We have a lot to say when someone sins. Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. Drunkenness: methay; someone who refuses to take their pain to their Savior. heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. Because we are to be inspected by God and transformed in thinking, as well as the fact that we are to regard others as more important (whether brothers or authorities outside the church), we must seek to bring in those who, for reasons of their own, may be unable to handle a personal liberty to which we have subscribed. Romans 6-8). We only win when we all break the tape together. I can look with tenderness to the one who is struggling behind me to get over the wall. Unless you have been living under a rock or away on an isolated island vacation with no TV broadcasts, you are probably aware that the U.S. has been alight and buzzing with recent testimony before our Senate Judicial Committee as it met in session for the purposes of presenting or declining a candidate for the vacant seat on our Supreme Court. I admit driving on the other side of the road is a bit of a challenge, so I insisted we get an automatic. 715-765), Byzantine iconodule martyr Stephen I of Hungary (c. 965-1038), canonized in 1083 Stephen of Obazine (1085-1154), Cistercian, first Abbot . This was most evident in two cases. It only means they want the lotto ticket without There is another important historical evidence some scholars use to signal the birth of Jesus was outside the family home, outside the village, and perhaps at a cave near a specific tower. God will grow him in His time. 9 For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. A large part of the Epistle deals specifically with the history of God and His promises to Israel, as a case study in Hi trustworthiness (cp. them,My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune. Dr. Smith will be teaching three classes at equip09, the July 26-31, 2009, annual conference of the FGBC, to be held in Columbus, Ohio. John 9:29 and the man retorted: John 9:30 Well, here is an amazing thing, that you do not know where Mark 9:50 finished the saying this way: Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.. Trust God for things we dont control and things we THINK we do (6:25-34). 2. The man was largely un-noticed by others around him, and felt alone, lonely and despairing (John 5:7). The shepherds were probably educated in keeping the animals from hurt, damage or blemish. This earnest young pastor prayed with all his heart. Romans 13:1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. Grow up and be truly mature. In the shadow of Tiberius residence in Rome, starving Romans passed through the streets. What does that have to do with being late? The customer is often made to feel now they have become the servant of the food server. The problem Here is the truth: We see differences more easily than we see similarities. Key Principle: Believers have to learn how to stay in our assigned lane of conscience while we offer great care to others around us. Third, the text offered a list of people: the mother of Jesus (2:1), Jesus and His disciples (2:2; we presume the five He got from John the Baptizer in the previous chapter which were: John, Andrew, Philip, Nathaniel, and Simon Peter). If it does, perhaps we need to look further at other possible explanations. The night will pass. belief. Put on Jesus Christ. boys. Thoughts about travel to Bible lands, Bible teaching articles, leadership hacks, church, family and life notes. Some honestly believe they can tell if someone is telling the truth by their demeanor as showed on a flat screen TV; but I think that is at best nave. The man was quiet not begging (John 5:6). My neighbor Jim, a sixty-five-year-old former Marine from the Greatest Generation, opened the door to find me in my gray hoodie, sloppy warm-up pants, scruffy sneakers, red bandana covering my cue ball head of no hair, red eyes from crying crying out of frustration, and a face mask. Kindle Edition. plotting to seize Jesus because He The She needs to get off Facebook and stop condemning others over whom God has not placed her. 5 If you see the donkey of one who hates you lying helpless under its load, you shall refrain from leaving it to him, you shall surely release it with him. for those who were ritually cleansed. Does this sound like things have changed all that much? was part of His purpose (in John 9:5-7). Yet, it results in surrender to Jesus role in our lives, not simply the solution to the immediate crisis. If you keep reading, it becomes readily apparent WHY the instruction was issued. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. All attention left the man as the leaders went after Jesus. How should we handle other believers with whom we may fundamentally disagree on some life practice? He kept it up until a hunter tracked the sound and shot him The moral of that story: When youre full of bull, keep your mouth shut. Lets She had experienced the most dramatic sign God could give her: healing, bathed in prayer and surrounded by the church. At the same time, I think there is something more here. Only after the man encountered Jesus again did he become aware of the One Who healed him, and readied himself to share that with others (John 5:15-16). 1 Timothy 5:19). Impurity: a-katharsia; uncleansed living, living with unbridled desires that are not corrected. Look closely at the text. 23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin. 1:3ff) and had specific conversation with His Father about coming to earth prior to His arrival (Philippians 2). The issue is how we treat one another the one who consumes and the one who abstains. God gives us all time, talent and resources so we can share them with others. He exchanged SEEING for what Jesus TOLD HIM Your son is alive and well. He rested in that promise overnight. He called His followers to guard carefully truth vigiliantly (7:6). In the end, I simply argue that one cannot find the truth in a process that is not specifically designed to get to it, and one will not find the truth when power players are at work to bend the information in different ways for pre-determined causes. If you believe the detail of the ritual purification pots was just incidental, it is because you arent looking at the story the way a Jewish person would. The entire service usually lasts about 75 minutes. I have many good memories of that time, including the smell of burned sneakers placed too close to the campfire to dry, the hours spent out on the sand dunes near our campsite, and friends I made in those years. Paul claimed that ACTIONS AND BEHAVIORS could show the reality of a persons true walk with God. Ultimately, dont do what will cause another to fall into sin. We 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. we do. Sabbath for Jewish believers is not in view in regards to celebration, because Jews were commanded by God specifically for all their generations, forever to celebrate that day. The text can be broken into three simple parts: 1. You will not be hidden, for you are not called to be hidden! will change when they see the light. Jesus giving sight to a man born blind at the Siloam We have spoken about care for and appreciation of other believers and their gifts (Romans 12), as well as submission to authorities outside the church (Romans 13), but now we turn our attention to a n issue of contention among believers: Romans 14:1 Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.. Yet, I have learned a few things about growing people, and some of those critical lessons have come from the text of todays lesson in John 5. Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. I dont need the distraction, but I am not going to tell him he cant because it will harm him unless I am willing to cut all the sugar out of my diet. Lisa must stop believing she is the only one with the Spirit at work in her. Think about it. Let me say it plainly, if you want to be a follower of Jesus, you wont be able to think like everyone else, and you will need to deliberately open yourself to allowing the Spirit of God to deal with your attitudes. At the risk of sounding obvious, let me caution you about requesting perseverance from God. The man trusted the word of Jesus. 48 So Jesus said to him, Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe. 49 The royal official said to Him, Sir, come down before my child dies. 50 Jesus said to him, Go; your son lives. The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and started off. He couldnt see his child. No Way Out is part of the Life Application Teaching series form Dr. Randall Smith's sermons recorded in his church in Sebring Florida. Yet, the Master wasnt done. Jesus didnt offer them INFORMATION on where to get more wine. It was with His disciples. But we believe them simply because people who did see them have left writings that tell us about them. Rather, he climbed the steep path some twenty miles from Capernaum to Cana. On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there; 2 and both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. in order to pull off the best plan. Randall D. Smith See Photos Teacher at Great Commission Bible Institute Lives in Sebring, Florida Randall D. Smith See Photos Randall D Smith See Photos Randall D. Smith See Photos Randall Smith See Photos Lives in Marietta, Georgia Randall D. Smith See Photos Lives in Indianapolis, Indiana Randall Smith See Photos Profile @Pea1ne Randall Smith What should a healthy walk with Jesus look like in practical and daily lifestyle? His wife Caroline is an art and lifestyle photographer with her own thriving business, along with being involved as a mentor and leader of young women. This isnt about ME as much as it is about US. People purchase and cultivate both sides of a roadway, but no one owns the road, so they tend to stay in the same place. I am a Pennsylvania native and quick to correct the pronunciation of Lancaster. Because of that, Paul said it was time for the Roman believers to wake up to reality. In short, Jews cared more about what someone DID, while Gentiles hungered to know what self-claims they made in what they SAID. Most of what happens in life is well beyond my comprehension. Even more, did you see that He even gave enough to care for the needs of the disciples! Other formats: Paperback. Look closely at the detail and you will see three setting points: First, John set the scene at the point in time (John 5:1). We OWE it to people to love them. The opening two verses provide both the cast of characters at the event, as well as the specific setting of it. Sometimes God has to make us hungry through a test so that we eat well from the provisions of His table! With the very same voice, I want to say without qualification the Bible supports real tenderness for those who have been victims, and every attempt should be made to be sure we care for the hurting as best we can (cp. That is another form of deep rebellion and arrogance. Romans 13:12 The night is almost gone, and the day is near. This idea leads right into the second instruction. Her family had a nominal Easter and Christmas commitment to the church, so the discussions in the hospital between this young pastor and the family always ploughed new ground. year: When Dickens finished his work called A Christmas Carol, he left us with the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a man in desperate need of change. Records, promises, the presence of God and the inflating work of His Spirit are all at work to fill us with hope when we dont fill our lives with fake answers, false memes and platitudes. I will have the eternal life Jesus promisedand it is coming SOON! Lets summarize the things we know about him based on the account: He knew of Jesus and what others claimed He could do (John 4:46a). Example is always a strong motivation for doing the right thing in life. In the poetic language of the Hebrew Scriptures, wine is most often a symbol of God-given joy: Psalm 104:15 And wine which makes mans heart glad, So that he may make his face glisten with oil, And food which sustains mans heart. The people at the time of Jeremiah reasoned that they could carry burdens and make deliveries on the Sabbath as long as they werent actually working. It was in his going, not in his arriving that he received the assurance that his faith had been rewarded. Your toaster suddenly decided our toast should be cinder black instead of its usual delicate brown. Exodus 12:15 Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, but on the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses; for whoever eats anything leavened from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel. Giving for Gods eyes only (6:1-4). She should promote Christmas celebrations that offer a way to magnify Jesus, rather than trying to correct the rest of us with long diatribes on the history of the Christmas tree. One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. In the early part of the ministry, He was in Nazareth, went to Johns preaching by the Jordan, made His way to Jerusalem for a time, and then began to announce His ministry throughout the towns of the Galilee region. Immorality: porneia; illicit sexual activity to use my body for self-pleasure without regard to the proper bonding use of the gift of sexuality. Then how does he now see? 20 His parents answered them In four weeks, it was only the woman and her husband. Did you notice that Jesus turned the discussion to the limitation of time? No amount of new testimony will open the ears of one who My teaching must be transforming you! Why didnt Jesus make it easy for the man? It is accepting HIS WORD as the authority on what truly happened and what will happen. Are you hungry right now? We assume John cut off the unnecessary parts of the interaction, but it is interesting he included Jesus objection. At the heart of the issue are accusations from decades past, and deep concerns of many who, in unrelated personal stories, have sadly faced criminal abuse in their lives that was not resolved justly. Because it was one story, lets take a few moments and refresh in our MERCY reflects an attitude that is caring enough not to be unduly self-focused (7), Or maybe they have broken relationships that they want God to mend. said these things to them, He stayed in Galilee.10But He enumerates several reasons: God designed authority and placed people into it. Am I letting my hunger determine my eating? Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. The female doctor, clearly practicing her bedside manner, sat on my bed, leaned in to tell me how my treatment was progressing, and the whole time had an angelic look and a purposeful calming cadence to her voice. Check social media profiles, photos and videos, places of employment, public records, resumes and CV, arrest records, business records, memorials and work history . long distance for the sake of the man. Bear in mind that marriage feasts were intended to be the most joyous of community occasions for a village. For if because of food your brother is hurt, you are no longer walking according to love. 23 For this reason his parents said, He is Jordan Randall Smith (born November 18, 1982) is an American conductor, arts entrepreneur, and percussionist.He is the music director of Symphony Number One and conductor of the Hopkins Concert Orchestra at Johns Hopkins University. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. There is an indication in verse one and two that Mary was already at the feast, at the time when Jesus and His disciples arrived on the third day. This second set of practices focused on the temptation we all have to operate life apart from resting in Gods power. This ISNT about whether pornography is ok for me since sexual purity is made clear in the text. He didnt even say He healed the boy! Here is the key: I truly believe Gods Word only when I accept the Word as it is stated and change my life to conform to what it says I should do and become. They have an inflated view of themselves, and a cynical view of team mates. They are trying to follow Jesus as He has taught them. Jesus expected us to choose His way over the way of the crowd, the way of convenience, or the way of casual acquaintance. The grammatical term for binding an animal for sacrifice is the Hebrew akeida and was specifically mentioned in Abrahams binding of Isaac in Genesis 22. Paul shared the central reason for following some of the instruction he gave in verses 1-10 of the passage. Deeply rooted in the Christian life and experience is a team making its way through an obstacle course. seemed like a terrible thing. Advertisements. Randy has three grown children, each with children of their own, and loves to be a Pop Pop and spend time with the family. It is the religious spirit at work. Morbid humor is truly something that must be embedded in ones DNA, because it can seem really inappropriate at times. In a sense, slower progress can mean more God. Jesus called His followers to be people of FAITH not RELIGION. Suzie thinks that tobacco in any form was grown from the garden of Satan, but she drinks flavored coffee that contains the equivalent of seven teaspoons of sugar every morning. Many in Jewish circles still echo that. Romans 12-16). will unpack that from the Gospel of John in a few moments. autumn. The other part of the congregation came from what I term the pig eating pagan crowd of Gentiles. The title of our series exposes the simplest part of the idea: What Jesus did, but it doesnt offer the richness of the texture to what we are going to deep dive into. In short, the hills around Bethlehem were home to the hundreds of lambs used in ritual worship in the Temple. It is as though we have become the killer appWe dont do our emails; our email does US. Collections; . r***@sebringgrace.org. Stop trying to fix other people and start cleaning up things that can cause them to trip over in YOUR life. Yet, He also served the Gentiles and fulfilled some promises that were more cryptic, but nevertheless included in the Scriptures. Paul referred to that tendency when he wrote: 1 Corinthians 1:22-24: For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, 24 but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Stop the gossip. It made me wonder about so many things, most notably how a person with the name Maggot would go into medicine. answered, Whether He is a sinner, I do Did you notice there were three reasons why this focus on the other was marked out as very important: First, believers are commanded to seek to please our brother in a way that builds him up. in Jerusalem, He began teaching and the Temple The popular thought these days is that God is a God of. Paul would completely understand that thinking. Giving up my falsely constructed sense of control is at the heart of accepting Jesus. Still excited about how travel opens the heart of a Jesus follower, Joan has carefully worked through a myriad of options to understand the best way to see the world of the Bible. Romans 14:6 He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God. Lewis, A Grief Observed). 18 For he who in this way serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. summarize the whole scene this way: Jesus did not seek a review of His plans, We are about to wake up to reality. At the same time, the story in John 5 is unique among these personal encounters in its moral or lesson. to people after they leave this I care about practice showing love to others and not keeping account of wrongs of others. 11 Jesus then took the loaves, and having given thanks, He distributed to those who were seated; likewise also of the fish as much as they wanted. Jesus said, Have the people sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. When we do nothing to violate law, we move through life without hiding the guilt of our transgressions (Romans 13:4-5). John can have his monthly cigar. I didnt think I could shift with my left hand while driving on the left side of the road. Though Gods enemy has great power on our planet, he is limited to the realm God has set for him until the time that evil is brought to an end. These included: A dialogue between Jesus and His cousin John about His identity (John 1); An exchange between Jesus and His mother during a crisis (John 2); A theological interview of Jesus by Nicodemus the Pharisee (John 3); An engaging conversation between Jesus and the Woman at the Well in Samaria (John 4). Though wed prefer everyone join us in person, we know these times make gathering together difficult for some. Kindle Edition. Those who may be weakest physically may be a special gift from God to all of us. describe the fight between gatsby and tom. 16 Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil; 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Add to that, many of the followers of the God of Abraham could be found to living quite differently than the ideals they taught. What did God do about mans rebellious and languishing state? This account vividly illustrated how some people seem to love the rules and want to make everyone around them do them, but dont really seem to care as much about the people for whom the rules were made. Love them enough to be careful as God leads you. I was boldly proceeding as if I knew what was there, but I did not truly see things as they were. We will do so by a process of understanding normal trends of the region in the time, and by examining both text and archaeological evidence. They cared about their world, but they were much more invested in holding onto their place than standing firmly on big issues since those who stood on principle often ended up floating in the Tiber River. They think in terms of their own growth in the same way a physical CHILD does. It was five oclock in the afternoon and Blondin started the trip that was to make history. Drop down a few verses as we closeJesus said. I would add a second word, Message beside the summary where He fired a warning shot in His message of life change (Mt. It is also a cautionary tale to warn us not to become what they were. standard practice for people to be declared well after sickness, giving them In short, weve been set up to fail here. What Paul made clear in verses six through nine are these three ideas: People may decide differently regarding personal issues of conscience, but the Lord will teach each of them individually to yield to Him (14:6). This was the best day of his life and they were quibbling over details. La satisfaction totale de nos clients est notre priorit. Some of the congregation came from the sons of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. MY WANTS and they stand in direct contrast to the other person centered lifestyle taught in the Scriptures. The matter is speculative, and though it could conceivably have been part of the events of Luke 2, it is worth noting the shepherds appear to have been outside Bethlehem and came INTO the village to find the baby. Lambs could also be used for burnt offerings (Oleh dedicatory offerings). interest in Jesus NOT being Lord, because that would change their sense of This He was saying to test him, for He Himself knew what He was intending to do, Philip answered Him, Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, for everyone to receive a little. 8 One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peters brother, said to Him, 9 There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are these for so many people?. As you may recall, the letter was designed to answer five big questions: Is God really trustworthy in keeping His promises? at Sinai and spoke that Law with His Father. That reality is our rescue from the world we have come to think is: Oh so important. The practices that go with the sleepy, dark and temporal world are about to be over. He Who is the Truth will speak definitively in judgment. Since the beginning, God has instructed His people to be generous. That is what good teams produce. Every historical statement is believed on authority. The Bible repeatedly made the overt and specific claim that Jesus is the eternal Son of God who was the agent of Creation (Col. 1:16-17; Heb. Progress may be less dramatic, but it will be more lasting. They keep US busy. For a job, I worked some of that time at a farm near Higbee Beach baling hay and cleaning horse stalls. In fact, we need to be careful about the standard of truth we use altogether. The story isnt about how good they were, but rather about how good God is in spite of how fickle they were. Randall Smith Archives - The Catholic Thing Non-Establishment of the Church Randall Smith Monday, January 9, 2023 The Old and the New Stephen P. White Friday, December 30, 2022 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Randall Smith Tuesday, December 27, 2022 A New Encyclical on Contraception? The term abound in the end of verse thirteen demonstrates that hope is something the Spirit inflates inside of you by His own power, like a compressor fills a tire. He doesnt want fans He wants followers. the morning sacrifices which began each day. Dont miss that. Baba Kama 80 offered restrictions on household animals and expressly forbade the keeping of flocks throughout the land of Israel, except in the wilderness regions. If you read the Scriptures thoroughly, you will note the mans humility is part of what led Jesus to help. The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him. They didnt know who was in and who was out on a daily basis. chapter opens a story that doesnt close until chapter ten, as John recounts startling truth. God wants to tear the plumbing out entirely and deal with the well from which the water flows. This is the section we again study today the section that explains how a mature and healthy believer should appear, or how they should demonstrate Jesus in daily life (cp. As I rode the rapids toward my bone marrow transplant, I could not get over the sheer comedy that comes from trying to live a typical life in such an atypical way. Instruction One: Believers are to learn to let God put people over us we wouldnt always choose. Second, the text offered a place: Cana of Galilee. being caught in the catching pool south of the canal that carried the water. 48 So Jesus said to him, Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe. 49 The royal official said to Him, Sir, come down before my child dies. 50 Jesus said to him, Go; your son lives. The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and started off. We are zealous for freedom, but we are weak in our worship of God. She continued: Now we know that once computers connected us to each other, once we became tethered to the network, we didnt need to keep computers busy. Leaky faucets are minor league stuff to Him. said to him, Give glory to God; we know that this man is a sinner. 25 He then Remember John 5:14 made clear the lame man got that way because of some willful sin in his life. He has made us nervous when doing wrong from our earliest cookie heist as a child. jessica parker journalist father. Jesus reaction (on first reading) does not seem loving at all it sounds almost heartless and cold. Its Not Fair: Learning to Love the Life You Didnt Choose (Kindle Locations 286-288). They watched His works, and felt His warmth. Did you notice that Jesus gave sufficient to fill all that were gathered there? If you hear and then follow My word you are building well (7:24-25). In order to drive home Divine reasons, Paul had to press the case as to why subjection was so important. them. The command offers us an opportunity to learn, not JUST in disobedience, but even in obedience. Everyone Did you notice the seventh hour in verse 52 was the hour that Jesus healed the boy according to verse 53? What the people needed wasnt to eat bread to live, but to embrace the very Bread of Life and watch Him work! Enemies. I get the basic concept, but I cannot (for the life of me) figure out how someone worked out all the mechanics. Last Update. died so that I dont have to. None of us has seen the Norman Conquest or the defeat of the Spanish Armada. So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. If you hear my teaching but dont allow it to transform you you are setting yourself up for a future collapse (7:26-27).
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