The Bankey Bihari Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Krishna as part of Radha-vallabha tradition. [15][16] Nimbarka was the first well known Vaishnava scholar whose theology centered on goddess Radha. On this day, devotees celebrate Krishna performing a beautiful dance called "rasa lila" with Radha and the gopis - the cowherd damsels of Vrindavan. Radha finds out the truth about her past. It is said that she did not get salvation from the cycle of births and deaths in her past life with Lord Krishna so she was born as Meera Bai again. One of Krishna's wives once saw him sitting in a park with another woman. [137] On this day, Radha Krishna in temples are dressed in white outfits and are adorned with flower garlands and glittering ornaments. Radha is a Hindu goddess who is often associated with Lord Krishna. The reality star welcomed her first child with Slipknot DJ Sid Wilson four months ago and . Radha was born as the daughter of Vrishbhanu and his wife Kirti. [52][53], According to Jaya Chemburkar, there are at least two significant and different aspects of Radha in the literature associated with her, such as Sri Radhika namasahasram. While Radha was Krishnas wife in his previous birth, an incident narrates that she once saw Lord Krishna sitting in the park with Virja, another of his wives then. Krishna and Radha are one of the favorite subject in Rajput paintings because they portrayed a theme that symbolized the desire of the soul to be united by god. [68][69] In Kishangarh paintings, Radha is represented as beautifully dressed woman in ghagra choli with pearl jewelry and a dark diaphanous veil over her head. Some even claim that he believed that they both are the same and that is the reason why Krishna married Rukmini. She was one of the top heroines for a decade from 1981 to 1991. Radha Ashtami Celebration "consort of Radha"), where goddess Radha is worshiped as the supreme deity, and Krishna is in a subordinate position. [42], Some traditions state that Radha was married to another gopa named Rayan (also called Abhimanyu or Ayan), but she still used to love Krishna. Because of not having born from the womb, Radha is also known as Ayonija. Radha, in contrast to her paramour Krishna, who may have previously been a human hero who was raised to divinity via tradition, is a completely fictitious character. An angry Radha started rebuking Lord Krishna. [15][16][17] Radha is also described as the feminine form of Krishna himself. These women's stories were all shared on an Instagram thread after one Instagram user shared that she was most worried about having a bowel movement when in reality, one of her most embarrassing moments was letting out gas for 20 seconds while holding her newborn. Meet foils Manmeet's plan. The boys kept chasing her despite her refusal. [93][94][95][96], There is limited information about the life of Radha and gopis after Krishna left Vrindavan. And if another legend associated with Radha and Krishna is anything to go by, then the two couldnt get married because of separation. [118], In some devotional (bhakti) Krishnaite traditions of Vaishnavism that focus on Krishna, Radha represents "the feeling of love towards Krishna". When her parents traveled to Nand Gaon to see Lord Krishna, she looked at him for the first time. Ram had promised Sita to have only one wife. Krishna confides in Radha about the ill-fated curse that separated them in the first place. Ayan Yadav is an assistant director and actor, known for Aaja Na: Vasu Kainth (2020) and The Lovers. Date of Birth - May 12, 1989 | Age - 33. - Radha Krishna Marrige Place Full Details Recents Post Annapurna Mandir Kashi: . Many people believe that Krishna never married Radha because he loved Radha so deeply and because he was in love with Radha. Indeed, the more popular vernacular traditions prefer to worship the couple and often tilt the balance of power towards Radha. A possible explanation is Jayadeva's friendship with Nimbarkacharya,[36] the first acharya to establish the worship of Radha-Krishna. She did not even exist when she was born. Radha was born to Vrishbhanu and his wife Kirti, the daughter of their daughter. Kelly Osbourne offered fans a peek of her newborn son after mother Sharon Osbourne spilled the news of his birth without her daughter's permission. In loving Krishna, Radha violates the basis of caste, showing no care for the realities of social structures. Radhas superiority is observed in Krishnas flute, which repeats the name Radha. Did Lord Krishna have daughters? Radha is therefore acknowledged by Chaitanyaite Vaishnavas to be part of very center of their theological doctrine. Though Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (15th century, the founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism) is not known to have worshiped the deity couple of Radha-Krishna, his disciples around the Vrindavan region, affirmed Radha as the hladini shakti ("energy of bliss") of Krishna, associating her with the Primordial Divine Mother. --Priyaa-- Senior Member. Generally, the goddess Sita, faithful consort of the god Rama, is regarded as the most important positive role model for women. As it is stated in bhagvad gita that all our current life has some connection with our past life. The most famous Indian classical dance Manipuri Raas Leela was first introduced by King Bhagyachandra around 1779. [116][117], Friedhelm Hardy singles out such an offshoot of Krishnaism as Radha-centered stream Radhaism. The day also commemorates Radha and Krishna's spiritual association and their selfless and wonderful love bond. [42] Many interpreted it as a person's love and devotion towards god which is not bounded by social limitations. Because Radha is portrayed as a fictional character in the film, some conclusions can be drawn. Meerabai was born (1498-1547) in the sixteenth century . Whether the story of Radhas birth is true or not, she is still revered by millions of Hindus as the epitome of love and devotion. Krishna is frequently depicted as a handsome young man with a divine smile and a playful sense of humor in popular culture. Sudama was a childhood friend of Krishna, the Hindu deity from Mathura. In the Bhagavata Purana, it is said that Radha was born deaf because she did not want to hear anything except Krishnas name. After tying Rukmini to a string, he took her to his palace. Here, Krishna is portrayed as her disciple and Radha as his guru. Chandidas used the word "fire" as synonym for Radha's love towards Krishna. However, there is debate over whether or not Radha was a real person or merely an imaginary figure. Later, Krishna feels devastated after Radha leaves. His consort Radha is celebrated as the energy of Krishna and symbolically the energy of the cosmos. [44] Thus, Chandidas in his Bengali-language Shri Krishna Kirtana, a poem of Bhakti, depicts Radha and Krishna as divine, but in human love. [120] In Maharashtra region, Radha is often worshipped in her regional form as Rahi. Krishnas wife became his forever companion after she wed Krishna. The suggestion that Radha is Krishna's rightful wife is clearly articulated in the first chapter in the exemplary verse for the manifest form of union. This is not the work of Gopa and is not a work of Jayadev in his erotic book Geet Govindam, which was published in the 12th century. Vyasa was exhausted and wanted a break. Never to see them back again. According to popular legend associated with Radha Krishna, as a child, Krishna would cry to his mother Yashoda about Radha being fair while he had a dark complexion. While Radha is identical to Krishna at this highest level, this merger of identities seems to end when she separates from him. "Radha-Madhava Sub-Sect in Eastern India. [83], Youth phase of Radha's life is filled with her divine pastimes with Krishna. Kate Ng. However, the source of Jayadeva's heroine in his poem remains a puzzle of the Sanskrit literature. One aspect is she is a milkmaid (gopi), another as a female deity similar to those found in the Hindu goddess traditions. in . On . They quickly married her after they were able to accomplish this. [49], Charlotte Vaudeville theorizes that Radha may have inspired by the pairing of the goddess Ekanamsha (associated with Durga) with Jagannatha (who is identified with Krishna) of Puri in Eastern India. Vrishbhan sees his daught . The poet mentioned that while it is common to see women devoted to their husbands but it is not as common to see a husband as Krishna who is so devoted to his wife Radha and considering her as goddess. Pradyumnawas son of Lord Krishna and 61st grandson of Adinarayan. [26][27] Some of the significant names are -, Radha's other names include [28] - Madan mohini, Srimati, Apurva, Pavitra, Ananda, Subhangi, Subha, Vaishnavi, Rasika, Hare, Radharani, Ishvari, Venu-vadya, Mahalakshmi, Vrinda, Kalindi, Hrdaya, Gopa-kanya, Gopika, Yashodanandan-vallabha, Krishnangvasini, Abhistada, Devi, Vishnu-priya, Vishnu-kanta, Jaya, Jiva, Veda-priya, Veda-garbha, Subhankari, Deva-mata, Bharati, Kamal, Annuttara, Dhriti, Jagannatha-priya, Laadli, Amoha, Srida, Sri-hara, Sri-garbha, Vilasini, Janani, Kamala-padma, Gati-prada, Mati, Vrindavan-viharini, Brajeshvari, Nikunjeshvari, Niraloka, Yoge, Govinda-rja-ghin, Vimala, Ekanga, Achyuta-priya, Vrishbhanu-suta, Nandnandan-patni, Gopnthevar, and Sarvanga. But, the relationship between Radha Krishna was unfolded in the secrecy of Vrindavan forest hinting at the Parakiya rasa. It was not Radha but her shadow who later married Rayan. The dance forms are still prevalent in the state of Manipur and are performed on stage as well as on the auspicious occasions like Kartik Purnima and Sharad Purnima (full moon nights). Rukmini offered to remain in contact with Vyasa as long as he was still in touch. Radha (Sanskrit: , IAST: Rdh), also called Radhika, is a Hindu goddess and the chief consort of the god Krishna.She is worshiped as the goddess of love, tenderness, compassion, and devotion. Krishna and Radha have entered the Oriya psyche and have inspired the mythic imagination of the Oriya poets in a big way. In chapter 3, verse 38, one attendant talks to another:-. Who is Radha in previous birth? Rajasthani Painting with a love theme where Radha is getting ready and Krishna admires her silently. Yes she will marry him. Krishna was a little over 10 years oldwhen he left Vrindavan, his flute, and Radha. Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha were a divine couple in their previous life, according to the Brahma Vaivarta Purana. Once Krishna sat with Radha on the same couch with pleasure, and in the mirror held, as he looked to watch the splendor of her face, his eyes filled with tears. In Gita Govinda, it is not certain whether Radha was married or if she was an unmarried maiden. Jain scholars like Somadeva Suri and Vikram Bhatta continued mentioning Radha between 9th-12th century in their literary works.[41][24]. [62][63][64] Radha is a power potency of Krishna, who is a playful adventurer. So all Radha, Rukmini and Satyabhama are Sita. The case of Radha, Krishnas clandestine lover, seems to challenge some of these norms. Radha is believed to have not seen anything until several days after her birth. Because of not having born from the womb, Radha is also known as Ayonija. Methods. [11], In Radha Vallabh Sampradaya and Haridasi Sampradaya, only Radha is worshiped as the supreme deity. The birth anniversary of Lord Krishna, this festival is celebrated on the eight day of the Krishna Paksha of the month Shravan (August - September), according to Hindu calendar. She was adorned with ornaments and is often depicted holding a white garland when enthroned next to Krishna. One Mom's Viral Story. Who could be the husband of such a beauty, Kamadeva or Kalanidhi [moon]? What is the cost of a flute? Who was Radha in her next birth? Radha and Krishna were separated because of Shridhamas curse. Because of not having born from the womb, Radha is also known as Ayonija. The bond of love between Lord Krishna and Radha was not physical, rather it was a spiritual and pure form of devotion. Radha abandons all social propriety in the name of her love for Krishna. Who was Radha in her previous birth? Our dataset was constructed from a combination of public-use datasets and the Center of Disease Control's Compressed Mortality File. Krishna spent many days playing music and dancing with his friends at Vrindavana. The Radha are a Hindu caste in Indias Uttar Pradesh state. In AD 599, Rukmini married Satyaki, the son of the king of Varanasi, in celebration of the Snake (AD 599). Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. His royal house was called Bhoja; thus, another of his names was Bhojapati. Satyaki became extremely agitated as a result of learning of this. He is also frequently depicted as a warrior, capable of achieving feats that are impossible to achieve at other times. In the Hindu calendar, Radhashtami is observed annually in the month of the Bhadra, 15 days after Krishna Janmashtami, the birth anniversary of Krishna, which suggests that Radha is very much an aspect of the cultural-religious faith system governing social life. Krishna and Radha are regarded as icons in Hindu mythology, and many people around the world are familiar with the story. He tried to kill her while she escaped, but she was able to avoid him. Their number is mentioned as 16,000 or 16,100 in different scriptures. If "Sita is a queen, aware of her social responsibilities", states Pauwels, then "Radha is exclusively focused on her romantic relationship with her lover", giving two contrasting role models from two ends of the moral universe. Theres no bias between Radha and Rukmini as why one is only worshipped with Krishna. Her love for Krishna is pure and innocent, and she does everything she can to show her love. Pradyumna was son of Lord Krishna and 61st grandson of Adinarayan. Radha finds out the truth about her past. The Coda Child: A Song Of Deafness And Hope, The High Unemployment Rate Among Deaf People In Burundi. [150] This dance form was originated in the temples. Satyaki was more concerned with Rukmini, whereas Rukmini was more concerned with her. Rukmi was killed by Balarama because he cheated Balarama in a dice game. In Shri Daivakrita Lakshmi Strotam, Lakshmi is praised and glorified in her form of Radha [110] -. A devotee reading inside dedicated to Radha-Krishna Lalji Temple, As Krishna's lover consort (Parakiya rasa), As Krishna's married consort (Svakiya rasa). The Pinball Wizard: Deaf Dumb And Blind Or Not? It is believed that only after the baby girl gave birth did Radha enter her body. Love consumed her to extent that once having fair complexion, Radha turned herself into Krishna's dark color. Krishna confides in Radha about the ill-fated curse that separated them in the first place. [149], Ashtapadis of Gita Govinda are also enacted in contemporary classical Odissi dance form. Gatha Saptasati mentioned Radha explicitly in its verse[24][40][41] -, Mukhamarutena tvam krsna gorajo radhikaya apanayan | A creation of Jayadev in the 12th century in his erotic book Geet Govindam this is not married to Gopa. 5 min. However, she was not born from the womb of her mother. It is only based on the selfless form of love and is often said to be the highest kind of relationship one can have with God. [16] Radha is typically shown standing immediately next to Krishna. In the work of poet Chandidas, Radha is depicted as a bold woman who is unafraid of social consequences. Radhas deafness is often seen as a metaphor for her spiritual blindness. According to Garga Samhita and Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Radha was cursed by Sridama in Goloka to bear 100 years of separation from Krishna when they descended on Earth. Finally, she accepted their marriage proposal after they were given the opportunity to touch her. 1. Ka Ka Hare Hare The rasa involved is different. The term Geni is derived from a mythology concept. [145], Radha is mentioned in many Jain commentaries including the popular Venisamhara by Narayana Bhatta and Dhvanyaloka by Anandavardhana written in 7th century. One of the basic traits of Radha is her unconditional love for Krishna and her sufferings that forms the basis for Radha's exaltation as a model of devotion. While Radha was Krishna's wife in his previous birth, an incident narrates that she once saw Lord Krishna sitting in the park with Virja, another of his wives then. While the poetry of Jayadeva and Vidyapati from Bengal treat Radha as Krishna's "mistress", the Gaudiya poetry elevates her to a divine consort. How did Balram die? Surpanaka's penance is rewarded in her birth as Kubja, when her desire to unite with Rama is fulfilled. [78] According to the popular legend, Radha was discovered by Vrishbhanu on an effulgent lotus floating in Yamuna river. The relationship between Radha Krishna is that of substance and attribute: they are as inseparable as Milk and its whiteness or Earth and its smell. Radhas status is lower than that of her dog in her village of Jamu in western Nepal because of her menstruation. Ka Ka Rdhe Rdhe She was eleven months older than Krishna and had not opened her eyes since birth, which made her assume that she was a blind . Its a pleasure to have you here. ", Bahl, Kali C. "The Hindi 'Riti' Tradition and The 'Rasikapriya' of Keshavdasa: An Introductory Review. In Nimbarkacharya's Vedanta Kamadhenu Dashashloki (verse 6), it is clearly stated that: Ange tu vaame vrishabhaanujaam mudaa viraajamaanaam anuruupasaubhagaam | Deep in the Vrinda forest, you are the mistress of mesmerizing rasa dance. Shym Shym Rdhe Rdhe, Hare Ka Hare Ka In the hymnal Hita-Caurasi of Hith Harivansh Mahaprabhu, the 16th-century bhakti poet-saint, founder of Radha Vallabh Sampradaya, Radharani is exalted to the status of the only ultimate deity, while her consort Krishna is just her most intimate subordinate. Yet they share common elements as well. Both face life challenges and are committed to their true love. Who was Radha in her previous birth? Did Krishna come to Vrindavan? [74], Radha was born to Vrishbhanu, a Yadava ruler of Barsana and to his wife Kirtida. [20][15][10][21], The Sanskrit term Rdh (Sanskrit: ) means "prosperity, success, perfection and wealth". Her jewelry from top to bottom is either made of metals, pearls or flowers. Radha was a gopi (cowherd girl) in her previous birth. The sacred love of Krishna and his beloved Radha, are woven into all aspects of the Kathak dance and is clearly visible during the discussions of the music, costumes and finally the role of the Kathak dancer. Radha is a symbol of devotion and love. Radha was the daughter of Vrishbhanu who was king Suchandra in his previous life. The two dated briefly in the past. Radha aunt is a strong woman who has been through a lot in her life, but she has never let that stop her from living her life to the fullest. [61] Sita is traditionally wedded: the dedicated and virtuous wife of Rama, an introspective temperate paragon of a serious, virtuous man. Later, Krishna feels devastated after Radha leaves. Seeing this, she felt jealous and got disappointed with Lord Krishna. [56], Graham M. Schweig in his work "The divine feminine theology of Krishna" in context with Radha Krishna stated that, "The divine couple, Radha and Krishna, comprise the essence of godhead. To me who am the Lord of All, O be attached, now always yours. Radha is intrinsic with Krishna. Krishna merged with her spiritual side. She notes that there were literally 14 adults in the . Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. According to legend, Radha did not come into this world, but rather chose to live. Suchandra and his wife had acquired a boon from Lord Brahma that in the Dwapar yuga Goddess Lakshmi would born as a daughter to them in form of Radha. And let your foot through beauty win, Helpless for a while, Krishna threw the flute . In the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Kubja is the reincarnation of Shurpanakha, a demoness who vied for Rama, Krishna's previous birth on earth. A mother discovered a female kid sleeping on a lotus in a pond with her daughter. OCTOBER 1, FRIDAY, 3103 B.C Destruction of Yadu dynasty and Lord Krishna departed to Golaka Dham at the age of 127 years 3 months. Radha's favourite outfit is a "Krsna-blue" sari and shawl matched with a pink blouse that delights Sri Krsna. And if another legend associated with Radha and Krishna is anything to go by, then the two couldnt get married because of separation. She is the avatar of goddess Lakshmi[9] and is also described as the chief of the Gopis (milkmaids). Lord Krishna was chastised by an enraged Radha. [153][154], The residents of Braj region still greet each other with salutations like "Radhe Radhe", "Jai Shri Radhe" and "Radhe Shyam", directing their mind to Radha and ultimate relationship she shares with Krishna. [65][18], Radha is often identified with the "sweet" aspect of goddess Lakshmi's essence and thus also worshiped as an avatara of Lakshmi. [42] The celebrated poets of Radha Vallabh Sampradaya, Dhruva Dasa and Rupalji composed "Vyahulau Utsav ke Pad" or "Marriage Festival songs" which describe the eternal wedding of Radha and Krishna with praise and adulation. Apart from Barsana, this festival is celebrated in nearly all the temples of Vrindavan and ISKCON temples across the world as it is one of the major festival for many Vaishnavism sections. Etasam ballavinam anyasam api gauravam harasi ||, "O Krishna, by the puff of breath from your mouth, as you blow the dust from Radha's face, you take away the glories of other milkmaids. The left portion of the body of the Supreme Lord is Srimati Radha, seated blissfully, as beautiful as the Lord Himself; who is served by thousands of gopis: we meditate on the Supreme Goddess, the fulfiller of all desires. From the moment she was born, it is said that Radha possessed a divine nature. He was the incarnate of the demigod Kamdeva. Radha was always content and happy, regardless of the circumstances. Rukmini and Satyaki returned to Hastinapura to marry. She is worshiped as the Divine Consort of Krishna and is often referred to as Radha Rani or Radha Krishna. As a result, she married a man and had a child with him after her mother forced her to do so. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved [24][42][43] The 15th and 16th century Krishnaite Bhakti poet-saints Vidyapati, Chandidas, Meera Bai, Surdas, Swami Haridas, as well as Narsinh Mehta (13501450), who preceded all of them, wrote about the romance of Krishna and Radha too. However, other texts mention her origin from the preserver god Vishnu. Rukmini in her previous birth was Sita. One of them . In these dance forms, the dancers portray the role of Radha, Krishna and gopis. His mother was Rukmini, whom Lord Krishna had abducted from Vidarbha on her invitation. According to Sri Krishna, women should avoid performing household chores during their menstrual period. . In fact, they had a child together. As a result he had to reject many proposals by the women who loved him. Like Sita, Radha is also a manifestation of Lakshmi. [75][76][77] Her birthplace is Raval which is a small town near Gokul in Uttar pradesh, but is often said to be Barsana where she grew up. They are both influential, adored and beloved goddesses in the Hindu culture. The Samba Purana consists of the narrative of Samba getting infected by leprosy, after being cursed by sage Durvasa for mocking him. Kamsa (Sanskrit: , romanized: Kasa) was the tyrant ruler of the Vrishni kingdom, with its capital at Mathura.He is variously described in Hindu literature as either a human or an asura; The Puranas describe him as an asura, while the Harivama describes him as an asura reborn in the body of a man. Hindu goddess of love, chief consort of the god Krishna. Parakiya rasa depicts the relationship which is free from any kind of favors, expectations, rules and social recognisation. Every year on Navratri, the love between Radha and Krishna is said to be eternal and is celebrated by a variety of activities. Experienced India pacer Shikha Pandey was signed by Delhi Capitals for the inaugural season of Women's Premier League. [115] In the Indian state of Maharashtra, Radha is often identified as Rahi, a regional form of Radha who is worshiped as the married consort of Vithoba, a regional form of Krishna. The village cowherd girl Radha who lived only for Krishna, whose life and soul everything was dedicated to Krishna has not been mentioned in these prime texts. [92] But to give importance to Parakiya relationship (love without any social foundation) over Svakiya's (married relationship), Radha Krishna's marriage was never publicized and kept hidden. When love attains to the highest pitch, it constitutes itself into Radha, who is the most lovable of all and full of all qualities. She got upset with Lord Krishna because she saw this. She has acted in over 200 movies in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi. Various art forms based on Radha Krishna are majorly inspired by Gita Govinda and Rasikapriya. [152] The traditional songs of Rasiya are based on the divine portrayal and love of Radha and Krishna. Excerpts of Chandidas's work showing Radha's boldness:-. Radha Ashtami, also known as Radhashtami or Radha Jayanti, is a Hindu festival commemorating the birth of Radha. The famous Bani Thani portrait by artist Nihl Chand was inspired by Radha's physical features which includes sharp eyebrows, lotus-like elongated eyes, thin lips and a pointed nose and chin. Rukmini had no doubts he did. Radha takes birth in the Rawal village, Brijbhumi as Vrishbhan's daughter. Rukmini is the shakti / Mother of theDivine World (Jagatkatri), also known as Swarupa-shakti (Mulaprakriti), the potency of Krishna (Krsnativika), and the Consort of Krishna. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. However, there is no concrete evidence to support either claim. Radha and Krishna share a deep love for one another. [146][147], Another Indian classical dance form, Kathakali was also influenced by Vaishnavism and Radha Krishna based Gita Govinda tradition which along with other factors contributed in the evolution of this dance form. Rdhe Shym Rdhe Shym The traditions that venerate her explain this is because she is the secret treasure hidden within the sacred scriptures. Add to Watchlist. It is common to see them dancing or engaging in other playful activities together. It is said that only after the birth of the baby girl, did Radha enter the body of this girl. She was born in the house of Bhismaka, king of Vidharbha. Other gopis are usually considered to be self-willing maidservants (Sevika) of Radha. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Radha's connection to Krishna is of two types: svakiya-rasa (married relationship) and parakiya-rasa (a relationship signified with eternal mental "love"). Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Lord Krishnas devotee Sridama curses Radha. Krishna was staying with his uncle and aunt, both of whom live at Nand Gaon. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Meet TV Serials TV Shows. During the Bhakti movement era in the sixteenth century, she became more well known as her extraordinary love for Krishna was highlighted.[29][30]. When this love becomes settled in the heart of the devotee, it constitutes Mahabhava, or the best feeling. Radha, in contrast to her paramour Krishna, who may have previously been a human hero who was raised to divinity via tradition, is a completely fictitious character. Krishna would also disguise himself as a girl in order to meet her. She is the avatar of Lakshmi and is also described as the chief of gopis (milkmaids).
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