2. As a matter a fact, the old testament is full of stories of leaders that were considered evil. Otherwise you would go astray very easily with this level of wealth, wisdom, knowledge & understanding. Saul seized his mantle 1 Sam 1:27 As Samuel turned to go, Saul seized the edge of his robe, and it tore. The enemy is always going to attack you will the very thing you have as your anointing. He was the favorite (favor) of his father and as a result his brothers were jealous and envious of him. The pink, which is love is missing. Box 774 Gainesville, Texas 76241-0774, 22nd Prophetic Memoir Activating His Grace, 21st Prophetic Memoir Get Understanding, 19th Prophetic Memoir Even Demons Believe, 18th Prophetic Memoir Secure Your Salvation. I give glory and honour to the Almighty God. So the only thing Solomon got from David was the plans to build the temple and the building materials. 7. Or whatever. Another reference for the Hebrew word for mantle addereth, Strong's Number <0155> also means "glory. Guide me by your Holy Spirit every day while I am here to shine your light and be a living epistle for people to see, in Jesus name, Amen. A mantle not only covers, it envelopes whatever it covers. Romans 13:1-7 (NKJV) 13Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. The guys in the meat department at my supermarket dont like me, LOL. Later, Joseph became a trusted slave, promoted and given charge over all his master Potiphars estate. Verse Concepts. This is another reason they stand out. So they can walk into the purposes of God without having to go through that. Why is that?, They are very good at their job and thrive in their roles bringing much profit to the owner. Ive never seen anything like it before and never since. God will do it for them. I forgot about it and from time to time I would think about it and I would then go online and listen to Pastors preaching about Joseph in the Bible. That some are born into Wealth without any labour. We grow into it. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. I always knew i had something but i did not understand the poverty i am living in. God brings about opportunities where we can minister to people and use our gifts. It takes time. Because you will flourish in this place. We do not self-appoint to a mantle or ministry. We are entering the season when the Josephs will arise. So I started to prophesy over her and I told her the story of what happened at that concert. She just doesnt. Now, if someone who is anointed by God with no mantle holds a conference and doesnt obey and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, what do you think is going to happen? I thought to myself. It was more than the gift of wisdom. Wealth. While they are the position, they have the protection of the mantle. Be strong, and do the work.. When God took Elijah, Elisha took his own cloakthe one he had worn as a servantand tore it in two. 4For he is Gods minister to you for good. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. Thank you for posting. Pretty cool how 3 Marys were at Jesus side and appeared to them first. Do you notice it says when you resist that person in authority you resist God? They are usually very critical of themselves because they will look back at what they did before and always think it wasnt good enough and they couldve done better. Help. And somehow he delivered me and gave me a gift. The problem is they were doing this at the expense of the people. It represented his appointment as a Prophet of God. . You have to use wisdom to get wealth. [1] Read the full story of Josephs mantle in Genesis chapters 37 to 41 and Elishas mantle in 1 Kings 19 to 2 Kings 2. He is the "Anointing." His Presence is "The Anointing." Another definition or meaning for the word anointed is "chosen one." The literal translation of the Hebrew word mashiach (messiah) is "anointed." But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is Gods minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. The story ends in Genesis 50 with Joseph saying that he wants his bones brought back to the land of promise when God comes to rescue and deliver His people. Joseph knew at a young age, through prophetic dreams, that God had called him to rule. Someone I know, a woman deep into the Lord, said, I see what you are getting from the Lord. Ive lost friends from just being a divorced woman which is fine bc he cheated on me so he is the one who disrespected and shamed me even thought I consumed myself in books and the Bible and after I saw that full circle rainbow around the sun in the middle of the day, them later sounds, music, smells, fear of questioning if I was possessed by evil spirits and the crazy clouds and wind and crows and everything almost seem textbook psychosis however- they cant technically say it due to the religious context and the fact that science cant label everyone with a disorder if God made us in him image. 4. Like all imagery in the Old Testament, the mantle presents a visible representation of a New Testament principle. A mantle is used symbolically in the Bible as the righteous call and covering of God in fulfilling our destinies. When he threw it over Elisha it was a prophetic act, declaring that the mantleand the office of the Prophet it representedwas destined to be Elishas in the future. Hi Faith, great to hear from you, and Im glad the message was meaningful for you! I pray now God that you would show me the anointing and mantle that you have placed upon my life. God is no respecter of persons so we all have a purpose and a position in life. Maybe only one person where it was mature and in full operation and others where it was still in infancy stage. Yahweh Elohim, you knew me from my mothers womb, you formed and fashioned me with purpose. God always positions us exactly where he wants us to be, even when it appears that things are not going as planned. Because they understand that where they are now is not where they will end up. This mantle of prayer is a mantle of BLESSING/LOVE ---it is rich---those who are the sons and daughters of royalty always wear fine robes. So I said to the Lord it was dark is it black?. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. I want to leave you with one final thought, reflecting on Josephs Mantle compared to Solomons we have to look at how each of these men ended their assignment. Those who are called to be warriors struggle with fear (remember Gideon). Deep level of Intimacy with the Lord. Most people are in great battles tearing down generational curses and doing spiritual warfare. Blessings. Those two characters all were anointed but ended differently. It is their time now. But with this message, I appreciate and thank God for what I have and who I am. Its so deep. Ive learned something different from this Wisdom involves submission to authorities , the superiority of wisdom, The rich persons success does not mean he has obtained wisdom. Elijahs mantle was more than the regular cloak that he wore. While both handled wealth, Solomon was the owner of what he had while Joseph was a distributor of what he had and he didnt own it. It started before the election of 2016 bc of the bullying I got bc I didnt care for a man saying grab them by_______ bc I didnt trust men at that point bc they dont respect or protect women as much as they try to control or silence our voices bc we are a weaker vessel. I love children but dont have any so Im being a teacher as a part passion of mine. The Biblical oils used are ALMOND representing Spirit-filled life & power, BALSAM representing bringing healing through edification, exhortation and comfort. However, evil has gained positions of power without being anointed for such a position. And we should obey Gods spiritual laws that are in place by not cursing the person wearing the mantle or we will call judgement upon ourselves as we read before in Romans 13:1-7. Hi Helen Amen,powerful message from God and it was my message.God bless you. If someone has this mantle they have the gift of wisdom. of the patriarchs as anointed kings. I have seen that most people who will walk in healing and miracles suffer chronic illness. Your email address will not be published. You can imagine how I got here? When Aaron and Miriam, complained and criticized Moses for his interracial marriage only Miriam was cursed with leprosy. Contact: whatsapp or Call 002330542533200-00233248100101Web: www.prophetfranciskwateng.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/prophfrancisFacebook: www.facebook.com/p. God. They present themselves very well. Thank you for the uplifting word. You need a mantle to hold an office but you can operate in a gifting/anointing for an event without having the office. Pray, Hear, and Obey this is the Christian way. David was a man of war. of Cyrus You need to respect the people in authority who have the mantle. Because they dont have a mantle. He needed to grow into it. Unlike Solomon, Rehoboam actually inherited all his money. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. It is a mantle for a season that the world and the church must go through. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Zaphenath-paneah. It was a mass deliverance from a single note. All of those colors were in Josephs mantle. All of these roles had authority but it progressed higher and higher. So what was that? Unless you are speaking wisdom and knowledge. am puzzled . There will not be a hint of retribution or revenge on you. Thank you for this post. The poor person who is wise and has understanding can see through the pretentious facade of one who seems to have it all But he didnt go from being a youngster with prophetic dreams directly to the palace. 6. Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!. Whether you think they deserve to be there or not. 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. I think God put that there for us to see his progression which means he moved from one position to another, one level to another. learning to know our boundaries through warfare is beneficial even though at times it overwhelmes: We also know that David was also anointed King before King Saul died. I also think that they thought I was crazy until things I warmed them about- happened while I was safe on a beautiful island with rainbows everyday while the mainland was hit with riots, drama, and now- hate from old men in politics, evangelicals, and too many fake prophets like that ________ guy that wrote a silly book about a Harbinger. Its been quite a journey of deliverance on a lot of strongholds and a lot of lessons and its been humbling as well. 2The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. 6So Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. Its burning away, cutting away the world, to be vessels of HIS glory, But were STILL human! People arent going to promote you because you said Praise Jesus 10 times per day. They are so helpful. And the scripture that brought me inhere was Jeremiah 33:3. They have the authority and position. Here is part 2 in this series which is about The Joseph Anointing. Dear blessed MOP team, May I come forth under the power and anointing of the Seven Spirits of God in your fullness of the Spirit, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Fear of the Lord when I am read. God uses those in oversight and authority to recognize and establish us in that calling at the right time. Anoint me with all the gifts to wear the mantle you have ordained for me. prophets garment, robe. He put him in charge of his entire household and everything he owned. With that said, heres how you need to consider mantles and anointings. Thank you for this divine article on Mantle and Anointings. He was raised up for a season when there was a famine and he was the supplier, the one with the resources to sustain the people. Coming back to the laziness, Im sure he may have thought it would be so much easier to make his enemies family members instead of going to war with them. (1 Kings 10:24), 3. Welcome to our Encounter Conference!This morning is going to be filled with glory and power!Make sure to share this broadcast!Chapters:00:00 What happens whe. Joseph ended well and I think it was because of what he had to go through in his life. 30But afterward there will be seven years of famine so great that all the prosperity will be forgotten in Egypt. Ms. Megan Doctor, 7 th Episcopal District. DALLAS, Texas A leadership and motivational speaker recently delivered what he called a "prophetic prayer" to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump via his attorney, claiming that God has given Trump "an anointing for the mantle of government." Lance Wallnau of Dallas posted a video on Facebook on Tuesday that showed the speaker . It wont look pretty to the world but the Josephs will be in place to take up their role and feed the people. The top portion of this is very practical because this is primarily for people in the marketplace so I am going to speak from that perspective and then talk about the spiritual components later. Do you know how many wars Solomon fought? It was already his according to Gods word. It is not a mantle about money and getting rich. It was known long ago what each person would be. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. The other thing that I discovered is that the gay community uses the rainbow as their symbol but their flag only has 6 colors and not 7. 32As for having two similar dreams, it means that these events have been decreed by God, and he will soon make them happen (The Spirit of Understanding). I will now make preparation for it. So David made abundant preparations before his death. Well, this is a very big store and as I am going aisle to aisle shopping I noticed there was really not a lot of people theremaybe 5 people. 21But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. N0! Thank you for this very helpful article. People should be able to clearly see if this is on your life. One day as I am walking in she goes Oh brother! And I realized that there are notes and tones that we can sing that releases things in the heavenlies. Required fields are marked *. After that, I asked the Lord about this. She hasnt grown into it yet. Why? You pray and you fast (water fast is a power fast for deliverance, Daniel Fast is a revelatory fast) until you get delivered from it. Elisha needed to cooperate with the call of God on his life to receive the mantle that was his by Gods appointment. He didnt lay hands on anyone, he didnt tell one demon to leave, he just sang a note. While you can have wisdom, wealth and people give to you, I know very few people who operate in life with ease. Ive primarily seen this anointing/mantle at work in people in the market place ministry. A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. That is why it was multicolored. It doesnt matter how close your parents or grand parents were to Jesus or how devoted they were to Him. 1 Chronicles 28:19Every part of this plan, David told Solomon, was given to me in writing from the hand of the Lord. Mop,thank u for this article. I read part 1 and part 2 to better understand part 3. This was a theater that holds about 15, 000 people. You can actually function and operate in an anointing and not have a mantle. The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory By Frequency Revelator Ebook USD 9.99 Add to Cart Share This Publication clearly portrays the progressive transition and migration from the realm of the anointing, through the mantle to the realm of glory, which are different aspects of manifestation of God's power. Guide me by your Holy Spirit on how to steward the anointing in a way that will please you. Remember, he came forth in a time of famine. Like Joseph and Elisha, as you stay faithful and committed in the long haul, you will ultimately receive the mantle God has for you. I AM AT WORK READING THIS, AND ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK GOD. When everyone else is looking disheveled because they think no one can see them because they work in a back office, the Josephs are going to be better dressed than everyone else. Generally have their eye on the prize. But wait, I said to the Lord where is The Spirit of Might? I pray this has blessed you, please feel free to leave your comments below. David had the anointing to be King, but Saul had the mantle, Elisha was anointed to be the prophet of the land, but Elijah had the mantle, Prince Charles is anointed to be the Sovereign of the UK but Queen Elizabeth has the mantle. James 1:2-4 New International Version (NIV). This is a plot from the enemy. The enemy can accuse, be jealous, speak word curses, appear to steal from you in the natural but he cannot actually take your gifts and anointing or your mantle. I told these dreams to the magicians, but no one could tell me what they mean.. In a practical sense, if you are in arts and entertainment field you can have the mantle to be an actor that then changes to a directors mantle that then changes to a producer mantle when you own the movie studio. It is up to us to align with Him and understand who we truly are in His eyes. And, prophesy). Billy Graham stopped doing his crusades over a decade before he actually passed away, do you think his mantle remained with him until he died? That means, the Pharaoh released the guilty man. People were attracted to David and surrounded him with support because of the kingly anointing. But no two ministries will look the same. Now this all serves as a lesson to us that chasing money and fame is futile. Its like they are a magnate that pulls people in. He showed me that she had a mantle for worship. They are operating under the authority of the mantle and not the anointing. Each mantle and anointing is unique. Warfare starts again. Greed. 6For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are Gods ministers attending continually to this very thing. (5) Consider what you say and write before you do it. In my dream, he said, I was standing on the bank of the Nile River, 18and I saw seven fat, healthy cows come up out of the river and begin grazing in the marsh grass. The good news is that he was repentant for it so we know that the Lord forgave him for that. Let the Jehu Anointing and Mantle Arise! Give me eyes to see the progression of my mantle and anointings. So the entire time until David became King, Saul was acting under the mantle with no anointing. Wow! Try it and let me know if it felt the same to you. One of the first thing I noticed about Joseph is that he never told his brothers the interpretation of the dream. Even the unsaved, as we see with King Cyrus. I didnt even see this until the Lord showed it to me. Benjamin, who was his full brother was not a part of the plot to kill him. All said and done this is a wonderful article whose contents i will also use for teaching, Romans 13:1. Notice, he never told the Pharaoh that he was innocent. It is just a reply of the conversation I was having with my Father, King and God. He has to pass the mantle to Joshua before God will publicly deal with him. (1 Kings 1 11 & 1 Chronicles 28 2 Chronicles 9). She keeps trying to push it away but it keeps coming back. Amen, Hello, at the very beginning of this post are the links for the other two parts. . LOL got to the end of this where you said to pray for something. Formed and fashioned for your purposes to be used for your Glory in this time of famine. He also handed the plans of the temple over to Solomon. This was the first time I was talking to her so I didnt know anything about her. This is more than just favor. You can see the other projects he got involved with in 2 Chronicles 8. So, Joseph had to go through the fire and be purified until God could manifest Himself through him in His FULLNESS. It was worn not only by priests but by kings ( 1 Samuel 24:4 ), prophets ( 15:27 ), and rich men ( Job 1:20 ; 2:12 ). Or you find a deliverance ministry and keep going after your freedom until you are freed from it. This doesnt mean you have to like the person, but you need to respect the authority of the person. As Joseph received the royal robes over his shoulders, maybehe recalled the earlier mantles that he wore: And now its been lost, robbed. But, there was more going on here. The Spirit of Might was in his delivery. Being anointed in a revelation, and giving a bible with inscription good news means what biblically. You can have Joseph's Mantle and Solomon's Anointing at times, you need to read about the difference between Mantles and Anointing to understand these are not the same thing. All of Solomons wealth came from people giving things to him, freely. (1 Kings 11:9-13) While we may not have Solomons Mantle, Im pretty sure throughout our lives God has given us moments of rest from our enemies. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. LORD HAVE MERCY! 2Kings 2:1-25, "(1) The time had come for the LORD to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind. 5. Ill like to add that One of the great things that this Solomon mantle give is FREEDOM & TIME!. He wasnt dead yet. They go the extra mile to ensure that what they are producing is excellent. Everything that I have written here is a really good springboard for you to read the book of Ecclesiastes. Heres a prayer for you when you are ready to begin the process.. Yahweh your Elohim is Esh Oklah, El Kanna (The Lord your God is a consuming fire) may He burn up everything within me that is dross. The first two were: Mantles and Anointing, this is where you should start so you can get a foundation in order to understand what you will read here and. So when I refer to Solomons Mantle I mean someone who is holding an office and not someone who used wisdom to make some money in the stock market for a season. No, they promote you because you are good at your job. They all worshiped other gods and thats what led him astray. Blessings Pamela Uganda. Bless you. You can have Josephs Mantle and Solomons Anointing at times, you need to read about the difference between Mantles and Anointing to understand these are not the same thing. However, now that I walked into the store she was sure things were about to change. Thank you! When you have this mantle your job will be to sustain the people across the 7 mountains, whichever area you are called to. So David fought about 9 battles, thats not counting all the running he had to do from Saul or even Goliath. I know, it sounds crazy but I witnessed it with my own eyes. Elijah threw his mantle onto Elisha, which led to Elisha following in Elijahs footsteps and ministering in the same ways as Elijah. He could have done so much more for the Lord with his freedom and time, instead of wasting it on futility, and thereby losing 10 of 12 nations in His kingdom. For our complete teaching library please visit http://EternalLibrary.org. when i do preach people listen and ask for more which dont go well with the elders i am under.every sphere of My life have impediment. Hi Mike, I guess you could ask God for a mantle but you are going to need training and mentoring in order to use it. The best thing for you to do is ask God to reveal to you what your mantle is. Chosen specifically for those who desire to move in the prophetic. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Mantles and Anointings Part 2-The Joseph Anointing, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, Prophetic Series Part 1 The Gift of Prophecy, developing the spiritual gift of prophecy, the gift of prophecy in the new testament and today, How to start using your Gift of Prophecy Prophetic Series Part 6, understanding the spiritual gift of prophecy, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor, You are on a journey and in a process that cannot be rushed, You need to position yourself to receive that mantle.