Spend most of your time in the best activities that the Lord has planned for you); (d)Water and fertilize as necessary(invest prayer time and Bible study and further good stewardship in to your opportunities to sow); (e)Kill off the pests that would destroy your plants(bad attitudes and bad influences, 1 Corinthians 15:33); (f)Support your plants as needed(appreciation, gratitude, communication, help); (g)Uproot Weeds frequently(keep short accounts of sin); and. People will not want to have anything to do with us and soon enough word will get around (gossip) that we like to talk about people. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. Reciprocity acts as the basis for what we may call spiritual values. They are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. We dont know, but Jacob may have been making a prophecy about his descendants bringing their tithes and offerings to the house of El or the temple that would eventually be built on that exact spot. or "What would love do?. The law will still work if were motivated by selfishness, but that attitude definitely wouldnt please God and he wouldnt add to what we receive. It will change in a season just like the seed of a farmer. Honour [glorify] YHVH with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase, so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine., The Scriptures reveal the importance of the spiritual law of reciprocity; namely, you reap what you sow (Gen 8:22; Gal 6:79). That's rightthe law of attraction is just one of the 12 universal laws, and getting familiar with the other 11 can help us unlock a more spiritually aligned life. See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. Kaiser notes that much of our society has historically operated from a masculine, "hustle and do" mentality, which doesn't allow for much room to just be. ties 1. . Suppose someone plants a choice morsel of gossip into anothers ear. This word seed will spread to others and they will catch wind of me, my products and services and they will tell other people about themaccording to the kindof experience they had with me. In other words it CAN'T and WON'T happen.period. Giving feels good and doesnt leave us feeling victimized or with a sense of expectation. Relatively straightforward, this law highlights the direct relation between actions and events. If you are seeking something, you must contribute in some way toward your goal. Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Was he going to hurt her? The servant pleaded with the king to have mercy on him, and he would repay the debt. It says that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. Larrys books include The Psychology of Spirituality, Love, Healing & Happiness and (as Patrick Whiteside) The Little Book of Happiness and Happiness: The 30 Day Guide (personally endorsed by HH The Dalai Lama). Modern day science refers to this infinite field of potential as the Unified Field, the contents of which is talked about in the latest scientific circles as the "String Theory." As Jesus says in Matthew 24:13, But he who endures to the end shall be saved., John W. Ritenbaugh "Resistance" which is the polar opposite of "Allowing", can only create doubt and fear and the Law of Reciprocity will ensure that an outcome is received based on the doubt and fear. Kaiser notes this one can come off a bit heady, but applying it in real life entails being compassionate with others, and recognizing that we are all one. (Mark 4:26-29 MKJV). Are You Tired of All The "Secrets" and Truly Ready To Be, Do and Have More of What You Love? Closely related to the law of attraction, the law of inspired action is all about taking those real, actionable steps to invite what we want into our lives. The consequences of Adams disobedience to God in the Garden were both physical and spiritual death. Matthew 7:12 Verse Concepts In the parable we shared earlier, Jesus addressed the issue of the quality of soils, and in this parable, the soil is a picture of the human heart (Mark 4:3-20). To assist in clarifying this process it's necessary to delve deeper into what are the possible outcomes. He knew how she felt. Arent we prone to concoct every excuse and argument imaginable to justify our sinful actions and then blame the results on others? The Scriptures reveal the importance of the spiritual law of reciprocity; namely, you reap what you sow ( Gen 8:22; Gal 6:7-9 ). The effects may be tiny, and often cancel each other out;. We must learn to wait on the Lord, as the Psalmist said in 130:5, 6: I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope. If you planted the pear tree seed mentioned above today, would it be logical for you to expect that seed to sprout, grow and produce fruit tonight? Notice what Paul tells Christians in the church at Colossae: And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled [He has granted repentance], in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sightif indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel [salvation], which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister. But the Scripture says,Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.. Any other outcome is absolutely impossible and would violate every law of nature and contradict anything and every thing that has been spoken of by the most insightful and connected spiritual teachers since the beginning of time and validated by modern day scientific discoveries. There is much scope for further speculation and myth-making about how reciprocity, human morality and spiritual justice work at the everyday level of human lives. What possibilities exist that can be experienced in your life? The underlying principle speaks to reciprocity in spiritual matters. We live in an instant society. No one walks this journey of life alone; and it is just nice to be nice. Three Missing Kings (Part Two). Who currently is opposing their return and is openly vowing to annihilate them? To be emotionally healthy it is necessary to give with a willing heart and to receive in the same way part of the cycle of the universe. And these are the ones sown on rocky ground: the ones who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Matt. The principle of reciprocity says that what GOES around, COMES around. Giving feels good and doesn't leave us feeling victimized or with a sense of expectation. If you're facing a difficult situation like a breakup or a health challenge, for example, tune into what the opposite looks like, which can reveal a new perspective or lesson. Instead, there are no strings attached. Unfortunately in most cases the majority of people in the world are "unconscious" as to what it is that they are asking for and as a result receiving due to an unawareness of Universal or Natural Law altogether and/or an unawareness of Isnt this same thing happening again in our time as the exiled Jews return to Israeltheir ancestral and Elohim-given homeland? The Law of Reciprocity makes no judgments as to what these thoughts and emotions are but only draws to you precisely what it is that you are "asking for" through those choices. What is the spiritual law of sin and death, to whom does it apply, and how is it related to Gods standard of righteousness? Our actions, good or bad, will receive a corresponding reaction from God. The spiritual law of exchange is a key to our relationship with God because he receives our sins, weaknesses and illnesses in exchange for what we need. The idea of sowing and reaping both physically and spiritually is seen in John3:6, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." (John 3:6 MKJV) Examples of the law of reaping "in kind" abound. As an example in business. Here's a more specific example. He didnt look safe, he looked poor and hungry. How are you living with others today; are you forgiving and showing compassion to others who may offend you- or has your heart grown lukewarm and selfishly seeks to gain only what concerns you and yours I got mind, and you better get yours, some will carelessly dare to say! When you give you receive. "As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. tyFunction: nounPronunciation: "re-s&-'pr-s(&-)teInflected Form(s): plural -ties1 : the quality or state of being reciprocal : mutual dependence, action, or influence 2 : a mutual exchange of privileges ; specifically : a recognition by one of two countries or institutions of the validity of licenses or privileges granted by the other. "If you're coming from a place of anger or resentment, if you put that energy out there, you'll eventually be affected as a result.". Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. (Proverbs 16:28CEV). She couldnt thank him enough for coming to her aid. We receive abundantly from a little time invested consistently with our family and our children. The Christian Broadcasting. Your FREE Astrology Sex, Love and Attraction Guide. Based on the earlier edition by John Hosher, Speller explains clearly how to use the spiritual law of reciprocity to create abundance in one's life by giving and using affirmations. I'm Finished With The Law Of ReciprocityTake Me To The Abundance and Happiness Home Page Before you get too overwhelmed, integrating them into your life is more about understanding and conceptualizing them in a way that makes sense to you. My soul waits for the Lord more than the watchmen for the morning, indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.. The Law of Reciprocity "And God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth; and it was so.". Forwhatevera man sows,that he also will reap. (Galatians 6:7 MKJV). Buddhist teachers say that no-one can avoid losses and other forms of suffering. (Cantab), M.R.C. Most soil has the potential for producing a good harvest, as long as it receives some attention from the gardener. This is close to being insanity should a person think this way. This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. "If our life is chaotic and fearful," she says, "it's because there is chaos and fear within. You are at cause for the events, conditions and circumstances which make up your life experience. Not really, but it . In the same way whatever we plant will spread and produce fruit of its kind. There is no such thing as a "lack of faith." They hope that their life-style wont catch up with them, but it always does. So the Law of Reciprocity looking at it in this way, requires us to send out or project a vibrational frequency which the Universe, God, Higher Power or whatever you choose to refer to Source as, reciprocates outcomes back to us based on our individual choice as to what we project. When you think, speak and act out of love, through it's unfailing and unwavering certainty, the Law of Reciprocity ensures that you receive an outcome which is conducive to Love. Be patient, it will take a season, not overnight. Keeping the thought of reciprocity in mind, it behooves us to be careful in our motives and actions when dealing with others. In this case, God tells Asa that faithfulness or loyalty to God is a two-way street. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. If our life seems calm and grounded, it isbecause we feel peacewithin.". Listen! the law of reciprocity comes in, confusing the whole matter. If not, why not? It wont change overnight like most of us want. What was his response? Most of us struggle with a mercenary approach to giving: If I give, then Ill get. The truth is that they will probably talk about me anyway, so I want to make sure that I serve them appropriately and in doing so Igive them the content of their speech about me. by becoming consciously aware of what you are allowing to be stored there through the conscious reasoning ability that we each have been provided with, combined with the meaning that we attach to whatever thoughts, beliefs and emotions that we choose to store there. God is comparing situations with and without His intervention. Resistance happens when you have placed a conscious intention into the Infinite Field Of Potentiality and because it hasn't shown up in your timing or in the manner that you think it should, worry, doubt and fear take over producing an outcome based on the kind and quality of the resonance or energy frequency that doubt, fear and worry create. Jacob had to learn this law the hard way. In fact they make up and ARE the infinite field of potential. The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11). Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, A Biblical Perspective of Self-Defense and Civil Disobedience. Continuing steadily on God's path tests the reality of our faith. When someone does something for you, they implicitly . He shares a parable, that He associates with the kingdom of Heaven. He attributed this financial increase to his learning and applying the Law of Reciprocity. The lord of the servant was moved with compassion for him and let him go. For example, if we sow more seed, we get a larger harvest (2 Cor. Heres the beauty of this law: If we give or serve selflessly, simply trusting God to take care of us as he thinks is appropriate, then hes free to increase what the Law of Reciprocity would normally return to us. Scripture calls not tithing robbing Elohim and that as a result a curse may be on your finances (see Mal 3:811). (Reading time: 2 minutes) The Law of Reciprocity, also known as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, causes us to receive as a result of what we give or do. Here, spiritual author Shannon Kaiser and social worker Vasavi Kumar, LMSW, MSEd, share their perspective on why these laws are important and how we can all put them into practice. Our Lord, and Master unlimitedly forgives us of our offenses, and we are to do the same to our fellowman. Now, they dont just sit and wait for the crop to grow, they actually do other things like water and nurture the seeds in order for them to reach their full potential. On windy days we would find ourselves chasing these little helicopter seeds for blocks, just throwing them up into the wind and then chasing them wherever the wind would carry them. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. ), there are lots of great practices to do so, including yoga, sound bathing, and chakra work. Physical words can never override the emotions attached to your thoughts, although physical words in the form of This lawstates that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment. Give, and it will be given to you. EVERY event, condition and circumstance that you experience in EVERY area of your life is happening for a very specific purpose and due to what YOU are "allowing" to happen and the Law of Reciprocity ensures that it happens in precisely that way without fail and with unwavering certainty. Keep going once you start with the assurance that your career, your life your family and your health will get better. (James 5:7b MKJV). The Apostle Paul worded it this way in his letter to the Christians in the Roman province of Galatia: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. Mercy: The Better Option. Learn how the spiritual law of action and results causes what we do to be effective in both the spiritual and physical realms. Its actually quite simple: Since you reap more than you sow, you will reap an over abundance of negative things if you sow negative seeds. Discover how God intends for a Christians character, behavior and spiritual status to reflect the spiritual law of separation. What we sow, wewillreap. (Read Heb 12:515.). Fear, anxiety, worry, guilt, grief, anger etc. "All of the laws are about mastering yourlifewith love and joy," Kaiser explains. By the way, my name is Bryan.. Every word you speak, every action you take, every thought you think falls under one of these two headings. In the spiritual world the influx of heavenly life causes pain to the wicked and they cannot endure it and flee to their own abode. This applies to matter but also one's personal frequency as well. You can make the choice to discover just how true it is and begin to use it to your benefit or choose to remain an "unconscious creator" and remain a victim of happenstance. Gods plan of design for all life on earth, including humanity, is that we reproduce after our kind (Genesis 1:20-24). The 12 universal laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known. By giving gratitude for what you have you will receive back. The Law of Resonance In other words there is nothing that exists whether it be the things which you can see and experience with the five physical senses or those things which you can't see which are not made up of these microscopic wonders.
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