Iowa Capital Dispatch is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Photo of electric charging station powered by diesel generator is emblematic of the electric vehicle movement. During her comments she stated that litter boxes were provided within MPS student restrooms for those who identify themselves as 'furries. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. It is very unfortunate that this rumor has been spread over the last several weeks.. Texas district debunks GOP hopefuls claim," Jan. 27, 2022, USA Today, "Fact check: No, a Michigan public school did not provide litter boxes for students identifying as cats," Jan. 30, 2022, YouTube, "No, furries don't get litter boxes in school bathrooms | Is This Legit?" A TikTok user in a video that has gone viral claimed falsely that she was fired from a school after failing to respect a student's decision to identify as a cat. [] reports have popped up elsewhere. "Kids who identify as 'furries' get a litter box in the school bathroom. go to the park or an animal shelter and maybe youll be adopted! It was about a rumor involving an Iowa school. Third, they need to take their de-worming pills and dont forget their flea and ticket collars. Dont think its not happening in your area because it probably is. Some furries even wear animal costumes or tails in public. Either she was paid to lie by the democrats about this TRUE movement by the democrat back kids movement to get special privledges ) like LBGTQ and BLM followers .. Hi John: Im a guy and I make no money from this site other than through ads, which I only enabled a month ago. A Michigan school district has debunked a wild claim that a school provided litter boxes for students who identified as "furries" people who dress up as . The real goal with comparing furries to trans people and bringing up stuff like this is, one, to make fun of furries and say, Oh, arent they so silly. The same falsehood also circulated in an Iowa district, and a congressional candidate in Texas tweeted that school cafeteria tables were being "lowered" to accommodate students identifying as . Some things in life, like cats, are too good to be muddied by Americas toxic ideological wars. The schools superintendent, Michael Sharrow, was forced to do damage control with a public statement, telling parents its a source of disappointment that I felt the necessity to communicate this message to you., There is no truth whatsoever to this false statement/accusation, Sharrow wrote. Go to the bathroom in a toilet and flush. Actually, I was listening to Simon Conway talk about this today, and it apparently IS going on in IOWA schools. Iowa Jan 9, 2022 #1 I refused to believe it the first time I was told this, but have been told by three different people, that I generally trust, that schools are putting kitty litter in their restrooms due to students identifying as cats. ", The post was later edited to add, "I have no litter box proof. Suggests root canals are linked to breast cancer. -, Another Viral Story Claims A Student Identifies As A Cat Pain In The Bud, Cat On The Street: What Do You Think About Humans Identifying As Felines? "I get to the third row and I hear this 'meow!' I pointed out last week that we not only have men who identify as women (and vice versa), but we have whites who identify as blacks and human beings who identify as animals, including cats, dogs, parrots, and even mythical dragons. False: The claim is demonstrably false. The inmates cannot continue to run the asylum. Two curious stories relating to cats have been circulating online this week: In the first story, a substitute teacher claims she was fired because she refused to meow back to a student who "identifies as a cat," while parents in a Michigan school district were infuriated by a rumor that the district was providing litter boxes to cat-identified I dont accept sponsored posts and I have a no-politics policy, even for politics-adjacent subjects like this. An Iowa newspaper reported some students in a small town identified as cats. Not only that, but for you to also identify them as cats. I go through life being a cat - it's just who I am." "It all started in high school, I have always been into cats, I mean that's where my name came from. Or bestiality. She continued: "It was addressed by a child a couple of months ago that they are put in an environment where that are kids that identify as a furry cat or a dog or whatever. "They identify with animals. It's more about the complexity of neural connections. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But according to Superintendent Mark Martin, a petition isn't needed. If you have people who act like and believe they ARE animals, that is NOT a Furry. One of them decided she was a princess, and convinced all the other kids to wear these fake horse ears and tails. School districts in several states have debunked the claim that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. 2022 03 31 Dr Duke Pesta VFW Hartland. They should not be allowed to attend school as school is meant for humans. '"The grandmother said a petition to end the practice was created by students and has more than 1,000 signatures. Waukee taxpayers voice displeasure at heated meeting. A teenage girl from Melbourne, Australia, identifies as a cat, according to multiple news stories. BBC News edited out boos in footage of Boris Johnson arriving at the Queens Platinum Jubilee thanksgiving service. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent sent out an email to parents to knock down a false rumor that there were litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate students who "identify" as cats. I will make contact with the local Humane Society so we can get a vehicle out there to get these unlicensed, unvaccined animals into the local pound. The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our web site. Talk about a health violation!! You need evidence for that, and this is a very serious treatment.. Brogan, Dylan. Who was Suzanne Morphew's brother David Moorman? If they feel they are cats, they should stay home, get a liscense and a rabies shot and use their back yard or litter box. And lots of people of all ages actually do engage in fantasy role-playing as entertainment. Seriously, Parents are allowing their kids to think they are cats! If youve ever used the phrase Fake News now YOU can actually DO something about it! The student allegedly has permission to act like a feline and be non-verbal in class, so long as . This is about stupidity not transphobia. Just when I thought school couldn't get any weirder, "Kids who identify as 'furries' get a litter box in the school bathroom," Maddock wrote on Facebook. "I will do some more investigation," she added. A TikTok user, whose account name is @crazynamebridgetmichael, explains in the video. An Iowa newspaper reported some students in a small town identified as cats. If they are not claimed within 72 hours, they need to be euthanized. This is sadly happening, and even in rural, conservative, farm country, Iowa. A furry is someone who role-plays or identifies as an animal, or an animal character with human-like characteristics. I start looking on the ground, through the fourth roweverythings good. I understand that children do this because they want attention and don't know how to behave. A level of psychiatry needs to be initiated before creating accommodations for students who identify as cats. China threatens to shoot Nancy Pelosis plane down if she visits Taiwan., Know what they always find in Alzheimers patients? When I read such news, I ask myself if the advent of the Internet was a good event. I get to the third row and I hear this meow! Uhhh, excuse me? Midland Public Schools Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow took to Facebook on Thursday to deny the claims, insisting no litter box accommodations had been made for any students who identify as a "furry.". WARNING RANT!!! Curiously, this is the second piece of misinformation purporting that students are identifying as animals this week. His note came amid a heightened scrutiny of schools across the nation, where curriculum about race is being questioned and the recommendations of certain books might lead to criminal prosecution. Answering the Left: But do you know any gay people? Seriously, an asteroid can hit plant anytime now. We have excellent schools here. Email us atexclusive@the-sun.comor call212 416 4552. Three doctors from the same hospital die suddenly in the same week, after the hospital mandated a fourth COVID-19 vaccine for employees. The only animals allowed in public schools are for the blind or those with a medical condition requiring a dog. Go to the fifth roweverybodys there. Interestingly, the school wrote it doesnt want to discourage or thwart the creativity or individualism of students, but it wants to promote a safe and healthy culture for all kids to feel comfortable. Please! In Iowa, an unsourced, anonymous report claimed that school boards were considering placing litter boxes in the bathrooms, while a Canadian public school director took to the media to connect similar rumors in his [], [] Similar reports have popped up elsewhere. #substituteteacher #substitueteachers #genxkid #genxtiktokers #over50andfabulous. I've got to rant for a minute," the teacher says in a short TikTok video. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. This isnt about mocking transgender people. Hansens claims were picked up and reshared by a state GOP chairwoman, Meshawn Maddock, who warned Parent heroes will TAKE BACK our schools in a Facebook post. It probably wont pass, but it serves a larger purpose of making Iowa parents distrust and fear public schools at a time when Gov. Yes, there are instances where accommodations are made for students who have disabilities as required by law and district policy. I have two grandkids in school and my grandkids didnt want to go to school anymore," she said.She said the issue gained attention on social media once people started sharing photos and videos of the feline costumes and behavior, "I started getting videos and messages from kids, and I said, 'Ok, Im going to post this so parents know whats going on. CARROLL, Iowa The Carroll Community School District recently had to put an end to a rumor that it had placed litter box in bathrooms to accommodate student who identify as animals. After deciding to "fact check" whether the video has indeed spread online, she found it on several outlets including Citizen Free Press, News Punch and "Tucker Carlson's newsletter" (Newsweek has not been able to independently verify the latter claim). The woman says she was born the wrong species. My psychologist told me I can grow out of it, but I doubt it, she told an interviewer. There is no truth whatsoever to this false statement/accusation! Lawmakers are debating all kinds of extreme legislation, like Sen. Jake Chapmans school porn bill that threatens teachers with prison. But as of right now, I have not been able to verify a single one of the claims. A hair-raising group of youth are apparently terrorizing a Meade County high school. Feline humor, news and stories about the ongoing adventures of Buddy the Cat. 'Uhhh, excuse me? Put them on a leash to go to the bathroom outside. Accessed 5 Apr. Somehow, it always comes back to money. The rumor had also been peddled on Facebook by the co-chair of the Michigan GOP, Meshawn Maddock. Carroll School District. No. Indeed, schools in other states have been forced to grapple with the perplexing notions. You have entered an incorrect email address! They wear animal accessories (ears, tails, etc) and they paw at other kids backpacks and shoes, etc. A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. Its not make-believe or fantasy. You must log in or register to reply here. 33701 Obviously, this is the influence of some subculture or movement where it is necessary to behave like an animal. Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Be a serious parent or parents. In Michigan, a school superintendent also sent an email to parents to say the claim was false, after a parent stated it publicly at a school board meeting that garnered more than 80,000 views on YouTube. Ethan started an online petition to allow transgender students to use public restrooms at Spirit Lake schools on Monday and it has received more than 700 signatures so far. The claim: A Michigan school put litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats A video of a central Michigan school board meeting went national in mid-January after a parent. If we do encounter a verifiable story about a school district doing that, Ill absolutely write about it. Even putting litter boxes in the bathrooms in some schools? TikTok False: The claim is. The Michigan incident started when a mom of kids at the Midland School District, about 130 miles northwest of Detroit, spoke at a school board meeting about a rumor which she took as fact alleging the school was accommodating furries by providing litter boxes in unisex bathrooms. 801 3rd St. S This is definitely going on in schools. Iowans value integrity in their government. In February The Carroll Community School District in Iowa also sent a message to parents saying rumours of them accommodating students identifiying as cats, and adding kitty litter boxes to bathrooms were not true. This is the world we live in today, and this is the danger created by normalizing transgender delusions in young students who may get over it. Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. "Not making them participate. ! wrote Carroll resident Shelly Loew on Facebook, in a now-deleted Monday post of which Iowa Capital Dispatch obtained screenshots. I'm like, 'Okay, what's up with that? In a recent interview with Norweigen radio channel NRK P3, a 20-year-old woman says she identifies as a cat. Any cats involved? In a follow-up video the teacher admitted she made up the story to create awareness of what kids are going through at school. She didnt elaborate, so its not clear if she was criticizing school policies for allowing students to identify as different genders or arguing that kids needs arent accommodated. Her post elicited comments from a former Carroll school board president, Jen Munson, that I warned people during the election about this type of stuff and from an area resident, Tristan Hinners, who claimed that Des Moines has students who say they are a dog and a falcon. Its like that show and South Park are sort of grandfathered in and get away with things due to their success, but new shows wouldnt be allowed near some of these topics with a 10-foot pole. School districts in several states have debunked the claim that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. (Photo by pixelfit/Getty Images). Its a lot easier to weather calls for cancellation when youve been around for 20 years, youve made billions for your parent company and you have a contract that keeps you on TV for years yet. Supposedly this is real. A Michigan superintendent said a rumor that a school district has litter boxes on school grounds for students who identify as furries to use the bathroom is false. There have never been litter boxes within MPS schools. The state's House of Representatives Thursday approved House Bill 1749, which would bar public schools and state colleges and universities from requiring that teachers use students' preferred. "Staff members are not encouraging or accommodating anyone behaving or identifying as a cat or any other animal," Superintendent Casey Berlau said Tuesday in a note to parents in the western. Whos doing it? And this little girl in the very front row says, You have to meow back at him; he identifies as a cat. Are you kidding me?, The student stormed out of the classroom when she laughed at him, she said, and the schools administration fired her: They said We no longer need your services if you cant identify with all the children in the classroom.'. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some develop elaborate video-game personas. "I was hearing rumblings of this last year, but it really got bad when they went back to school this year. ' she said in the TikTok video. Digital IDs were given to residents in East Palestine, Ohio, to track long term health problems like difficulty breathing before the Feb. 3 train derailment. a typical day of subbing! Big cities run by Democrats for decades are now supposedly 'ungovernable', HBO's sexploitation is a workers' rights travesty, WATCH: Steven Spielberg likens rise in antisemitism to 'Germany in the '30s', AOC gloats after construction of Virginia Amazon headquarters delayed as company cuts jobs, Alex Murdaugh trial: Watch the key video that could've sealed guilty murder verdict. "Staff members are not encouraging or accommodating anyone behaving or identifying as a cat or any other animal," Superintendent Casey Berlau said Tuesday in a note to parents in the western. Top image: A 20-year-old Norwegian woman who identifies as a cat. As you would make yourself available to a student with an academic issue or a student who identifies as LGBTQ, making yourself known as a student advocate for all students is essential. For those of you who don't know what a furry is (I certainly didn't before I had them as students), allow me to explain. A short TikTok clip in which a woman claiming to be a substitute teacher vents about a school supposedly firing her for failing to respect a student's decision to identify as a cat has gone viral on social media. A Facebook post says schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. A grandmother of a student reported that a crew of kids dressed as cats has been hissing and scratching at others. Taylor, doesnt your school have acting, dance, music, and art classes where you can express yourselves? Members of the "furries" fantasy subculture tell The Post they're not wild about this week . If a bunch of teens are willing to eat poisonous laundry pods for a social media post, pooping in sand seems almost harmless by comparison. Theyre also allowed to bark. They are acting just as described in this article. Human civilization has to put a halt to these destructive behaviors. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ***The Iowa Standard is an independent media voice. Excessive aluminum in the brain. A school is reportedly supporting a "phenomenally bright" teen girl who identifies as a cat. The World Economic Forum has its own police force. Students in Wilkes County, North Carolina, "identify themselves as cats or 'furries'" and "have asked for litter boxes to be placed in school restrooms for them to use." Having said that, I can picture Family Guy creating much fanfare with this fictional student-cat-identity and substitute-teacher-noncompliance story. We did not find any credible news reports that say schools are providing litter boxes. Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief and director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Johns Hopkins University Hospital (and current distinguished professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences), echoed this sentiment when discussing the medical field and transgender people. Where did you get your info. He said the costumes violate the school dress code: Im entitled not to accept mental illness as a real thing. Comments above just about cover it. Who's doing it?' How were you or your family members conceived?! However, by constantly celebrating their decisions as brave, holding parades, allowing them to compete in sporting events with biological women, naming them women of the year, or even acknowledging gender identity as something more than junk science, society merely reinforces disturbing behaviors. A couple of weeks ago we received an email. The only problem is it isnt true. If a student who identifies as a coyote tries to kill and eat a student who identifies as a cat, is the teacher allowed to interfere? These furries, as were told they are called, are also allowed to hiss and meow at other students. Make yourself available and visible to all students. Some people laughed at how absurd it is that school kids are supposedly going around claiming to be animals. Who is Suzanne Morphew and when did she go missing? Meade County Schools will not discuss individual student discipline due to privacy laws. Happy birthday to Nano, and hopefully hell have many more! We did not find any credible news reports that support the claim. Proof would be a letter home to parents, a notice on a district website, a copy of a school policy, that sort of thing. Youre literally following a rumor mill. A furry. But the narrative that schools would indulge students in this fashion has a much darker underbelly. Editor Kathie Obradovich has been covering Iowa government and politics for more than 30 years, most recently as political columnist and opinion editor for the Des Moines Register. MEADE COUNTY, Ky. The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats. The story was picked up by several widely-read sites, included in Tucker Carlsons daily newsletter, and reshared on prominent Twitter accounts in addition to going viral on Facebook.