The Medical Platoon (which establishes a Regimental Aid Post when deployed) will be comprised of 1 medical officer + 19 other ranks. The basic platoon structure of the Universal Battalion assumes that individual riflemen within sections will be equipped with the 5.56 mm L85A3 assault rifle (SA80) including two soldiers with 40 mm UGLs. Regimental Administration Office Its a tactical-sized unit that can perform a battlefield function on its own. As far as anti-tank weapons are concerned, these tend to be issued according to the threat faced. Morale is low (not unique to Guards but across the Army) for a number of reasons, a big one being that Guardsmen feel they are stagging on without the return of getting a tour in. If it did by any chance happen, though, I wonder if UK Land Power could tell me whether it would make a difference to his manning arrangements. A battalion comprises two or more primary mission companies which are often of a common type (e.g., infantry, tank, or maintenance), although there are exceptions such as combined arms battalions in the U.S. Army. Combat companies consist of (usually mechanised) infantry, combat engineers, or tanks. 8 bazookas; 3 57mm anti-tank guns; 2 .50 cal and So that the tanks can seperate from the infantry completly and then act as an force for their own. First Army serves as a mobilization, readiness and training command; Third Army, or U.S. Army Central, commands all Army forces for U.S. Central Command; Fifth Army, or U.S. Army North, commands all Army forces for U.S. Northern Command; Sixth Army, or U.S. Army South, commands all Army forces for U.S. Southern Command; Seventh Army, or U.S. Army Europe, commands all Army forces for U.S. European Command; Eighth Army commands all U.S. Army forces in South Korea; and Ninth Army, or U.S. Army Africa, commands all Army forces for U.S. Africa Command. The commander can also accept augmentation of units. With a universal size, it is easy to see gaps and to fill them. A regiment consists of a regimental headquarters, a headquarters company (or battery), and two to five organic battalions (Marine infantry regiments three battalions of infantry; Marine artillery regiments three to five battalions of artillery; Marine combat logistics regiments one to three combat logistics battalions). A nominal structure of 1 officer + 19 other ranks is proposed. Its a conundrum for,sure. 2019-2023 Battle Order. on Bushmaster as their ride. Dubbed Infantry Battalion Experiment Campaign Plan, or IBX30, the three-battalion effort is part of the Corps' push to reorganize for conflicts with near-peer adversaries by 2030, which the. @Jed In my fantasy army its the best allocation of resources. It is a proposal discussed at length already by a host of military commentators including UKLP. Are you implying that there is a problem with their professionalism and, therefore, competency? Is that a firmed-up concept or is it still at the level of general discussion and possibilities? That idea could be developed but I dont think it is right for all British infantry. I need to add a section on weapons. Perhaps theres an article to be written somewhere in there, UKLP, especially being an ex veg head? 1. Combat enemy fast air? Light Role battalions had 8-soldier sections. If its not can we at least work round it by concentrating on fire and manoeuvre? \ |sZ4U !{s<0 This would increase the overall costs extreme and such an all-mech-inf force with the ability of the mech-inf to also fight as light inf if the need arises would create a high logistical footprint, high equipment costs and much higher training costs etc. Linked to above hopefully we could afford extra MRV-P APC, lets say Bushmaster, and JLTV to fully equip extra reserve Coys deployed to the motorized infantry. The four companies include three line companies and one H&S; the four battalions include three lines and one H&S. There are always variations to what is the standard breakdown of Marine Corps unit structure. 57mm Heavy armour battalion The 60mm Mortar is a tremendous asset we retire at our peril: not only does it have impressive reach and devastating impact (for a man-portable weapon) but the Boss doesnt have to arrse about queuing (should it be cueing?) And as i wrote here in this blog in an earlier article especially the UK forces should be as multi-purpose and as flexible and mobile as possible, especially on the stratetigic and operational level. I dont mean to bash your idea but I do think that the current system, despite its flaws, is generally fit for purpose. Organization of the formations and units of the German Army after the start of the Russian campaign until 1945. Each of the infantry regiments had, besides its twelve rifle and heavy weapons companies, a 13th (infantry howitzer) and 14th (antitank) company. This would increase the size of fighting infantry men in the bataillons heavily so that they become numerically sufficient enough for infantry combat and would protect them to become mech-infantry only troops. You are spot on that dismounted mass should dictate the ORBAT rather than vehicle capacity. Infantry Regiments and Their Commanders 1792 - 1815 The Austrian infantry and their commanders. Also not every infantry unit would then need an kind of sister tank unit (because of rotation, because of terrain and so on) and so the number of vehicles for the protected mobility units which could at the same time act as independent fighting units seperate from the infantry could be smaller as if every infantry unit would have its own protected vehicles. Over time, the regiments were turned into battalions, the reserve units amalgamated and more regular units raised and disbanded. I dont understand what problem having a light, medium and heavy brigade in a division solves. As a bonus I thought that a closer relationship with reserves at battalion might serve as a nice middle ground, with regulars perhaps choosing that as way out of the service as well as for reserves finding it a way in. Infantry mass do we have to give up on this concept ? However number of boots might make the difference for protected mobility (motorized) inf. In the Canadian Army, the battalion is the standard unit organization for infantry and combat service support and each battalion is divided into one or more sub-units referred to as companies. This is because a battalion's complement of ammunition, expendable weapons (e.g., hand grenades and disposable rocket launchers), water, rations, fuel, lubricants, replacement parts, batteries, and medical supplies normally consists of only what the battalion's soldiers and the battalion's vehicles can carry. Mechanised Transport Platoon While it cant do indirect fire into dead ground the CG is very acccurate and very lethal which I think more than makes up for the reduced number of rounds plts will be able to carry for them. I submit that its the job of the regular army to be equipped to fight small wars, and not to rely on civilians for what might prove an unpopular undertaking. HQ Company is comprised of five supporting elements. The Army is composed of an active duty component and a reserve component that comprises the Army Reserve and Army National Guard. However, the usage of designated marksmen not too common. Training Wing Im not sure that he can wave farewell to Warrior so easily. If so, the Army Reserve has undergone an immeasurable transformation over the past ten years. They usually consist of three or more field armies, with about 1 million to 3 million soldiers. With eachJavelin vehicle requiring a driver and commander, t. As noted above, there is no reason why other weapon types and combinations could not also be used. 06 Vehicle requirements Artillery battalions typically comprised four or more batteries, although this number fluctuated considerably. - light cannon, assigned to AT unit. 3743 0 obj <>stream The U.S. Army's Infantry Rifle Platoon consists of a platoon headquarters, 3 rifle squads, and 1 weapons squads. In actuality, I agree that Ajax IFV replacing Warrior is highly unlikely. The psychological impact of fighting against a platoon with immediate indirect fire capability should not be disregarded nor should the effect of hearing its noise and seeing its explosion. Good points. If push comes to shove, the gunner or commander can do both but it is such a struggle to guide the driver (who has very constricted situational awareness in Warrior), talk on the various nets, look out for anti-armour threats, identify, track and shoot targets and watch out for dismounts and all the other stuff going on from the cramped turret (which was not designed for blokes encumbered by todays mandated PPE). Whereas In a peer conflict youre going to lose and need a lot of people very quickly and youre probably going to find the army reserve faster than youre going to find the regular reserve. Service Forgive me if this is obvious but I dont know how much youve seen/been in a Warrior. Contrarily, in my experience the Gaaards are very proud of their role and it forms an important part of their ethos, setting them apart from the rest after all, they havent much else to boast about! The heavy battalions on Boxer and Warrior would be different. Headquarters Section (2Officers, 6 Enlisted, 5 Attached), , Sergeant(OR-5), armed with 1 M4A1Carbine, , First Lieutenant (OF-1), armed with 1 M4A1Carbine, , First Sergeant or Master Sergeant (OR-8), armed with 1 M4A1Carbine, , Sergeant (OR-5), armed with 1 M9/M17 Pistol. By embedding these assets at the battalion and brigade levels these organisations get used to working autonomously and are supported by more CSG as each level moves up. Co - Rounds and weapon will be heavier for dubious long range body-armour piercing performance. This structure is ideal for counter insurgency operations where there is a focus on foot patrols and other dismounted operations. REME do not just fix vehicles, an Infantry Battalion has a huge amount of other equipment that REME have to support. This would inevitable change their way of fighting and therefore hinder them to be an true general purpose infantry. This where I would fit the reserve infantry into the mix, sticking with 1 inf battalion providing 1 Coy on the 1 in 3 rotation to their twinned regular battalion for the regular motorized inf Battalions. And sometimes Recruiting Team. The figures given for the number of soldiers carried, number of dismounts etc. So i think to create such an kind of modulare force, a design in which absolut necessary abilities (here protected mobility) are not an organic part of the units, but modular abilities of the overall-forces would truly create a more potent and much more flexible force as every such mech fighting unit which can offer protected mobility for an infantry unit can also offer this to any other infantry unit as the need arises and could also fight for its own seperate from the infantry. 1 Combat Support battalion. I just wanted to pick up on a comment by White Hackle. A Carl Gustav 84mm in the Coy. I have done a similar analysis and share your view that a companys optimal size is 36, after that we deviate for the following reasons: I have a company size of 180 that includes 4 combat combat platoons and a single combat support group (platoon), This replicates at the Battalion level so a battalion 4 combat companies and a single Combat Support Company. Btn - Total battalion headcount can be determined by considering how many soldiers are needed within each component unit type. Increased use of the reserves suggests to me that government wants to underpin our foreign adventures on the cheap and at the expense of the regular army. With all these components, a battalion is the smallest military unit capable of "limited independent operations".[1]. I have manunauch silly ideas I can assure you. The structure outlined translates into an overall battalion size of 32 officers + 658 other ranks or 690 soldiers in total. Anyway, having filled all the racks with ammo for the cannon and chain gun and having packed the rations away, stowed everybodys gonk bag, admin pouch, daysack and squeezed the six dismounts in, you give them a couple of NLAWs (12kg, 1m long each), an ASM (9kg, 1m long) and hand the 2IC a couple of spare crates of ball and a couple of link, half a dozen extra smoke, boxes of cyalumes, handful of shermulies etc etc and you see that quite quickly its become so crowded that six dismounts is the absolute maximum. This structure also reflects the fact that most NATO IFVs accommodate a total of 9 soldiers, e.g. The Artillery Gun Module (AGM) on tracks (Donar) or on Boxer has only 3 crew ? 01 Introduction Regimental pride is at stake. The wagons overall capability is diminished because youre tasking a soldier to do two soldiers jobs in an incredibly stressful situation the middle of a firefight! Other corps usually use the term "regiment" instead. An infantry battalion is numbered ordinarily within its regiment (e.g., 1st Battalion, The Rifles, usually referred to as 1Rifles). 300 BLK ). Either way possibly improving retention and a quality of life issue for regulars who may need some acclimatization to civilian life. For historical reasons, armor and Ranger units of brigade size are called regiments, and the equivalent Special Forces units are called groups. Technical Quartermasters Department This reduces each company by 20 personnel. NATO defines a battalion as "larger than a company, but smaller than a regiment" while "consisting of two or more company-, battery-, or troop-sized units and a headquarters. In deployment in current year, it would be common for a Light Rifle Company to be equipped with 4 MRAPs per platoon and 2 MRAPs per headquarters section. When you constantly need to juggle different group sizes, theres a risk of not knowing whether you have enough boots on the ground to complete allocated tasks. Certainly turret-mounted 30 mm or 40 mm cannons are preferred. Does it belong to WW1 and before ? Recon The word battalion came into the English language in the 16th century from the French language (French: bataillon meaning "battle squadron"; Italian: battaglione meaning the same thing; derived from the Vulgar Latin word battalia meaning "battle" and from the Latin word bauttere meaning "to beat" or "to strike"). The UK is likely to do the same, but only a limited number of vehicles will get it presumably Anti-tank and Reconnaissance platoons. As I said in a previous comment, IFVs do require all THREE crew to be properly effective. In this respect, the number 36 is important, because it allows a range of groupings: 3 x Rifle Sections with 10 soldiers each plus a Platoon HQ of 6 soldiers = 36 total, 3 x Rifle Sections of 9 soldiers each plus a Platoon HQ of 9 soldiers = 36 total, 2 x Rifle Sections of 12 soldiers each plus a Platoon HQ of 12 soldiers = 36 total. It enables a return to pre-1950s rule of four: assault, suppress, reserve, exploit. A company is commanded by a captain with a first sergeant as the assistant. Canadian battalions are generally commanded by lieutenant-colonels, though smaller reserve battalions may be commanded by majors. Anti-Tank ~T,=y-2ZxKx FrV{^=bB&T* u \' UUplpD_&e\ Interesting thoughts and ideas covering a few topics. consists of a platoon headquarters, 3 rifle squads, and 1 weapons squads. Signals Platoon It is a genuine concern that the British Army lacks sufficient protected vehicles. Gary Uchida was an original member of the 100th Infantry Battalion. Many armies are adding Javelin mounts to their 12.7 mm remote weapon stations. Infantry Headquarter Companys have the following elements: Unless you seek to change the structure of Reserve TACOS call-up liability then keeping reserve battalions paired to regular battalions is a good way of being able to generate an extra company of volunteers. 338 MMGs are going to make GPMG SF obsolete. The article gives the numbers and personnel strengths of each type of battalion. A battalion's subordinate companies and their platoons are dependent upon the battalion headquarters for command, control, communications, and intelligence, and the battalion's service and support structure. The regular army gets guns and spare gun crews to keep them going 24/7. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Each battalion usually consists of the following: Battalion command Commander Second in command General service Personnel section Intelligence section Operations section Materiel section Communication section 9 man sections work very well, in effect the section commander is freed up to command 2 Lcpls who then command thier fire teams. , First Lieutenant (OF-1), armed with 1 M4A1 Carbine, , Staff Sergeant (OR-6), armed with 1 M4A1 Carbine, , Specialist (OR-4), armed with 1 M4A1 Carbine, , Specialist (OR-4), armed with 1M4A1 Carbine, Fire support personnelattached from Field Artillery Battalion, 3 RiflePlatoons(1Officer, 39 Enlisted, 3 Attached each), 1 Platoon Headquarters (1Officer and 3Enlisted + 3 Attached), , Specialist (OR-4), armed with 1 M9/M17 Pistol, , Sergeant (OR-5), armed with 1M4A1 Carbine, Forward observer and fire support RTO attached from Field Artillery Battalion. Lynx can carry 8 dismounts and would allow us to really increase the mass of the armored infantry withot adding to vehicle numbers in any significant way. Your email address will not be published. Welfare Office SVC - The term battalion is used in the British Army Infantry and some corps including the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and Intelligence Corps. If additional, theyll require their own wagon with the necessary extra personnel as crew. I like the idea of having more fire support in Platoon HQ. I cant upload pics but their SOIs are on AKX if you have access to it and are interested. As I say Im just throwing ideas around, not trying to invade Poland. The size of this sub-unit must be sufficient to support the tracked vehicles of Armoured Infantry battalions, so a Detachment structure of 1 officer + 37 other ranks is proposed. The infantry organizational structure existing in 1969 was well suited to the strategy and tactics of flexible . Battalion The proposed universal battalion of 690 gives a total of 22080 for 32 battalions, an increase of 3742. I really disagree with the LMG being retired. If so, what would this look like? It seems to be a way of thinking that stems form our past two operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and not from a perspective of a peer/near peer confrontation imo. equipped with heavy Machine Guns and 81mm Mortars(See chart for The addition of the antitank platoon meant that a BTR battalion at full strength was 525 personnel and 60 BTRs, including three command variants, while a BMP battalion consisted of 497 personnel and 45 BMPs, including three command variants. This will lead to higher costs per bataillon and therefore to higher overall costs. Or fortunate, as you will. But each platoon then gains four or five extra soldiers. Three platoons of 36 soldiers would need to be supported by a Company HQ comprised of the Company Commander, Company 2IC, CSM, CQMS, two storemen, two clerks, two radio operators, four drivers, and two runners. 1. This option also ensures that each section within a platoon has a dedicated vehicle driver and gunner. [26], Prior to the late 1980s, Soviet tank battalions consisted of three tank companies of 13 T-64, T-72 or T-80 tanks each, along with a battalion headquarters mounted in a command tank and a headquarters and service platoon, for a total of 165 personnel and 40 tanks; battalions using the older T-54, T-55 or T-62s tanks had 31 or 40 additional enlisted personnel. Specifically, the transition from the failed 1940 organization to the improved 1941 organization that served the army until the spring of 1943 when finally, the 1943 organization was established. Each Guards Regt have an incremental coy (so 500 troops). There is also the fact that its not just about seating the troops but stowing all their personal kit and still having room for all the extra section kit and all the spare ammunition and stores and all the vehicle stores. Arty - Artillery This is why the dismount numbers vary a bench seats however many can fit, a seat is for one. The battalion was a standard tactical organization throughout the 20th Century, and overseas deployments were usually done with formations . In the U.S. Marine Corps, an infantry or "rifle" battalion typically consists of a headquarters and service company, three rifle, or "line", companies (designated alphabetically A through M depending upon which battalion of the parent regiment to which they are attached) and a weapons company. We recommend you cite primary sources. You wouldnt task the Mortar No4 to act as CPO and lay and prep fuses and fire and correct all on his own as a matter of routine, would you? Small rationalisations made across other Support units help reduction. One of the most readable and enjoyable articles on defence I have read recently. I appreciate Ive written a lot but have a few more broad questions on future infantry structures and would be curious to hear others views. The order of battle shows 101 German infantry divisions and 139 Soviet rifle divisions. My Army 2020 would see 1XX and 3XX each have an armoured brigade, mechanised brigade and motorised bridges. It has also been suggested that rifle companies should acquire 81 mm mortars. A dedicated anti-armour team can provide overwatch and have a capability to bridge the section-level short-range NLAW and the Jav Platoon which is overworked and undergunned in the current ORBAT. Under the observation of the Marine Corps. Is it time to recognise that for platoons to have sufficient dismounted mass in lower-capacity IFVs we now require five or six vehicles per platoon? The captain is responsible for the direction, training, and welfare of those below him. Getting rid of minimi/ LMG was a mistake based on the assumption that medium to long range contacts will dominate future conflicts. Italy. This would give the UK forces also more (and smaller and therefore faster, more agile, better deployable etc) units overall and would therefore increase their flexibility enormous. Achieving A Common Size and Structure for UK Infantry Battalions, Learning from how our Allies armies are organized, Matching Brainpower with Firepower - The British Armys new Ranger Regiment, A modern Royal Navy ASW corvette based on the WW2 Flower-Class, The 10 Most Significant US Aircraft of World War 2, Armoured Infantry battalions -732 personnel, Mechanised Infantry battalions -709 personnel, Light Infantry battalions 560 personnel, Air Assault Infantry battalions 662 personnel, Specialised Infantry Battalions 267 personnel, Public Duties Infantry Battalions 560 personnel, Armoured Infantry Battalions IFV (Warrior) 6 battalions, Mechanised Infantry Battalions MIV (Boxer) 6 battalions, Light Protected Mobility Battalions LPPV / MRVP (Foxhound / JLTV / Bushmaster) 6 battalions. This would see infantry platoons switch from two calibres (5.56 mm and 7.62 mm) to a single one (6.8 mm) for rifles, machine guns and DMRs. The newer light weight medium/ long range calibres ( eg. This adds-up to 2 officers +14 other ranks. Weapons like the 12.7 mm HMG and 40 mm high velocity grenade machine gun are primarily vehicle-mounted systems. [4] Member nations have stipulated the different names they will use for organizations of this size. At a higher level, each armored brigade (formerly designated 'heavy brigade') is now composed of three CABs (versus the two CABs of a former heavy brigade), one reconnaissance squadron, one artillery battalion, one brigade engineer battalion (BEB), and one brigade support battalion (BSB). & Organizations of the Italian Campaign. Do we need to simplify the rank structures of UK Armed Forces? Our Army Structure in Vietnam. $1.50. These are only used in times of large-scale war, such as World War II. We have discussed these in great detail in prior articles so we will not elaborate here.
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