", Weld's eyes widened and he turned to look at her. "We're on schedule to get the city back in working order in a matter of weeks. Blind due to injury and complications with being sent back. Taylors primary, strongest power is a Breaker state that she can only enter when not observed. Alt-power Taylor in the Worm verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. She had the look of a woman who had gone too long without sleep and had aged years in weeks. I did not want to go back. 1.3 Adagio Three Capes a Caping, Two Good Friends, One Majorette and a New Face is Meeting Our T. You must log in or register to reply here. Taylor has a Dungeon It's a clean Dungeon Everyone Has Issues they're working on it except Lisa She's watching the world burn Amy makes kettle noises Nobody can prove Danny Hebert exists Have I mentioned it's gay? That's amazing! Nice! Thirty feet away and six and a half straight down, cicada larvae slowly crawled underground, most of their 17 year span lived completely out of human view. "A Wand for Skitter", on Fanfiction.net. I haven't read Hindsight Bias, but Taylor has the ability to frequently precog a few seconds into the future. Queen of Owls on QQ. I wanted to avoid it, at all costs. Revenant. So were we.". Weld leaned back, setting the file down. The power has too many nitpicks and conditions. He had overstepped his bounds. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Taylor as a vampire based primarily on the Malkavian from Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, with some. Taylor came around the table until she stood to the side of Weld. "My apologies, Taylor. Thoughts as Light as a Feather - Simurgh!Taylor. Im looking forward to how this one goes. the restrictions that the Entity Eden put on Contessa's Path to Victory power made her completely unable to model or plan for the Entities, the Endbringers or their plan, but. And if you're concerned about some sort of class system," She pointed to the girl who had first slowed the assembly line. After everything else had gone so well, he had ruined it at the end. The old man notes that this is the first time anyone offered him the use of their umbrella, or kindness on such a level as her. She spent several months mentoring and bonding with Taylor, until the emotional connection caused Taylor to develop a "bud" of her PTV Shard. We understand better than anyone else their thoughts and feelings.". You took Brockton Bay over in four weeks and then you just stopped at the city limits. Yes. Weld stepped towards the table, eerily aware of the clomping sound his feet made against the huts thin floor. Camera Shy has a blind Taylor with the ability to see through other's eyes and time-stop-explore as her version of teleportation. This force is not usually strong enough to move heavy or anchored objects, but can send light objects flying. "Taylor!" He called out, catching the girl's attention. Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. "I know we all look identical to you, but each and every Taylor is unique in their own way." Taylor helps make cookies, but her power makes her make them right, so when Mrs. Abbotson takes the (many) cookies and baked goods to a bake sale, she rakes in $800. They would have to be. "Is that fact relevant to a tour of your city?" "Right." She stood and turned to look at the sunset, her back to him. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). She looked over her shoulder, clearly annoyed. "To be perfectly honest, Weld. When she finished, the process resumed effortlessly. As I hit refresh I get a second chapter. Work Search: Taylor triggers with Contessa's Path to Victory power. We will escort you to the bridge. There are a few pact Alt!powers out ther you might want to check out. In fact, they all looked identical. SupCom altpower. Have a chappie. Last edited: Nov 17, 2018. I love this authors work. The Taylors didn't just replace their hosts, they subsumed them. Truthfully, I want them afraid of me. Intrepid, where she effectively has locked-in syndrome until Faultline arranges for a tinkered suit to compensate. Depending on what he said or did, the Protectorate and the US army were fully willing to just bomb the whole region to dust and be done with it. Location United States Nov 17, 2018 #25 . to see how many boys still checked me out. Taylor would never have imagined that going blind would have improved her life so dramatically, yet so it happened to be. I only had another week left before I was supposed to go back to school. liberties . The Breaker power is pickier, and though this sounds overly verbose I think the best way to describe it is: If whatever medium either a human or human-analogue is using to perceive visual input has directly bounced off an object, that object cannot be taken into the ghost world. Taylor spoke overly formal, but there was a tension there. Floating through him once didnt seem thorough enough, so I passed through him twice more, circling around for each smear to keep them all going in the same direction; backwards and down, towards the ground. Hunter (Bloodborne cross, very spooky, very dark) and All Things Devoured (Dead Space necromorph alt!power, not quite as dark) by Unwelcome Storm, both in hiatus I think. Weld was also a really fun character to use as the POV. Taylor is aptly named Monster. I love seeing new and interesting powers and this one is really cool. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/taylor-and-the-unseelie-court-worm-au.498094/, https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/unreality-worm.625972/. Why? Dec 22, 2020. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", 1. End result: uninjured Taylor, Armsmaster saved, Armsmaster's motorcycle foamed (and saved), Squealer's truck rendered inoperable, Squealer trapped in a cotton candy cloud, Oni Lee with a bucket of molasses on his head. But before she can make enough to be a serious hero, she'll need some starting capital, and that's much easier to do as a villain TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ", "I haven't forgotten." Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. No shading, no different lighting to give things nuances to their colors; I. Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. She looked decidedly normal. Taylor's mouth stretched into a thin, wide line. Working on a Path that could let her bypass the restrictions on her power, the Path led her to get close to Taylor as her school librarian and new mentor, got her to build up a genuine, emotional rapport between them to get Path to Victory to "Bud" onto Taylor, then forced Contessa to put Taylor into a situation bad enough for her to Trigger while reminding her that her Path is forcing her to do this, the mental anguish causing Contessa to Second Trigger. Weld asked, "Forget all the innocent people of Brockton Bay? The construction workers. Taylor confirmed. Without a word said, the other Taylors relaxed a hair and slowed their pace, giving their coworker time to catch up. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. Methuselah (original vampire alt!power) has some hints of it but might not quite fit. Can I get a link? The writing is flickery, like a florescent bulb with an iffy ballast. He thought of sailors washing up on the shore on an island of Amazons. We have a number of canon characters who are disabled, and I wish we could see that reflected more in fics. Inspired by the game Breeding Season. "Some files had to be omitted." And I have to ask, is the band coach a fan of a certain Polynesian deity, because that's an interesting collection of items in the closet. Looking for Taylor meets Hookwolf at the gym. 1315 west grand parkway s 101b katy tx 77494 amazon t shirt design custom ink smartthings hub change wifi password. QA really turned up the volume this time. Maybe he improvised and got that last one with something that disoriented people into passing out. She theorized. Queen of Owls reminds me of the Drukhari from 40K. You never walked into the villain's lair without some sort of plan of attack. Get insights SPL Payroll Outsourcing Pvt. Taylor had spent a lot of time and effort grilling her parents about it, and had come to the conclusion that villains operated exactlyas an outlaw did. Privacy Policy. So Taylor with AOE music powers that include rapid full regeneration type healing. Lots of tiny drones. Due to Contessa essentially using Taylor's Trigger as a way to jailbreak her own Shard, the two start getting overlap and minor nudges from each other. Weld nodded wordlessly, he focused on the rush of the river below. Splinters - Taylor has a Thinker power that lets her create more copies of her own mind. Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. He hasn't even died. Harvey gives her an odd look, but answers her, "Well we're in Stardew Valley, which is at the south-east end of the Ferngill Republic." "Ah got it, thanks." Harvey fixed her with a serious look and then warned, "I don't need to know about what you were doing until now, but Pelican Town is away from all the fighting . I mean I'm impressed." "This was the most beneficial option. ", Weld nearly scoffed. If she is not being observed by anyone, she is blind. "Not a very fair question, is it?" Contessa is working behind the scenes recruiting the woman who would've been Bakuda to the Protectorate as Starburst, and using her gadgets to eliminate the Slaughterhouse Nine and Nilbog, all of which is made possible by the jailbreaking of Path to Victory, Taylor and Victoria bonding during their Boston roadtrip, Just before Taylor is attacked, she is seen checking her phone and starts running in Taylor's direction. axe throwing layton Camera Shy is a Worm alt-power fic by TheGreatGimmick. Is it different from my other fics? Spoiler: Malkavians In Brief Omakes: Rolyat's Visit by SirWill A Father's Pride by Seclorum Taylor goes to Harry Potter, and solves the saga in two years. Chapter 4, "Remember," Piggot said, "Don't call her Narcissa.". "Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/CameraShy. "Why what? Things had been surreal before, now it felt like madness. This is an alt-power Taylor in the Worm* verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. Camera Shy has a blind Taylor with the ability to see through other's eyes and time-stop-explore as her version of teleportation. You must log in or register to reply here. Can I get list of fics featuring Taylor with horrific and terrifying alt!powers. Anything that brain of yours could Tinker can be found. Rather than running through someone multiple times, she should stand inside them and spin in circles, that'll really mess them up. She let out a long breath, her expression settling on a more neutral one. He can make the ground rolls like liquid with Shit. What I wouldn't give to have seen Miss Militias' face that second between 'Wait where'd they go? ' Weld filled in. Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. Taylor and Contessa's last conversation in the fic has Taylor asking Contessa if all her actions were worth it. A Corpse in the Graveyard [Worm][CYOA v6][OC][AU][Canon Divergence], Last Knight on Earth Bet [Post-GM][Ward][Canon Divergence]. That," Piggot pointed at the folder, "is all the information we could gather on her with certainty that it wasn't tampered with.". L0kiMotion 4 yr. ago Taylor hesitantly asks. Very interesting fic so far. Will give some more commentary when I get through the other chapters. So this is a revisit of an old fic idea I had. The whole world seemed to have stilled. It's well, a Peggy Sue story, with pre-cannon (by a few months) Taylor having memories up to Leviathon (I think that's where it was, can't 100% remember), smol Skitter is just as scary but makes up for her lost height with misunderstandings everywhere. If she's persistently missing functionality, she'll pretty much always have some Daredevil-esque powers-related way of at least partially compensating for it. She held a palm out. No part too large or too small. Eventually, it's revealed that her nickname is "Tessa," which is short for. She said icily. When Lord Doom steals Armsmaster's tinkertech motorcycle, promptly crashes it, and then flies away into the sky while laughing, "Armsmaster said some things that were probably not PR approved."
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