I did not know about the abductions but they have to keep the funding coming in somehow, I suppose. Completely eliminating ingestion of dairy products is also a complete lack of ignorance as to the health benefits that consumption of dairy products which have been scientifically proven. You talk about others being egotistical, yet youve come on this forum and tried to force your view on everyone else. New studies show that Veganism IS NOT superior to eating meat for health. Found in GALILEO's academic databases and Google Scholar. P-E-T-A Pedantic, Enticing, Tyrannical, Ass wipes. Had a surveillance video not been available, the killing of Maya would have remained unknown, as were the fates of other animals who also went missing that same day, but which a subsequent investigation into the killing of Maya by the Virginia Department of Agriculture (VDACS) uncovered were also taken from that trailer park that same day and likewise killed. I dont believe God gave us dominion over the animals to kill. Lets all keep it real folks. As gossip bloggers and Hollywood journalists have noted, Pamela Andersons Dodge Viper (auctioned to benefit PETA) had a luxurious leather interior; Jenna Jameson was photographed fishing, slurping oysters, and wearing a leather jacket just weeks after launching an anti-leather campaign for PETA; Morrissey got an official okay from PETA after eating at a steakhouse; Dita von Teese has written about her love of furs and foie gras; Steve-O built a career out of abusing small animals on film; the officially anti-fur Eva Mendes often wears fur anyway; and Charlize Therons celebrated October 2007 Vogue cover shoot featured several suede garments. Search engines like Google read this file to crawl your site more efficiently. Viral Spiral covers internet rumors. Just $22 per month is enough to provide one doghouse every year. Current subscribers: You will continue to receive e-mail unless you explicitly opt out by clicking, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. In this post, I'll share the ugly truth about PETA. PETA had killed her with a lethal dose of poison. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 800-232-4636. Read More 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy a Wood Burning StoveContinue, This is a guest post by Matt Powers of The Permaculture Student. Besides dogs and cats, 36 other animals were euthanized in 2019, bringing the total to 1,614 animals euthanized out of 2,482 taken in. He rarely hunts those. The circus finally let them win and shut down, leaving millions without a job. I believe you have awesome information to share on your blog and if it wasnt so well thought out and informative you wouldnt have been attacked so thoroughly. wordpress.com . cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered pests, How PETAs Community Animal Project Helps in Our Own Backyards. Evaluating source credibility is an important information literacy skill. Not only that, all wild animals depends on some animals for their food. Never. If you want to do no more than angrily smear them, then you accept the mantle of fanatic yourself happily. The title Your Mommy Kills Animals paired with a blood soaked image of a crazed woman wielding a knife would be enough to give some kids nightmares. What's your take on this issue? Thanks for sharing. Isnt it all convenient how PETA never mentions the animal deaths at produce and grain farms, where animals are routinely poisoned, mauled, or trapped and killed to keep them from eating or contaminating fruits, vegetables and grains with urine and feces ? "While we transfer hundreds of animals to reputable shelter partners and place animals for adoption, our shelter mostly takes in aggressive, sick, elderly, injured, feral, or otherwise unadoptable animals for whom euthanasia is the most humane option, and we euthanize at the owners' request when they can't afford to pay for their sick and dying animals to be put to sleep," PETA said, citing a nationwide crisis of about 70 million homeless dogs and cats who "breed more homeless animals. PETA holds absolutely no open-adoption shelter hours at its Norfolk, VA headquarters, choosing instead to spend part of its $32 million annual income on a contract with a crematory service to periodically empty hundreds of animal bodies from its large walk-in freezer. But god, how can factory farm owners be so NASTY? Ive always wondered why people thought PETA was such a wonderful thing. GREAT internet sources you know this is reliable source because it is nhs website, and therefore the information on the website is put on. Ingrid E. Newkirk is the cofounder and president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the largest animal rights organization in the world. With that in mind, here are eight ways to tell if a website is reliable. Every animal is the victim of the sin WE humans brought upon the world. what about human, ancient and recent food habits. From all of the posts Ive received from you on topics I am interested in and living daily, I wouldnt believe you to be that person and dont want to say such harsh words but I dont see how you can defend it. 4. bias [bahy-uh s] (noun) judging something or someone unfairly. [The German High Court found PeTA guilty of paying people to skin animals alive. Perhaps the mob rule is another and the bullying. Instead, it brutalizes the very people who are working to give animals the best possible lives. She did nothing wrong, and had no issues until the extremists attacked. In my opinion, while PETA's database of cruelty-free brands is filled with good intentions, it's not reliable due to the lack of any investigation. An analysis of HSUSs TV fundraising determined that more than 85 percent of the animals shown were cats and dogs. Kudos to you Laurie for standing your ground. Reliable Sources for Research Writing . From The Cruelty-Free 101 Series: My husbands family fell apart when their mother died and dad remarried less than 8 months later. They dont exist. Shame. 6. But larceny wasnt the only law the PETA employees would break. Text UGLY to 73822 to tell UGGs to choose vegan materials and stop supporting the mutilation and violent killing of sheep! Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. "If you have an open-door intake policy and welcome damaged animals who are abused, neglected, unloved, or who no one else will accept, of course your [euthanization] numbers will look different than those of a shelter that accepts a limited number of animals and turns animals away," PETA told Newsweek in an email Friday. Humans were originally carnivores. to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Since 1980, PETA has campaigned to establish a global society in which humans consider the needs of what Henry Beston, noted American writer and naturalist of the mid-20th century, so beautifully called the other nations. We uphold the rights of individual animals to be respected. And its infamous Holocaust on Your Plate campaign crassly compared the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide to farm animals. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: Your Mommy Kills Animals! PETA brags that its messages reach over 1.2 million minor children, including 30,000 kids between the ages of 6 and 12, all contacted by e-mail without parental supervision. And just assuming a bunch of people who may or may not be PETA people are in fact representing them in some way, because the first post on your friends page echoed something out of the PETA playbookthats just not real stuff either. If only we all could have normal neighbors like you. They could have and should have given it a little more thought when the dog took the biscuit on the porch (if you know dog behavior, they take food home like that) but ignorance or lack of attention is not willful murder of a family pet. Let's revive the art of civil discourse, and agree to disagree on some issues while still being able to find common ground on others. It contains 4 FULL-SIZE products including a large 9-pan eyeshadow palette from Estate Cosmetics. Non-credible sources are the complete opposite of the definition above. PETA Does it apply scientific approach to its demand humans to be vegetarian. All religious books, portrayed many animals. Finding the right data is often a matter of quickly dismissing sources of bad data, allowing the cream to rise to the top. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) does very little to help animals. Maya the dog was one that those employees knew and had met before, they knew they were taking a family pet. Peer review is an evaluation by other, typically already-established experts in a field, while the alternative is open to anyone with an opinion, well-informed or not. Court documents indicate that HSUS sent several checks as part of an alleged witness-payment scheme. Killing Maya so quickly way, way bad. PETA's headquarters is in Norfolk, Virginia, where it operates an animal shelter called PETA's Community Animal Project. Joaquin Phoenix has teamed up with the non-profit People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to call out clothing companies that are allegedly benefiting from "unspeakable cruelty" to ducks.. We didnt learn it in schools and we didnt learn it from books. 3) PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. PETA opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment business. "Cherry-picking animals to only allow in the most adoptable at shelters with limited admission (otherwise known as 'no-kill') policies doesn't help and often leads to people dumping animals, or neglecting them in other ways," the email said. They are nothing but a bunch of crazy zealots who dont know how to look at the world through a practical lense. source [sawrs] (noun) someone or something that provides information. I wonder why PETA doesnt target big meat producers, and their more than suspicious practices, instead of targeting the true stewards of the land and the animals. Theres an easy way that that the PETA workers could have known Maya was a family pet ask the family. My beef and poultry is mostly from my own province and Alberta. I think it's perfectly appropriate for people to take bricks and toss them through windows. After Vick got out of prison, HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle told the press that he thought Vick would do a good job as a pet owner. This startling comment came after Vicks new employer, the Philadelphia Eagle, made a $50,000 grant to HSUS. 10 Things You Should Know About HSUS. Whether you choose to eat meat or not, it's time to end the hatred and vicious attacks. I think it began around 1979. Read More Greenhouse Guide What You Need to Know Before You BuildContinue, Whole grains are affordable, last longer in storage and can provide excellent flavor and quality. The owner of the restaurant, in broken English, stammered in a panicky voice that he did not know anything about how the dead dogs got there. Veganism is indeed superior to a meat-bases diet. Given genetic variations, some people people do fine without meat, but others do not. Another friend got fallout over raising meat rabbits. WARNING graphic and foul language. PETA Takes Pets from Peoples Homes Any universal significance behind that. We should not be considered higher than and in that case forget that we coexist with these animals that also deserve love and respect. Thank you for being g brave enough to share it. Peta is a reliable source as it is an organization. Im not saying you cant get iron from plants, but this is way easier than me. The other theme is on the horrors of your friends FB page certainly it is fair enough to cross-reference between the two themes, but they are two separate issues unless your only intent is to smear PETA no matter what. Also, beware of unknown blog posts that don't have any citations! 70 to 80 percent of the animals PETA categorize as rescued from abusers are euthanized. -Facilitated nation-wide tabling events at festivals and concerts using time management and organization skills . PETA works through public education, investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, protests, and negotiations with companies and regulatory agencies. The story is enough on its own merits, without even slightly sensationalizing. If being meat free is the right choice for you, that's fine too. what is the truth behind that such animals have become pet and / or domestic animals. PETA encourages visitors to spread the animal rights message by copying and downloading Web site content for personal, noncommercial use. PETA protestors can find vegan alternatives to food and shampoos, but they would be lucky to find vegan alternatives to drugs and vaccines, which are usually tested on thousands of mice and monkeys. PETAKillsAnimals.com reported, after obtaining older data from VDACS by filing public record requests under Virginia's sunshine laws, that of the 49,737 dogs and cats PETA received between 1998 and 2019, 41,539 were killed. My husband hunts because he enjoys it, and yes, he likes to get the one with the big rack or whatever But we eat everything he kills. This includes a 2001 donation of $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an FBI-certified domestic terrorist group responsible for dozens of firebombs and death threats. I am pretty sure most of them ad eggs and bacon for breakfast and wiped the grease from their fingers to jump on the attack band wagon while sitting in their cushy leather office chair Since its inception in 1980, PETA has continually won groundbreaking victories in behalf of animals. We are not carnivores. HSUS president Wayne Pacelle hired John J.P. Goodwin in 1997, the same year Goodwin described himself as spokesperson for the ALF while he fielded media calls in the wake of an ALF arson attack at a California meat processing plant. An online search will quickly demonstrate otherwise. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record. (pain meds and anesthesia are used when needed, and euthanasia if necessary) Her passion and dedication to making this world a better place for all living beings has inspired countless others to do what they can to help animals. I hesitated to write this post, because I don't do controversy, but I feel strongly that someone needs to set the record straight. I do not think highly of hunting for sportOR PETAs actions. Source: whypetakills.org. We have other options besides having to take a life of an animal that feels fear and who you can also befriend. While HSUS claims it saves more animals than any other animal protection group in the US, much of the care HSUS provides is in the form of spay-neuter assistance. This puppy and dozens of other animals including cats and kittens were found by police throughout June of 2005 after PETA employees dumped them in a garbage bin in North Carolina. This post may contain affiliate links which wont change your price but will share some commission. Reliable Sources is the longest-running show on CNN; Stelter has hosted it for the past nine years and celebrated the show's 30th anniversary in March. <3. I still keep in contact during family reunions (which happen every year) but the family back east, or out of country do not return. I did not say that this was routine, only that it had happened and been documented. If I saw a dog on a porch, my first reaction would be that the dog belonged with the house, unless proven otherwise. Anyhow the big question is how the employees that have previously assisted that family could not distinguish Maya from a random stray dog. Want proof? Why would they euthanize a dog at large immediately then wait 3 days to inform the family? I get why blaming PETA for it is easy, but it may or may not be true, there are all kinds of trolling jerks out there with networks to gang up on people like that. Since 1998, PETA has been directly responsible for the death of 41,539 animals. We've done this in order to take advantage of newer .NET APIs for performance reasons. Given the massive size of its budget, HSUS does relatively little hands-on care for animals. The Washington Post reported that in 2015, PETA "euthanized more than 80 percent of the animals in its care last year, a rate so shockingly high that Virginia lawmakers passed a bill [SB 1381] in Februarynearly unanimouslyto define a private animal shelter as a place where the primary mission is to find permanent homes for animals in this life, not send them on to the next.". This is a guest post by Amber Bradshaw. If youre considering wood heat, here are a few things you should know before you invest in a wood burning stove, wood fireplace insert or wood cookstove. This is not standard PETA practice (unlike the issues raised above). Simpson has publicly criticized PETA's euthanization rates in past blog posts written for Duanemorris.com, where he analyzes the data collected by the VDACS. Pure profit. Its a very broad brush being used here for not wanting controversy and for just wanting to set the record straight. I believe in your good heart, but I wonder that passion can carry us all away, make us not as pointedly careful as we perhaps should be, especially when we see friends being hurt and attacked so ruthlessly as is illustrated here. You can also subscribe without commenting. I believe hunting is much more healthy, animal friendly, and ethical than buying conventional meat at the grocery store. Discuss what you find with your doctor before making any changes to your health care. Learn more about their groundbreaking work near our Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Have I been wrong all these years? A chef was forced to drop an item off the menu of his restaurant due to death threats. I hate people who think their educated because they watch doctor oz, read some activist magazine, or are #feminism because it looks good on their instagram. Overall, we rate ESPN Left-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that moderately favor the left. PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk disparages the importance of Seeing Eye dogs. (Interestingly they never took on the much larger Smithfield Foods. No, thats not being educated. A credible source is free from bias and backed up with evidence. Again, they do enough harm to themselves for you to not have to inflate and conflate. Some expository/actual factual mitigating background information, some lightening of declaratory and accusatory terms, not pluralizing when it was one incident to conflate it to be the policy of the entire organization to steal family pets to kill themtheres a lot that can be done to make this a a more solidly factual piece that wont leave you open to criticism as a fanatic yourself. Editors must use their judgment to draw the line between usable and inappropriate sources for each statement. A large number of dead dogs had been found in the dumpster behind the Chinese restaurant. Please find the light in your heart around this. Many reliable sources have proven that violence in the media has a negative influence in children under the age of eighteen. Going completely dairy free is as unhealthy as going completely meat free. But I am a person who doesnt believe in spreading fear-based rumors and half-truths. Founded in March 1980 by Newkirk and animal rights activist Alex Pacheco, the organization . PETA opposesspeciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment business. PETA shelters have been known to euthanize over 90% of the animals that are rendered into their care, adopting out only a small handful. The Easiest Way is not the Best Way . In this case, a reference in the reliable source is only credible in its field of knowledge. I believe you are hesitant to attack anyone by writing this article, so please see if you can agree that allowing this kind of hype in is perhaps not showcasing your intent best? Read The Lost Language of Plants and The Secret Life of Plants. i am umamageswaran, from madurai, Tamilnadu, India, as much i hate peta as deep of my soul. PETA president and cofounder Ingrid Newkirk has led the worlds largest animal rights organization for more than 25 years. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channels audience: Our campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be.. Therefore, it is not the animals fault for eating meat, but rather ours. Your original comment seemed to place the blame on the victim, which pissed me off. Relevant Information in Reliable Sources. Never Buy Bread Again has over twenty bread recipes for all occasions, plus troubleshooting for common baking problems and tips on how to store your bread. I want to make it known that PETA's list isn't the ultimate cruelty-free source, unfortunately. The group euthanized (killed) more than 1,900 animals in 2003 alone that's over 85 percent of the animals it received. The top guns make ludicrous salaries. If youd like to reprint part of it, I allow the use of one photo and an excerpt with link back to the site. in your newsletter you asked When did the family unit get completely ripped apart?. I had no idea how bad the situation was until I started digging - then I was horrified. I have no truck with PETA one way or the other but when only certain facts are highlighted that can then be shown to be not quite as claimed, it undermines your whole thing. I had no idea how bad the situation was until I started digging then I was horrified. In todays world of virtually unlimited choices, animal exploitation is simply unacceptable. The virtual shitstorm unleashed by so-called animal rights activists does NOTHING to help animals. our gods from any religion, related some domestic animals. PETA has euthanized tens of thousands of animals, according to data filed with the state of Virginia, but said that is to be expected with its open-door policy of taking in many animals no one else would accept. I led with the animal stealing originally because it was the most striking element of the material that I found while researching. The internet is full of websites that were started five minutes ago. Per your concerns, I have edited the post to make the purposeful pet killing less of a focus in the piece. But Im a dedicated 2 sport athlete, and was anemic, which wreaked havoc on me and all my dreams. PETA is notorious for certifying companies that test on animals. In 1997, when asked by reporters for a reaction to an ALF arson fire at a farmers feed co-op in Utah (which nearly killed a family sleeping on the premises), Goodwin replied, Were ecstatic.. The APA style (or APA format) is now in its 7th edition, and provides citation style guides for virtually any type of resource. While it raises money with pictures of cats and dogs, HSUS has an anti-meat vegan agenda. PETA is notorious for certifying companies that test on animals. Among the dead were two four month old kittens, a six month old puppy, a one-year-old lab-mix, and another Chihuahua.. An undercover PETA agent worked 11 shifts at 10 different Plainville Farms across Pennsylvania between July 15 and August 3 and captured horrifying video showing workers abusing the birds. All it took was a quick Google to get a little more information, you should do more research to be a little more accurate when posting. Reliable Source. Im not a fan of trophy hunting, either, but I certainly wouldnt threaten to kill someone over it. Any politician or celebrity who crusades for stripping us law abiding Patriots from bring able to hunt animals for food and clothing, and defense against tyrannical politicians and cold blooded killers always have armed guards protecting them, elitist hypocrisy at its finest. PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals, including research aimed at curing AIDS and cancer. Since 1998, PETA has been directly responsible for the death of 41,539 animals.". For light amounts of grain grinding, Read More Home Grain Mills Comparison of Manual Grain Grinders for the HomeContinue. That said, you cant use these grains to their full potential without a home grain mill. Its doesnt give us the right to treat them poorly, they are gods creations. Here's a direct quote from Bruce Friedrich, PeTA Campaign Director, Vegan Campaign Coordinator, Animal Rights 2001 Conference, July 2, 2001: If we really believe that animals have the same right to be free from pain and suffering at our hands, then, of course, we're going to be blowing things up and smashing windows. Apparently the fact that some meat alternatives are well traveled and wrapped in plastic appears to also be of no consequence to PETA, as well as the fact that some include palm oil, a product that promotes the depletion of rainforests worldwide. A sponsorship gift of $265 will pay for one doghouse, but any amount can make a life-changing difference to a dog in need. So disheartening. Image source, Getty Images Image caption, Besides, a person should not just use sources to . PETA, considered by many to be the highest-profile animal rights group in the country, kills an average of about 2,000 dogs and cats each year at its animal shelter here. Thank you for this great article! Thank you so much for your courage to post this truth. She was vilified for posting this, and both she and her family were threatened. Among the many reasons the Leica M3 is one of the world's best 35mm cameras, especially today, is because it gets out of the way of the creative process. When outside sources are cited, they're often only from a single contributor - for instance, Big Cat Rescue's website or Founder appears to be the only source utilized for almost all big-cat related articles - or they're an organization known to have a specific agenda regarding captive animals, such as PETA and the Animal Legal Defense Fund. It is a lie because, according to The Daily Caller, "two PETA employees described as 'adorable' and 'perfect' some of the dogs and cats they killed in the back of a PETA-owned van." So yes,. This behavior continues despite PETAs moralizing about the unethical treatment of animals by farmers, scientists, restaurant owners, circuses, hunters, fishermen, zookeepers, and countless other Americans.
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