Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman.com) Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Saturn conjunct Saturn in synastry . Mercury was able to identify with Pluto in both his highest aspirations and his coercive self will. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In fact, anything that happens outside of the relationship in the area represented by the personal planet can be seen as a threat to the exclusive bond the couple had at the beginning of the relationship. There may be a vague note of threatening scandal; secret dreams and illusions, mysterious and muddled affairs. [p] In a few examples of total irresponsibility, Mercury took selfish advantage of Saturn, financially, sexually, or with deceit. The relationship is probably quite steady, but it's not exciting. In truth, the bond is likely still there from the point of view of Mercury. In certain examples, the Moon was pregnant; was homeless; had a physical or mental health problem. I just can't hang in for another round of emotional abuse. There can be a serious tone to your conversations that impedes a natural flow of communication. hope this helps in some way, im not sure my explanation is clear. They had a warm and easy exchange of sympatico, in that they both understood wuite well her husband's bad and good qualities. [p] The progressions are subtle. The position of the synastric Saturn in your natal chart shows where and how your partner will tend to oppress and restrict you; the evolutionary level of their Saturn will show how precisely they will . The actress receied national accliam for a movie role at the same time that she and her mother received discredit for their personal relationship. In another case a Mercury man lost his reputation when his girl friend Saturn had an abortion. [p] They never lived together for longer than a few months; circumstances parted them for months to years at a time. [p] When Mercury is temperamental and unsympathetic, the periodic contact will fluctuate or break entirely. [p] Two adult women with Mercury conjunct Moon shared many years of domestic crisis, joys and sorrows. Neptune does rule drugs, and in the examples where drugs are a distinguished part of the exchange between these two people, it will be mentioned. Both were in a period of inverting their former patterns, he in his work, she in her expressions of self will. He was married, she was not. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. She began to feel unnatural around him, restricted, like he rained on her parade. A balance is possible, as the personal planet person may benefit from Saturns impositions, at least ones that are not purely based on fear. Synastry:SunMarsAspects [p] Another couple attempted to work in cooperation on a difficult project that they were unable to complete. The validity of what you communicate, concentration on syntax, and realism is emphasized. Important Note: Personal planets overlaying the tenth house of a partners chart can express similarly, where the tenth house person takes on a Saturnine role to the personal planet person. He would say things like, I really dont know why you find that so funny. As time passed, a dark cloud formed above the couple. Try to avoid focusing on problems or negative stories/expressions of ideas. Mercury in Partners 1st house You will inspire easy communication with your partner. Any study reflects the time in which it is taken. Where Mercury is a big enough person to allow the Sun to express his ego, authority and capacities, it is a rich association. Saturn could have handled the job more efficiently than the other man. The other was sheer disaster for them both. just look at one of these you download, and you can see under planet positions the declination tables at the very end there, and see that N (north) or S (south) is designated after the number there. [p] In one example, a man's Mercury was square the Moon of both his sisters. Rather, the stabilizing influence of Saturn is more prominent. In the other a man Mercury seduced Mars on one occasion, and rejected her. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, But Saturn sees it differently. You both push each other to think in broader terms and open each other up to a new way of thinking. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. It was a stable, dutiful marriage, if a lonely one for both of them. When a larger adaptation of cooperation is required, an incidious coercion becomes irreconcilable. [p] There is one example of two people who met in a philosophy class, had a brief clash of hostility (Mercury N parallel Mars) and separated. The conjunction of Mercury and Saturn between charts can possess shades of both the challenging and flowing aspects mentioned above. [p] A point will be clarified here. [p] Apparently many people need this discipline, for we have, suprisingly, long term contacts in marriage, family and business. There was one relationship of this nature between a heterosexual woman and a homosexual man. The Saturn person in the relationship. [p] When Mercury develops a contact based on coercion, the subsequent inversion will leave nothing of value. He can't embrace his unconscious issues and I'm worn out. In any case, this person will be able to see through you on a very deep level. These are not long term burdens, but rather incidents that occur during the time of Mercury and Saturn's association. The other man stayed in his peaceful world of marijuana and music. Mercury can tap the spiritual heights with Pluto. [p] If both persons are able to change their personal situations to build common experience and communication, the exchange is beneficial to both. Yes please, mark everything up. [p] A patient had Mercury square the Pluto of his doctor. The maturity and significance of the relationship depends for the most part on his attitude. There was an example of rape. The premise is, "We will cooperate for this height, or depth, or we will separate." Question: Is the north parallel the same as regular parallel and the south parallel the same as contraparallel? when you use astro.com, and you go under extended chart selection, and you have a chart pulled upand you click on "get additional tables", you get a PDF that shows you this information. [p] There are several examples when Mercury took the opportunity, not of construction, but of sheer destruction. The more Saturn aspects (especially ones with tight orbs) between two charts, the more those people will be compelled to stay together. They can maintain association at a certain level or at intermittent times. Their relationship is characterized by close cooperation not only in the intellectual and educational sphere but also in . Posts: 73 From: Chicago, IL USA Registered: Nov 2012: posted January 29, 2013 04:45 PM . They did separate after two years of cohabitation. He and Pluto met in spontaneous devotion, and were blessed in their work together for humanity, in literature, art, and culture. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Hindu, with Mercury conjunct the woman's Jupiter, understood and identified with her growing needs of philosophical expansion. They would both pick-up and respond to each other's mood and mental attitudes. Obviously, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, can bring someone into your life. In these three cases, Mercury-Mars were companions and not involved in any other Mars pursuit at the time, other rhan their full expenditure of energy or aggression. next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Saturn conjunct Sun in Synastry=Glue? Saturn generally is the one who wants the bond to be exclusive, and although the personal planet person generally wants the same thing, that personal planet person feels enormous pressure to be a certain way and feels like he or she is not free to express him or herself in a natural and dynamic manner. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects represents. Pluto later countered with, "We will marry, or else I will cause a scandal." [p] This is the greater malefic in the most discordant aspect. It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are. Mercury Registered: Dec 2012 . The Saturn person may exercise some kind of control over the personal planet person some form of restriction. Saturn resists change, and feels threatened by it. [p] Another example was of two young men who were both musicians, who spent many compatible hours together smoking pot. [p] The two people can blend for a period of time, but the circumstances of their diversities are such that each must express his primary patterns in his own separate area. we do have other north parallels between us, so there's a stronger bond as rodden says, but there are those differences he mentions as well. Periods of emotional distance and subsequent feelings that the relationship may be too heavy to maintain are often followed by tearful and emotional reunions when both parties feel that they need each other desperately, and that the attachment runs deeper than is always apparent. [p] There may be no more than a period of difficulty that can be overcome with effort. Why isnt Mercury turning to him or her? Also, sag_stellium- it seems like there's a ton of negative energy between you two. With little or no effort Mercury can get what he wants from Mars, but without satisfaction to the depth of his passions. This still may be costly in some way, usually to Mercury. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 The next conjunction is in 2026. [p] In some examples, the two people had no commensurate responsibility on which to base a relationship. This relationship has a precisely defined purpose to help both parties evolve into a better version of themselves. Mercury suspected Pluto of infidelity. There were several short affairs, in one, a woman Mercury was in love with Mars, but did not make sufficient effort to hold his attention. The aspect is not antipathetic, quite the opposite. If it is a partnership, competitiveness is the driving force. In three cases Mercury was injured, causing shock and effort to Mars. They were not "problem children" in any sense of the phrase. [p] The Mercury square Saturn is primarily a responsible, responsive exchange. Mercury Square Pluto Synastry. This is not a combination that encourages flowing or superfluous conversations between you. The most exact aspect in our charts is Mercury Square Saturn (he is Mercury, I am Saturn, the Orb is 0'09). [p] In some cases Mercury's impartiality excluded Neptune, and there was no more than secret fantasies between them. They have Mercury to Uranus aspects, as it is often a radical departure from convention. Older folks born between September 1952 and October 1953 have this difficult aspect. Both of these couples have prestigious position and great wealth. Saturn Conjunct the Ascendant. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Saturn offers practical advice and tips that truly improve Mercury's life. This can take the form of criticizing the energies expressed by the personal planet person. She was a dynamic Scorpio, whose approach to him from his childhood on was, "Do it, or else." [Note that a commitment doesnt necessarily literally mean marriage. They stayed together but the relationship itself disintegrated. Where Mercury does have concern for the Moon's physical or mental health or welfare, there are obstacles to block his sympatico. [p] Often the subtlety of the aspect is such that it reamins a secret to the public. [p] The progressions have examples of friendship on an intermittent basis of contact. Mercury at some time has sparks fly, or rejects Mars. [p] A student had Mercury square the Pluto of his teacher in spiritual ethics. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In fact, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry aspect indicates that even the honeymoon phase might feel sort of lackluster. He easily gives deference and credit for both the character and position of the Sun. Mercury square Pluto is a heavy connection, as it brings in constant tension, especially on the level of the intellectual. A woman had Mercury opposition the Saturn of a dear friend who went blind. Their attitudes clashed so violently in the intimate contact that both withdrew in a state of shock. Evolved1 Knowflake . In a Composite chart of a couple has Cancer rising then they will look like a married couple and feel at home with each other. [p] This is an advantageous aspect for both persons. Synastry:AscendantNorthNodeAspects, THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. Saturn may deal with this fear by putting down the experience, punching holes in the theory that this threatening other has presented to Mercury. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. [p] Several love affairs had disastrous results. [p] One progressed example was of a man and woman who fell in love. The other son was a serious, responsible boy. Either one (or both) people involved may have made it clear at some early point in the interaction that this relationship was to be a serious or committed one. [p] In several examples of marriage, friendship, and business exchange, Mercury did credit Saturn with stability, maturity, and capacity. Mercury was a resourceful, strong willed man whose innate inclination was to examine life form the inside out in a depth analysis. The outcome and effort is a matter of the choice and effort of the two people. [p] A mature Mercury will draw upon Saturn's depth to develop an exchange of mutual benefit. [p] Throughout the Mercury-Mars aspects there will be examples of violence. Negativity or criticism may dominate your communications from time to time. They parted in cold loathing of each other. Under the stress of a business failure and loss, they separated. In truth, the bond is likely still there from the point of view of Mercury. [p] One of these was a brief affair in Mercury's hotel room; two are doctor-patient relationships, where the doctor also treated Mercury's children and one was of a young man and older woman who met in the school class room, had a brief exchange of sympatico, and separated.
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