", Edward Seaga, Leader of the Opposition in Jamaica wrote: "His integrity and deep commitment to principles in which he believed made him an outstanding figure in the political spectrum. Ive said it before and Ill say it again: Democracy simply doesnt work. Kent Brockman, The SimpsonsNewscaster Kent Brockman draws his political conclusions far too broadly after Congress proposes a bill to evacuate Springfield before a comet smashes it, an opportunist adds in a rider for $30 million of taxpayer money to support the perverted arts, and the bill fails. People grieve in different ways, and one way is sharing messages of condolences and celebration of the life of the departed. We were sad to hear the news about your father's passing. His presence would have been a stabilizing anchor in whatever storms might blow. ", The Womens Progressive Organisation (Guyana) the womens section of the People's Progressive Party wrote: "The WPO in this sorrowful period, wishes to acknowledge the great contribution our great and beloved leader made towards the Guyanese nation. I know mourning is not the best way to say goodbye to you, but I dont know how to control myself! A child's death is a parent's worst nightmare, so sharing your heartfelt sympathies is very meaningful. His message starts off by referring to Mr Nelson Mandela as the "great leader of the struggle for freedom and a hero to millions around the world." He goes on to say "that the late leader inspired the South African people with patriotism by courageously leading them to achieve independence with ethnic harmony". He was an inspiration for those who dared to dream that a new human order could be created in the world, based on mutual respect and partnership. Praying for the deceased soul. May everyone find peace during this time. He was an upright leader, for they will give you the strength to carry on. My most sincere condolences. And in my own personal experience, I know no other Caribbean leader with whom sharp and wide disagreement could also be the occasion for warm and fraternal embrace. May the soul of your mother be at peace with our Heavenly Father. I share your grief with you upon the loss of your aunt. This is one of her very important contributions. RIP! Your father always bragged about how wonderful you were. Dear Mrs. Corzone, On behalf of Griffith Industries, I would like to offer our sincere sympathies on the death of your husband, Marc. I pray that God rest his soul in peace. Sharing in your sorrow. A boss is a leader whether they were governing a small group of people or a huge corporation. Wangari was a true visionary whose work and life served as a powerful example to women everywhere. May God shower light on your life ahead and guide you through these sad days. I will forever keep a strong memory of her and of her fight for a greener and ecological planet. I am fortunate to have many wonderful memories of Wangari but I will focus on just one, a meeting we both addressed in Germany some years ago. She understood the deep connection between local and global problems, and she helped give ordinary citizens a voice. ", Prime Minister of Guyana, Sam Hinds, who was later to be sworn in as President, in an address to the nation said: "that extraordinary light that shone in the world for nearly 79 years has been extinguished. Of course he would have scoffed at such suggestions He would have wanted to work hard to the end. Dropping a comment on someone's picture is a kind gesture, and everyone appreciates it. The pioneer role she played in starting off ECOSOCC has brought us where we are today. We will miss her great shining smile and her indomitable spirit but all those she has inspired will keep her vision alive through each small action we take toward a better world. They illustrate the kind of man, Cheddi Jagan was to his supporters, his peers and to his opponents: The people of Guyana: "He was the Mahatma Gandhi of Guyana." "He left us with hope and inspiration." Kenya forest and all others, including the National Parks, were watered by your blood. General Julius Karangi - Chief of Defence ForcesFirstly, our most sincere condolence to the family, friends and entire GBM fraternity during this time of grief. I was deeply saddened to hear about your [mother's/father's] passing. Archbishop Alain Paul Charles Lebeaupin - Apostolic Nuncio to KenyaAs the representative of His Holiness in Kenya, I want to assure the family of Prof. Wangari Maathai of our prayer for her eternal rest and to thank the almighty God for the gift she has been for this country, Africa and all the World. 8. That precedent may make this quote seem like a dangerous response to an election, but muttered in the safety of home, or on the Internet, its a concise yet generally applicable response to anything and everything that doesnt seem to be working out. We hope that his family is surrounded by love. I don't remember when was the last time I cried this much. He will live on in our memories forever. For the full statement, click here. A condolence letter is a time-tested way to tell the bereaved that their loved one mattered to you, that you care. Rest in Peace. In any situation, writing a sympathy note can be challenging. My Grandpa Cheddi, he had a dream that came true in his life. Rachel A. Arungah Commissioner Public Service Commission of KenyaVice Chairperson, Commissioners and members of the Public service commission join the family and friends of our great daughter, mother and friend in mourning her passing on when there was still too much for her to do. A president gets diplomatic condolence messages from government quarters, private agencies, and citizens impacted by the presidency. Amen. Our condolences go to Professor Maathai's family, to the people of Kenya, and to the countless women (and men) across Africa and the world to whom she was an inspiration. Thinking of you and your family. We were saddened to hear of your loss. Whatever they did to you, please forgive them. Margaret Otieno Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Clubs of KenyaThe governing council, members and staff of Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) in the spirit of conservation, pay tribute to a great lady in honour of her care and passion for our environment and concern for the future generations. We shall be remembering her always. Rest in peace Dr Wangari Maathai. ", Director of COHA, Mr. Larry Birns, wrote: The death of Cheddi Jagan is not just a grievous personal loss to myself and my colleagues at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Your father was a great leader. Your pain was the pain of this country, the battle for Africa. Dr. Ayub Macharia Acting Director General, NEMAWe have lost a key pillar for the environment but the seeds she sowed will live forever. Rest in Peace the DAUGHTER OF THE UNIVERSE The true warrior. Immediate Personal Condolences Loss of a Spouse Loss of a Parent Loss of a Sibling Sudden Loss Loss of a Child Suicide Loss Anniversary of a Death Loss of a Pet Alternative Condolences to. More than that, he was a born leader, a tireless fighter for his people, as well as a gentle, courteous man who combined charisma with compassion. But her contributions to her home continent-and to our shared humanity-run far deeper than accolades can reflect. You fought for me, for my children, for the mothers and children of the future. At least adversity, disenfranchisement, and anger tend to prompt terrific response art. One can but marvel at her foresight and the scope of her success. Message: We are very sorry for the tragic death of Madhavarao Scindia one of our able leaders. Wangari Maathai understood and acted on the inextricable links between poverty, rights and environmental sustainability. The estranged wife and moral compass of an aircraft magnate and political naf who's been manipulated into running for president, Mary Matthews (Katharine Hepburn) issues this supreme burn to the. But two words sum her up for me; passion and energytraits she showed in all she did. She was known throughout the development and human rights community not just for her inspirational eloquence, but for her human warmth. When a boss dies, the gap is felt by the people that looked up to him. The Green Belt Movements Nairobi office is graciously receiving visitors from Kenya and around the World who have come to share their condolences. Holding you close in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. Her powerful voice calling for a shared and harmonious environment will be missed in the whole world. Your son was a charismatic young man. I express my earnest commiseration to you and your siblings on the demise of your brother, you and your family are in my heart. God knew you are reassuring, and that is why he has called you up there in heaven to watch your back from above. Go well my dear. I had an opportunity to serve with her in the 9th Parliament. Our love goes out to you. ", Jean Chrtien, Prime Minister of Canada, wrote :"Dr. Jagan was a true pioneer in the cause of independence, democracy and social justice for the developing world. on the Internet from March 7 to March 16, 1997, Archive of the Updates on President Jagan's Medical Crisis, Updates From Guyana Following the Death of President Jagan, Funeral procesion in front of Freedom House. If it is comforting, I will say God loved him more, and that is why he took him. re: condolence message on the passing on of former president benjamin william mkapa It is with shock and regret that we at the East African Community have received the sad news of the untimely demise of retired President Benjamin William Mkapa, the 3 rd President of the United Republic of Tanzania and a Founding Father of the EAC, in the wee . The loss of a boss like you is something that can never be recovered. Thank you!! Your mother was a great woman, and she will be truly missed and will always be remembered. My heartfelt condolences. His memories written down, and reflections refined by deeper thought, would have provided an absolutely unique picture of Guyana and its history in a long and abundantly filled life. Both known people and those unknown by many have families that feel the loss when they die. You know what? When composing a message to express condolences to your bosss family, try and mention how well he worked with his juniors and how helpful he was. The world has lost a powerful force for peace, democracy and women's rights. It may be challenging to find the appropriate condolences for an email, note, or text message. I am always thinking of you and your family. Cuba paid tribute to Cheddi Jagan by declaring March 7-9, as three official days of mourning for him. I dont know how to console my grieving heart at your departure. The director is now with the angels above. If your candidate goes down in flames, though, this quote is useful for pointing out that the other guys victory implies something unsavory about him all on its own. I hope you know that you meant the world to him. WCK vows to continue on your noble work and will embrace the objectives of the Green Belt Movement in Kenya and beyond. Please know that your father was a leader held in high regard by everyone. I am genuinely sorry to hear of the loss of your father. Political leaders mourn demise of BJP stalwart Arun Jaitley, pour condolence messages. Still, his conclusion is applicable to a wide range of circumstances: Pretty much any time an election doesnt go your way, it can be taken as proof that everyone else must doing something wrong. No matter wherever he is, hell always be watching over you. Senator Amidala (Natalie Portman) reacts with a bitterness that matches Kent Brockman, but she throws in a little extra contempt for everyone dumb enough to clap enthusiastically for their own disenfranchisement. After all, they voted wrong, right? His life was characterized by an incalculable breath and depth and height of devotion and service to his country and to his countrymen and women. I am convinced that her work will not, and should not, be in vain. Your memories will always stay with me no matter where I go and what I do! Wangaris fearless strength in adversity, her creative approach to building a peaceful, healthy planet and her hard work to inspire and empower women will live on. Professor, the youth who you inspired say Hongera for the great achievement you made, Rest in Peace. Your legacy will live with WCK! With love and friendship. I extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family. He was able, thus, to inspire and lead masses into struggle. ISTANBUL/ANKARA, Feb 23 (Reuters) - The head of Turkey's main opposition party on Thursday sent a condolence letter to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose country was also devastated by the. Condolence message on death of a president is written differently compared to condolence message of a friend. Silas Muriuki Rutere MP North Imenti Constituency under Mazingira Green Party of KenyaYou were a true inspiration to me. We shall always pray for you. But we also spent many quieter moments talking about injustices in the world, and the need for strong international leadership to combat them. May the love of family and friends comfort you during these difficult days, our/my most heartfelt condolences. His annoyance and confusion at the strange values of our skewed legal system sets a standard for anyone whos been following the increasingly ramped-up aggression and demonization of people with different opinions these days, and just cant understand why its illegal to murder people they disagree with. May her soul rest in perfect peace! What a great leader he was. Sumiko Kito Japan Broadcasting Corp Thank you Dr. Wangari Maathai, people of Japan will not forget you for the encouragements you gave us and many movements you have started in our country. You have left a legacy for us to protect and preserve Mother Nature for the future generations. In an earlier exchange in a back room, Mr Maskey brought a smile to the King . Professor Maathai contributed over many decades to furthering the ideals and objectives of the United Nations. This condolence is on my personal behalf and on behalf of the French people. The work of the Green Belt Movement stands as a testament to the power of grassroots organizing, proof that one persons simple ideathat a community should come together to plant treescan make a difference, first in one village, then in one nation, and now across Africa. I know your aunt/uncle was always there for you. The news of Shinzo Abe's assassination has prompted messages of shock and condolences from foreign leaders, many of whom worked with Abe during the former Prime Minister's long tenure. Death and grief are part of human experiences. To the Kenya Defense Forces, the Professor was an enduring source of inspiration as we teamed up with her and the GBM to tackle the eco challenge in not only greening our country but more importantly in solving conflicts emanating from environmental degradation and competition for the division of resources. He was a wise leader. Stefan Rousseau/Pool/Getty Images. UNEPs almost 40 year long history is also one of a shared journey in which Wangari was always with us and ahead of us showing the way. A leader that showed everyone the way. Its cold comfort to accept that an undesirable election result lies in the accursed alchemy between a largely uninformed, easily manipulated public and an unscrupulous, impenetrable political machine, but at least that absolves disappointed voters who feel guilty that they didnt do more to influence the outcome. Tuko.co.ke recently shared 100+ awesome profile pic comments for Facebook. My thoughts are with you. He will stay with you forever. Sending you warm sympathies after the loss of your aunt/uncle. Tributes and condolence messages poured in from business and political leaders for former chairman of the Bajaj Group Rahul Bajaj who passed away in Pune on Saturday. What an exceptional person the chairman was. Patel (71) passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2020, at a Delhi hospital due to multiple organ failure more than a month after he was tested positive for COVID-19. He had another dream, that came true, to bring unity to the land, Wangari Maathai was a force of nature. In these difficult circumstances, I would like to express my sincere condolences which I kindly ask you to transmit to her family, as well as to the government and the people of Kenya. You accomplished so much and we are proud of you. Working was fun with her. The greatest son and patriot that has ever walked this dear land has departed.. President Jagan has left us a proud legacy and has placed our country irreversibly on the road to progress. Current and former politicians from the U.S. and abroad mourned Albright's . Her death has left a gaping hole among the ranks of women leaders, but she leaves behind a solid foundation for others to build upon. Also useful: Adams immediately goes on to summarize, People are a problem.. "The Dr. Cheddi Jagan Condolence Book". Hon. He became the Father of the land. When her administration floats a massive foreign-aid bill and has it shot down, a White House press correspondent (who happens to be her friend, and eventual husband) takes her to task for meekly pulling punches with the Republican opposition, and asks, Why are Democrats always so bumfuzzled? At first blush, the randomness of her snappish response seems inapplicable to everyday life, but its a good distraction to leave taunters baffled and momentarily stunned. Hon. 7. He was wise beyond his years. I dont understand whats going on with it.George Hanson, Easy RiderThe Vietnam-era hippie heroes of Easy Rider are on a road trip that often feels like a dangerous passage through hostile territory. You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. In a message to Charles, Britain's new king, Putin said the queen "rightfully enjoyed the love and respect of her subjects, as well as authority on the world stage", adding: Latest Updates Her passion and commitment have moved countless people to take action to improve their communities. My deepest sympathies go out to the family of a fantastic role model. Your fight for the protection of our forests will be left to us to soldier on. God bless. Professor Maathais tireless efforts earned her not only a Nobel Peace Prize and numerous prestigious awards, but the respect of millions who were inspired by her commitment to conservation, democracy, womens empowerment, the eradication of poverty, and civic engagement. We all loved him at the company. Please accept our condolences on the passing of your brother. I know you are hurting. Chairman continues to rest in Gods bosom. May her soul rest in peace! You were and will always remain an immense inspiration. I cant imagine what everyone who worked under our boss must be feeling right now. 4. How to pay KPLC postpaid bill via M-Pesa? Were not bumfuzzled. He was born a leader. Regular protagonist Stan Marsh, realizing the whole election is a sham and objecting to both candidates, attempts to register a protest by not voting, but the whole town vilifies him, then exiles him. I count it a privilege to have know him, to have worked with him and to have been his friend. The venue was full of young people and I watched in awe as she conveyed to them her extraordinary passion about the environment in general and the need for climate fairness and justice in particular. Kenya and the international society have lost a bold and persuasive spokeswoman for the global work on sustainable development and democracy. Please accept my sincerest sympathy to you and your family. My sincere condolences. May you take comfort in knowing that you have an angel to watch over you now.
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