran 21:107, And we created you in pairs Quranic Verse 78:8, The are [varying] degrees in the sight of Allah and Allah is seeing of whatever they do. 4. May He grant you good health as you grow older! Guardian angels Then you will see that one who was once your enemy has become you dearest friend. Happy Birthday! Happy birthday, dear husband. Praise to Allah for giving me the most wonderful gift- YOU! May Allah continue to bless you with His divine love beyond this day. May Allah fill your birthday with love, peace, and happiness! Say, 'God causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt,' but most of the people do not know." - Quran 45:24-26. The almighty send me a gift once. This will always be my prayer for you. May Allah accept you as a good servant of his and make life easier for you. Its another day for the luckiest and most celebrated person I know. Happy Birthday! 32. May He make our home a place full of righteousness, goodness, and peace. (Al Quran, Chapter 2, Verse 119-120) The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) said "There was disagreement amongst Jews and they split into 72 groups. I love you. "Allah (God) is with the believers." Happy birthday to you, dear. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion. . I counted my luck and found its been Allahs faithful to have found such an Angel like you. Happy birthday to you. You indeed hear the prayers attentively. Dear daughter, you are indeed a blessing from Allah. I am always grateful to my Almighty Allah, especially today for blessing me with a life and helping me live through it. May He protect you and bless you always. Enjoy your day! My brother, you have always been a great inspiration to me! You dont have to complain to your friends, brother, sister or even your mother; just say all your sufferings to God. I am very proud to share in your joy today. Happy Birthday, Dear! Its your birthday so celebrate it in a grand style! Have a wonderful birthday celebration! You are my source of happiness and prosperity. May all your dreams and wishes come true today! And Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. While we are able to be grateful when we're feeling joy, let us not forget the blessings of Allah in times of distress too. May Allah shower you with endless joy and prosperity. When the verses of the Qur'an concerning the role of water in man's existence are read in succession today. 42. Husband quotes. May Allah grant you prosperity today and in the years ahead. Wishing you a joyous birthday my friend! Happy Birthday! Today, I pray to Allah to bring us together and make us inseparable that we celebrate every day like its our birthday. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I love you. This is a staggeringly low number and goes to prove our . Quotes tagged as "quran" Showing 1-30 of 286. Nazifi Liman Hussaini Zuru on September 10, 2019: Masha Allah all wishes are awesome thanks. Happy Birthday. May Allahs guidance and protection be upon you and your household! I celebrate today by remembering my maker who gave me life in this world. Sending you hearty cheers on this special day of yours! May Allahs blessings and mercy be upon you as you add a year to your age today! 59. May Allah bestow you with a prosperous and joyous long life! repel evil with what is better. Enjoy your special day, my love! "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear" [Quran 2:286] I love you! He is better than the closest persons around you. Happy birthday to you, my heart. I send you warm wishes filled with Allahs gift of life and abundance. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion. [Quran 57:20], . I love you. I sincerely pray that you have a prosperous life ahead! Happy Birthday! Its another wonderful moment and I pray that Allah continue to bless you with such as this. "And Allah has sent down rain from the sky and given life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness. I bring you good tidings for more fulfilling years ahead. To Him belong the most beautiful names. Happy birthday, my sweet sister. Dear husband, happy birthday. Your birthday is really a special day for me. Allah gives you good news of a Word from Him, his name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and he will be one of those nearest to Allah. I sincerely pray to Allah to add more joyful days to your life and take away all the sadness and suffering! Quran Quotes Alhamdulillah we are Muslim and we believe the Quran / Koran Karimis revealed by ALLAH(subhana wa taala) to MUHAMMAD peace be upon him through the angel Gabriel. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured. [Quran 13:28], [ : 28]. I love this one you really make it easy for us Thank you. His Mercifulness may bless me on a special day like this. Maybe you lost a lot of money or one of your family is has a chronic disease or even you lost your close friend in a terrifying accident. Wish you a very happy birthday, my son. May Allah protect you from evil eyes and make you one of His righteous persons. Ahlan was founded in Cairo, Egypt in 2011 and has developed and grown ever since to include different activities that serve our main inspiration. Happy Birthday! That gift was everything. Stay Blessed! Birthday is a special day to thank Allah for the beautiful gift which he has given to us A gift of life! Surah naziat | verse 27, So when the Quran is recited, Then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive mercy. Happy birthday to you, dear. Quran 2:156, So whoever does an atoms weight of good will see it. This is my sincere prayer to Allah on your birthday. Happy Birthday to you. And Our punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals. [Quran 12:110], . Good luck in your future endeavors. May Allah bless you with all the wisdom and grace. May He bless you abundantly. Wishing you a happy birthday. All thanks to Allah for it all. The can be my honest prayer to Allah on your birthday. In the Quranic context the word means . Have the nicest birthday, I love you. I am grateful for Allahs blessing of a wonderful friend that you are. Happy Birthday! May the years ahead be full of Allahs blessings and happiness. I give glory to the Lord of the heavens and earth for His love, kindness, and goodness upon your life and for His protection and guidance. May the divine grace and blessings of Allah always stay with you, dad. I am forever grateful to Allah for adding another year of joy, prosperity, and blessings to your life.