I mention this as I use Guar Gum to thicken my Mae Ploy as it is a cool dipping sauce and to keep it authentic . This recipe is made with just five ingredients, including miso paste, honey, chili pepper flakes, vinegar, and garlic, and comes together in five minutes or less. Glad to be helpful. Sugar: For sweet hot peppers dissolve sugar in the hot vinegar before pouring it over the chilies. Fermentation is the natural process of breaking down the peppers with micro-organisms into a more digestible form. Stir. listed as the amount but it was coming out way too spicy- so taste it once it's ready and add more if you feel it needs more, but use a light hand! Won their approval and they came back for seconds. We also have plenty of pasta sauce recipes, as well as sauces for stir-fries and BBQ's. I hope this helps. Wash the peppers and remove the stems. I enjoy spending time in the kitchen, cooking up batches of hot sauce, and it makes me happy when I finish a new batch, freshly bottled. Asian Style Asia is a huge area with a numerous cultures, so it is difficult to characterize their hot sauce collectively, though many Asian hot sauces and sauces are thick and used as chili pastes or chili oils. Truff hot sauce With its celebrity fans (Oprah Winfrey), crazy pricing (170g costs 19.99 at Selfridges ) and designer packaging, this black truffle-infused hot sauce sounds ludicrously bling. Im a huge advocate for dehydrating I am the author of The Spicy Dehydrator Cookbook and a huge advocate for making fun and interesting seasonings. Plan to make some today. With certain hot sauce recipes, you have the option to strain the sauce to thin it out and remove the chunky stuff. and times when it isnt the best use of your time or money. AWESOME for grilled meats and you get bonus points for presentation. Let me know how it goes. Xanthan gum is easy to use if you add it sparingly until the desired thickness is reached. Your email address will not be published. In this way, making your own hot sauce guarantees it will be unique. Douse your everyday meals with this garlic and habanero super hot sauce so you can make them extraordinary, too. How do I get it to stay fully suspended in the bottle? I've been obsessed with the lemon ginger Nama Shoyu special sauce that Life Alive (a restaurant in Cambridge) puts on their god Also Im trying to come up with a Mambo sauce for my steak Hoagies if you have any advice on that. Here is a very simple hot sauce recipe that you can use a base. I was wondering if I could ask for some advice with this recipe idea I have? Unit price / per . Pour everything into yourblender(I use a Blendteclike this one), including peppers and vinegar. Finally, strain the hot sauce through a wire mesh strainer to remove any lingering lumps or pepper fibers. It's definitely hot! RECIPES. Partially cover and simmer over medium-low heat until the carrots are thoroughly tender, about 10 minutes. That would wind up being about 3-4 tablespoons of powder. Gather all the ingredients above and place them in the bowl of your food processor. Check out the USDA Site for good preserving steps: https://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/publications_usda.html. Isnt that awesome? When working with hotter peppers, including superhots, it is important to wear gloves when handling the peppers both in raw and dried forms. I will keep adding to this last as I make the sauces. Making hot sauce is also a great way to preserve your chili pepper harvest. 9. Hope this helps! Brad teaches Sean the art of making pizza in a cast-iron skillet while being subjected to an abbreviated version of Sean's famous hot sauce challenge. If you use a blender, make sure your blender can handle hot liquids. If youre lucky, some of thegiftshops may have toothpicks you can dip in to sample, but usually youre left guessing as to theflavorand heat index of the sauce itself. If you have any questions or comments, contact me any time or leave a comment below. Again, research. This recipe can literally do anything. I haven't even let it sit yet. Search by ingredient below and Ill give you recipe ideas that will please your palette, Whether its for one season or one year, let us take meal planning off your to-do list so you can focus on feeding your family healthy food. Pack the peppers in a food processor and pour in the water. Sale price $12.00. To be technical, target level ph for shelf stable foods is below 4.6 ph, but should probably be lower for home cooks, around 4.0 or so, to account for errors. In New Mexico in particular, they serve up red or green chili sauce all year long. Italy does have hot sauces, such as the famous Diavolo sauce, made with spicy chili flakes or peppers. Youll without a doubt discover some very interesting hot sauces made with local ingredients. That is, until you go to wipe your eye or scratch your nose. When you make your own hot sauce at home, you are free to incorporate whatever ingredients that please you. I wouldn't use too much, unless you want it very thin. For this Hot Sauce tutorial, we primarily used Fresno Chile peppers for two main reasons. Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says. Meanwhile, to a saucepan add apple cider vinegar, water, chopped carrot, and onion, along with the habanero chiles and serrano peppers. Is it possible to substitute apple cider vinegar in place of white distilled? Take notes and listen. Add additional heat if desired. And while this homemade hot sauce does have a shelf stable pH for home use and can be safely stored at room temperature, it also can't hurt to store it in the fridge just in case. There it is, pasta, fermented tomato sauce in a bag, in a jar, cold or hot, you . Cover saucepan half way with a lid, and . Bring it to a boil, then cover and reduce to a lightly-bubbling simmer for 15-20 minutes. Let me know how it all goes. Hot sauce makers are some of the friendliest people Ive ever met, and their passion for their products exudes. Let me know how it goes for you. Mike, thanks for this great article! Remember to work in a well-ventilated area, and wear your gloves! Here are some of the most common. Depends on your ultimate flavor goal. That's a lot of peppers, so you might do a batch of both. Would it help to put in a little bit of Kim chee or sauerkraut to the peppers before fermenting? Thank you, my friends, readers, and spicy food lovers. Which Vinegar is Best for Homemade Hot Sauce? Had some red scorpion pepper and cholate white Carolina reapers, roasted them on my smoker to give them a little smoky flavour. Finally, make sure you cook your sauce for at least 20 minutes and then store it with an airtight lid. Spain cooks with a lot of peppers and some of their hot sauces include Samfaina (like a French ratatouille), Sofrito (peppers with tomato, garlic, onions and oil) and Mojos (herb and oil based with peppers, sometimes). Got more frozen chicken than you know what to do with? See recipe card at the end for quantities. Thank you for sharing! Yes. Pour the vinegar into a saucepan/pot, add peppers, salt, and garlic. There is a very hot version, call Lutenica (aka "Ljutenica" - "Luto" means "hot"), made with peppers, carrots, garlic, oil, sugar, salt, tomatoes, and sometimes eggplant, though interpretations exist from region to region. If making your hot sauce shelf stable (a pH of 3.8 or lower) is important to you, use a ratio of 4 ounces ( cup) vinegar for every 10 ounces of chopped peppers, onions, and garlic combined. Have you ever tried aged balsamic in a recipe? Store the Homemade Hot Sauce in a cool dark location, if possible store the bottles in the fridge as they will last longer. The more powerful your blender is, the smoother your hot sauce will be. Want to work with me? Only one thing I need to know. Here are the ingredients you'll need to make this basic DIY hot sauce. Profound? Just buy some latex gloves, okay? Its shelf life will be extended if you keep it in the fridge. You may miss some of the flavor, but you'll still get plenty. ? : If youre making your own homemade Franks hot sauce, use cayenne peppers! (It's okay if you are.). Leave the seeds and ribs in the peppers if you want a hotter sauce. I've tried. 1 tsp. I made a small adjustment to the text to clarify. Stir it into a green. No false advertising - IT IS HOT. Sauces made with fermented chili peppers will last even longer. The horror! Weve had a Blendtec for 4+ years and have never had a problem with hot liquids (or any problem, for that matter!). Easy. Ingredients for Homemade Hot Sauce Recipe. Spicy Green Tonic Juice $7.25 Pineapple, jalapeno, mint, cilantro and green apple. There are different blends and combinations from all over the world, so you have many, many options. But that type of mindset is for a chump. No problem! Brian, not sure about fermenting powders, though you can try it as you suggest with some live veggies. Any thoughts? Thanks, Sergio. Switch on oven broiler. Pour still-hot hot sauce through a strainer into funnel set up in the mouth of your hot sanitized hot sauce bottle. I love aged balsamic! Also, see my other hot sauce recipes for good examples. Thank you for all that you do! I added more vinegar, but I'm worried about throwing off the taste of the sauce.it doesn't strain the best either. If my ph is in the recommended levels and I am keeping the bottles refrigerated once filled is it really necessary? OK, Mike, you can either quit working on your project or come up with a title that is not hackneyed. Starting up is an investment and the more you know before you start shelling out money the less you waste making mistakes. Much like sanitizing canning jars for homemade jam, you'll want to completely submerge and boil your bottles, and fill them while they and the hot sauce are still hot. There's a lot to consider when making your own homemade hot sauce. The ribs of a pepper are the white part inside the peppers that the seeds are attached to. It's just so tasty, so thank you! You can always add in liquid to thin it out more if it is too thick. Justin, that's really a matter of personal preference, and something you'd need to decide for yourself. Also, this sauce tinted our blender a lovely shade of orange. Thank you Mike for the great pepper site. Place garlic on piece of parchment paper and drizzle with a touch of oil. With this recipe, you should have 15 ounces of peppers, onions, and garlic combined, which is why it calls for cup vinegar. I made a tabasco pepper sauce from the non-fermenting recipe here and will be making the fermented version soon. Let me know how it turns out for you. After a few minutes, the hot sauce will be completely smooth and bubbling away in the bottom of your blender. In order for your homemade hot sauce to be shelf-stable at room temperature, it needs to have a pH of 3.8 or less. (via Two Lazy Gourmets) 2. any idea if this would work with dried peppers from a store? Thanks, Kristy! Shirataki noodles (add directly to boiling broth, cooks in seconds) Rice cakes (the thin ovals are best; the thick Korean-style rice cake logs take too long to cook) Frozen Dumplings (smaller is better; cook time 5-10 minutes, depending on size) Tofu & Bean Curd Soy products are a must-have in our family for any hot-pot meal. Add additional water and blend, until you've reached your desired flavor and heat. Lets get cooking! I appreciate it. It is made primarily with peppers, oil and vinegar, then adjusted with other ingredients to taste. It was liquidy in this morning. If you add a tablespoon or 2 to any ground meat mixture, be it for burgers, meatballs, meatloaf, patties, or whatever, youll add both moisture and flavor. Add the jalapeos, onion, and garlic to a roasting pan. Many home makers believe the low acidity is enough to keep their sauces out of the fridge, but when you have commercial considerations, the standards are much more strict. Commercial products often use a stabilizer like xanthan gum, which also thickens the sauce a bit. Tracking Macros while Breastfeeding For Weight Loss, Thriving instead of Surviving The Holidays, How to meet your career and health goals while traveling for work, An Overview of the FASTer Way To Fat Loss Review, 1 tablespoon of Tamari Sauce (or Nama Shoyu or Soy Sauce), 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (about 1/2 of a lemon), 2 tablespoons of Tahini (sesame seed butter basically). 2 teaspoons oil , any neutral tasting oil (use a few drops of water instead to keep the recipe oil-free) medium onion , diced roughly 2 large red bell peppers , deseeded and cut into chunks 3 large cloves garlic , chopped roughly 6 habanero peppers , tops removed and diced roughly (mine were about walnut in shell size) Chop Kale and arrange on a dish. Remove from heat and allow to cool fully before serving. by checking out other hot sauces and hot sauce makers. My preference, as it really melds and balances. Cheddar Jalapeo No-Knead Bread (Dutch Oven). . Each is good in its own way. Oh man I sure did I love that video. This hot sauce is jam-packed with garlic and spicy chilis. I appreciate the input! Note: If youre making your own homemade Franks hot sauce, use cayenne peppers! excited to try this with my homegrown peppers! Enjoy! Was so excited that evening that I ran a sample to some chefs I know. Bill, yep, you can surely make hot sauce with frozen peppers. Don't fret, just follow this recipe and you'll be okay. I've been using Trader Joe's chili pepper sauce because it had 0 sodium and was relatively inexpensive at $2.00 a bottle. Tacos not seasoned enough? I've lazily tried searching the internet, but just wondered if you could give us an idea of the pHs of various vinegars (I appreciate that they vary) and whether it's okay to mix the higher pH vinegars with the lower ones. How to Stop the Chili Pepper Burn On Your Skin, Superhot Hot Sauce (The Hottest Damn Hot Sauce I Ever Made), Making Seasoning Blends from Strained Hot Sauce Pulp, Swing Top Glass Bottles, 8.5 Ounce - Set of 4, Check out my Homemade Buffalo Sauce Recipe here, http://necfe.foodscience.cals.cornell.edu/regulations, https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/ingredients/xanthan-gum/, https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/recipes/how-to-make-hot-sauce-from-dried-peppers/, https://www.thermoworks.com/pH-Humidity/pH?tw=CPM, https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/chili-pepper-recipes/hot-sauces/homemade-louisiana-hot-sauce/, https://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/publications_usda.html. African the most famous African hot sauce is Peri Peri Sauce, which is made from African Birds Eye chili peppers. Just be sure to process until liquified and smooth. The most basic division with hot sauces is whether or not the peppers are blended with the other ingredients. See How to Preserve Chili Peppers for further information. Remember to work in a well-ventilated area, and wear your gloves! Add cooked brown rice and quinoa blend. If youre going to sell hot sauce, the biggest question is, where will you make it? Is that ok or what? Directions Combine 1 cup water, vinegar, pequin peppers, arbol peppers, garlic, paprika, onion flakes, and salt in a small saucepan over medium heat until the mixture reaches 180 degrees F (82 degrees C) and keep at that temperature for 10 minutes. Kale Chimichurri. If you give it a try please let me know how it turns out! Thisrecipetasteslike FranksHot Sauceand its ready in 15 minutes. Stupid Question: Can you rehydrate chili pepper powder and then ferment it? If you don't have a blender, a powerful food processor can probably get the job done, though I haven't personally tried it. Think anywhere from jalapenos to serranos to cayenne peppers to Thai peppers, habanero peppers, superhot peppers like 7 Pots, scorpions, the Carolina Reaper and so much more. Then why does it say to use within a week? There is a vibrant hot sauce market in the U.S. today, and wouldnt it be wonderful to be a part of it, selling your own brand of hot sauce to the masses of spicy food lovers? 1 tsp (5ml) sesame oil - optional if you don't have it in the pantry and makes a darker colored sauce. When you incorporate other ingredients, you begin to develop a flavor profile, and one sauce may work for one particular dish over another. Remove from heat and cool. If they rise above and poke upward, push them down to make sure they are covered. Thanks for sharing a excellent recipe, as a mexican I am , I love food and some other staff with a little bit of fire hot sauce. Use it to make our delicious Buffalo Chicken Pizza and our One-Pan Buffalo Chicken Potatoes. To get the traditional reddish orange color some recipes call for carrots. I did run it through a strainer. McIlhennys sauce became the famous Tabasco hot sauce that we know today. General Hot Sauce: It's the Renaissance Man of hot sauces. Garlic and spicy food lovers, this condiment will be your new addiction. Salt is ubiquitous. Try the Mulilo chili sauce made from Kambuzi chilis which are grown in south Eastern Africa country of Malawi. Save leftover dressing for salads, dip and future grain bowls . Cook. Garlic Chili Hot Sauce. So when Jimmy decided he was going to start making his own hot sauces I was interested in the process, but kinda bummed that I wouldn't reap any of the rewards. Stir the garlic often while the pot heats up, and use a slotted spoon to strain it out of the pot as soon as the garlic begins to look golden. Truly essential. It's creamy, refreshing and seems to make any dish taste better. Slowly increase speed from low to high until the sauce is completely smooth. Let me know how it all goes. -- Mike H. Categories: Cooking Tips Tags: Chili Pepper Madness, chili pepper recipe, hot sauce recipe, Your email address will not be published. Certain dried peppers make for hugely flavorful sauces and hot sauces, particularly Mexican varieties like anchos or pasillas. When the oil is hot, add mushrooms and cook for 3-4 minutes, then add the onions and cook until translucent. Had a bad day and cant bother putting effort into dinner? Posted by Lisa at 6:23 PM Transfer the fermented peppers, onions, garlic and cilantro into a blender. That is the best way. Thank you. Some successes too. This should go without saying, but your hot sauce needs to be the best hot sauce it can be. Excellent article. The pH strips are OK to use, but not as accurate as a pH reader. Use clarified butter, butter without milk solids, works best. It all starts with an essential ingredient chili peppers. Does it have to be refrigerated and ship cold? Set aside to cool. A simple sauce can make a meal. Instructions. Citrus fruit is very commonly used, as is pineapple and mango, though I have experimented with hot sauces made from kiwi, papaya, coconut and more. Choose the reddest peppers you can find and try not to dilute with too many other ingredients which can change the color. Pepperocini are turning a nice red and get a little heat to them, but my jalapenos and serranos are having a hard time turning red. Stir all of the ingredients together in a small sauce pot. Sale Sold out. It seemed like a lot of work to make homemade hot sauce and then it only keeps for a week in the refrigerator. I'd love to hear about your new combinations. Hot sauce doesnt have to be a finisher only. Hi, Roger. the shelf life is good for months. Copyright 2023 Foodie Pro on the Foodie Pro Theme, Honest Review: KitchenAid Cordless Food Processor, 15+ Things For Anyone Who Is SO Over Diet Culture, 9+ Stylish, Functional Sourdough Containers for Your Starter, There's a lot to consider when making your own, Fresno peppers, or desired combination of red peppers. Once youve had it fresh, its really hard to want to go back (though Jimmy makes an exception for Cholula, because "that hot sauce was created by the gods"). Cook it a while, low and slow, to really let that hot sauce permeate your chili. The best way to thicken a hot sauce is to limit the amount of liquid added in the beginning. But if you use hot sauce on everything from, then you should definitely make your own hot sauce. What I'm after here is a little kick, and a stable shelf life. Try it with 3 and see how it comes out. The sort of thick cut or chunky version of this pepper-sauce is one which takes me back to being a small fella on the islands and 'Soup Saturdays'.That thick, ground provision laden soup mommy would make for us for lunch every Saturday. Oh, and 1 bush of habanero too (getting a nice orange:). Justin, you can always thin with a bit of water and that won't affect flavor at all. Do this for all of the peppers and you'll have a super mild hot sauce. By far one of the most common questions I receive about hot sauce making is how long will this hot sauce keep? You'll get the best, smoothest, and fastest results using a high end, high powdered blender like a Vitamix. great article. Spray a 9x6-inch or 9x9-inch baking dish with baking spray, set aside. Here is what they had to say. In a medium saucepan, combine pepper, onion, garlic, and water. We dont recommend adding additional heat when youre cooking the peppers on the stove when you make this the first time. Time and light exposure are the death of flavor. Also, the fumes from the chili peppers and/or the fine powders may get into the air if you are not working in a well ventilated room, so you may want to wear a mask and goggles. The best way to make your hot sauce hotter is to incorporate a spicy chili powder. Journalist turned pastry chef, on a mission to make cooking and baking fun and accessible. Left half the seeds of the Jalapas. However, you might need either a fermentation starter, or you can add them to the brine with fresh pods to kickstart the process, if needed. Tabasco starts with tabasco peppers which they crush, mix with salt, and ferment in oak barrels for up to 3 years. Thanks for this. Sure, its great for dashing over practically anything, but you can use it as a base as well. Thanks, Mackenzie. Carefully consider what you want to call your hot sauce. I find them locally sometimes, but I also order through Amazon. Fruit is always fun to play with. I'm running serrano's with poblano and some bell and cilantro. This may require a few minutes of blending. My brother is in culinary school and know I love hot sauce and suggested I make my own. The first advertisement for a commercial hot sauce in the United States seems to be in Massachusetts in 1807 by a farmer for a cayenne sauce. Take a look at the hot sauce recipes section and you'll find a few green sauces. European Style Ive encountered Hungarian Hot Paprika as well as Ajvar (pronounced eye-var smoky roasted red peppers with sometimes eggplant), which is a Balkan sauce. When you add the shallots and garlic to the kitchen scale with the chopped peppers, you should have about 15 ounces total of peppers, shallots, garlic, and peppercorns. Thanks for the full "one stop" website. You are always welcome in our cafs and we hope to see you soon. It's a sprightly, all-purpose sauce that's vividly flavored with cilantro, chiles, garlic, and lime juice. If you use a blender, make sure your blender can handle hot liquids. Looking at producing my hot sauce for stores and markets etc, and wondering on it's dry shelf life before refrigeration. Dee, you can leave out the salt for your own purposes. If you plan on storing your hot sauce in the fridge, you can reduce the amount of vinegar to as low as 4 ounces (, For a hot sauce with a sweeter, fruitier profile, use. Maybe replace part of the vinegar content with booze and see how it turns out. Even mild peppers can create flavorful sauces. Once cool, transfer to a blender and puree. It molds to whatever pepper you have on hand. Place pepper mixture in the bowl of your food processor and process with vinegar until smooth. Do not throw that pulp away! I do it all the time for sauces and meals. In your guide you have a section for thickening a sauce, however I need the opposite. You'll want to pause to scrape down the sides of the bowl several times and will probably have to let it run for a longer time. An important caveat: This "shelf stable" pH of 3.8 is for hot sauce intended solely for like, home use, or maybe, maybe if you're selling it at a farmer's market or something. David, you can absolutely reduce or even skip the salt with hot sauces. Pour mixture into blender or food processor and process until smooth. Check out ourPasta Recipes. I greatly enjoy them, but find some of the different from hot sauces made with fresh pods. Do you think this is OK or are there issues I may run into? Hello, Mike. OMG this is awesome. Just swirl in a few tablespoons of butter into your simmering hot sauce and youve got the makings of Buffalo Wing Sauce. Step 3. Pour the vinegar into a sauce pan/pot, add peppers, salt andgarlic cloves. Check out my Homemade Buffalo Sauce Recipe here. By Tiffany Published February 13, 2020 Last Updated March 19, 2020 159 Comments. Learn more at this page Cooking with Hot Sauce. You can dehydrate it to make a homemade seasoning blend. I made the real simply sauce and it is wonder. Harissa Sauce. Then, decide for yourself if it is worth it to you. You'll notice a trend, as Cholula is the most popular hot sauce in America. While still hot, carefully pour everything into a powerful blender. And then once opening keep it in the refrigerator. Ready in 15 minutes and can be tailored to mild, medium or hot however you want! And you just can't get that experience with a glass bottle. A good nonreactive pot for cooking the sauce, Kitchen scale, for measuring peppers and other ingredients. Glad to be helpful. See ourDips Recipes. Hey, just found your site. I can't wait to try all of these. The color will dull slightly as time . Lots of kale and green herbs, olive oil and lime juice, any nuts/seeds you have on hand, and a punch of garlic and red pepper flakes. I cook with a lot of booze in sauces, and usually let it simmer to burn out the alcohol and incorporate the other flavoring ingredients. They've discontinued it so now I find myself attempting to make my own. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes to allow the flavors to develop. Required fields are marked *. Hi, Heather. Thaw in the refrigerator and then give it a good stir in case the sauce has separated from freezing. Ready in 15 minutes and can be tailored to mild, medium or hot however you want! As I run a food blog dedicated to spicy foods as well as chili peppers, I receive emails and comments all the time related to making hot sauces. Tomatoes are widely popular for their depth and versatility, as are carrots for their surprising sweetness and substance. Just be sure to process until liquified and smooth. Add the beets, avocado, pepitas and cheese. With chopsticks or a fork, mix in a circular motion until combined. There is nothing more widely variable than seasonings. Our journey is only just starting with some chilli seeds in egg boxes waiting to germinate, but really can't wait to get cooking after reading this. How to Stop the Chili Pepper Burn On Your Skin. Wasn't expecting much and was really run a pre-trial test before the tabasco peppers. This gives you the chance to adjust the heat after the fact, little by little. But if you only have a food processor, thats fine too. I understand that logic. You may need to do this in a few batches. helps make the smoothest, creamiest hot sauce in town. Id suggest using zip-sealed freezer bags for ease of freezing. In reality, you need to cook them to process into a sauce in many cases, so absolutely. Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool for 5-10 minutes. Jimmy usually does a mix of both some peppers with seeds, some peppers without. Middle Eastern Style Chili peppers are popular for sauces in the Middle East with sauces such as Harissa (a flavorful chili paste), Muhammara (a hot pepper dip), Shatta (a chunky pepper sauce), and Zhug (an herb and oil based sauce with peppers), with flavors of Middle Eastern spices. Thats acidity. Sure thing, Justin. As you can see when I tested the pH of this hot sauce, it landed squarely between 3.0 and 3.5 on the pH scale. Regular price. Add egg white, scallion, white pepper, salt, cornstarch, and Shaoxing wine to the shrimp. Thanks for any and all of your help. You can measure ph levels with ph strips or a good ph meter, which you can pick up from Amazon or other retailers. Great work you do here. It's no secret that garlic and chilli go together like peas and carrots, so this hot sauce was bound to swoon our taste buds from the get-go. Stick to peppers in the same color family unless you want brown hot sauce. Hiya chap,if you haven't found a good UK brand of hot chili sauces check out http://WWW.NORFOLKHEATWAVE.COM I recommend Nelsons ghost as a great starting point!. This sauce has a thicker consistency than some, and is on the sweeter . If you have a less powerful blender, you may need to let it blend for longer to get a smooth texture. They preserved meats with peppers and cooked them into almost every meal. Keep the collected brine that is in the bowl below! It will add some garlic flavor and heat to your everyday food, for sure. The oils can get on your skin and cause burning sensations. You can introduce a mixture of peppers of varying flavors and heat levels, add in vegetables like tomato, onion, garlic, and/or carrots for big flavors, try fruit for sweetness, toss in interesting seasonings, and so much more. Fresh chili peppers offer a big range of flavors and heat. Regular price . I appreciate it. Awesome, Jeff. The main thing is to get the pH down to 3.5 or lower for home preserving.