Because it sits at the base of your spine (at the location of root chakra ), it's strongly connected to the sexual energy in the body. We often hear examples of people being damaged by kundalini experiences, sometimes permanently so. "` 6$ endstream endobj 88 0 obj<>/Metadata 15 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 14 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/OCProperties<>/StructTreeRoot 17 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20071108092638)/PageLabels 12 0 R>> endobj 89 0 obj<>/PageElement<>>>/Name(HeaderFooter)/Type/OCG>> endobj 90 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 91 0 obj<> endobj 92 0 obj<> endobj 93 0 obj<> endobj 94 0 obj<> endobj 95 0 obj<> endobj 96 0 obj<>stream i):p,#hjj]Us[LW|yP~~2euWL(o&qrWMP`QxvI9g7/"9u9 %DMXD&c(WU4#v>2ZVBI4eD~bQft7Lupt7glQIe1_o'S[bDl?G2@m, cW5OEgSJ>WcEBn$. But this 'shock' can be of a dual nature and different octaves can begin, one outside the organism which has produced si, and the other in the organism itself. Tingling/throbbing in left foot and leg is one of the main signs that kundalini is active. A sheep which considers itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini. This immune activation would explain some of the heat involved with kundalini and many of the symptoms, especially those during the die-offs. As one begins to practice Kundalini yoga, the progress towards this realization is steady, continuous, relentless. Sexual transmutation or sexual sublimation, an attempt to transform sexual energy into creativity and thereby facilitate spiritual awakening -Wikipedia Can we use Kundalini for sexual transmutation? There are 2 Volumes. for those interested in Eastern rooted wisdom, a guide to everyday life, awakening layers of your being, answers to states of being, self help, and mastery. 292, The Body Electric, Robert Becker M.D. Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. Interestingly during an awakening we have the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system creating the physiology of "stress" and this increases the permeability of the blood vessels. In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken. I am convinced that it is largely the macrophages which do the catabolic breakdown of tissues in preparation to building the (more) spiritualized body capable of carrying deeper consciousness. "You can create with that energy because sexual energy is creative energy," Roxo notes. So that means that nerves, ganglia, plexes and the brain itself all have their own field systems that combine into the meta-field system of the body. Chastity, unchastity, imagination, astral effects, see Magic section. And above all, Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man's development. Various immune cells cycle in and out of the spleen and bone marrow for special conditioning and possible nourishment and instruction. In today's class we will open the energetic channels and focus on sublimation - or transmutation - of the energy upwards, toward the higher Chakras, to experience expanded states of awareness and high vibrations.This class can be done on it's own, as a powerful practice to conclude a Traditional Kundalini sequence, or as a sacred practice for those who are working with their sexual energy, to transmute the experience from the mundane to the sublime. Receive Kundalini Mudra in Master Kriya: SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT FREE YOGA ON THE INTERNET Dont forget to click on the bell to turn on post notifications! Join our mailing list, connect with us and receive exclusive offers ACCESS ADVANCED PRACTICES \u0026 EXCLUSIVE CONTENT YouTube Membership: Patreon: ONLINE COURSES Journey Through The Chakras: Journey Through The Chakras Level II: Master Kriya - Online Kundalini Workshop: Ri.Viva (Solo Italiano): FREE GIFT Sacred Initiation Into a Secret Kundalini Technique: 30 DAY PROGRAMS 30 Day Kundalini Transformation: 30 Day Pranayama Breath Routine: 30 Day Meditation Challenge: 10 DAY CHALLENGES Raise Your Vibration: Purifying the 5 Bodies: Love \u0026 Light: New Year, New Me: Rejuvenate Your Essence: 5 Tibetan Rites: Solar Transformation: Awakening Aja Chakra: FAVOURITE SPIRITUAL BOOKS \u0026 RECOMMENDED READING Thank you for sharing your practice with us! If you haven't actually dug into any healing work, then going into the advanced states could actually be triggering.". More Gurdjieff quotes here: /gurdjieff/quotes/index-gurdjieff-quotes.htm, From PD Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous. Perhaps even a change in composition. Indian yoga, emphasis on the transmutation of energy to higher consciousness. Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. The basis for sexual transformation is to take your sexual energy and channel it into a higher energy center. The cells are activated, grow, carry out their function and die-off. Let both thighs be together. With heart entrainment, brain chatter is reduced and there is more connection between brain and body. No matter where one journeys away from ones Heart-eye, all roads lead back to itusually found again on ones death bed. The meta-activation of the sympathetic nervous system of course would profoundly facilitate changes in the immune system and endocrine system. "Completed transmutation, that is to say, the formation of the 'astral body,' is possible only in a healthy, normally functioning organism. Histamine produces larger pores in the blood vessels as the first step in launching an inflammatory response. That confusion or misconception exists because of the increased libido that takes place in the early times of Kundalini rising, and of the failure of people to advance effectively beyond 2nd chakra issues. Magdalene Mysteries: Secrets of the Left Hand Path of Christ. This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. Chemical transmutation is the process of changing a substance from one form or state into another. dP*SUmCH "AL7JW]OdjfNif^xC c!sG-E4Hjzm={d[Uw iWZ=n-*$7mQS32AQ`%8gtLVYM\LCYM';e4t"~d{\ U3/p* 0000006824 00000 n There's no limit to the things we can channel sexual energy into, and sexual transmutation offers us the ability to harness that powerful, creative energy for anything we're looking to accomplish. The crown and root poles meet in the inner-conjunction through a rhythmic atunement of all the oscillating systems at a certain frequency, and perhaps in a certain sequence of frequencies. That's like saying the sun is a big candle. As the vibratory systems go into sympathetic resonance, the heightened fields restructure matter to accommodate the increased field. I suckered a ton of people into having spontaneous Kundalini awakening. ", Also see: Gurdjieff on the Abuse and Use of Sex: gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Diagrams are from In Search of the Miraculous, chapter 9. startxref Candice Pert discovered that receptors for neuropeptides and neurotransmitters are on the cell walls of the immune system, showing that the immune and endocrine systems are modulated not only by the brain but also by the central nervous system. However when the brain becomes the dominant organ and the heart is entrained to the brain, the heart begins to lose its coherence. Edging, for example, is a popular practice for men in tantraand that's actually one way of transmuting your sexual energy. You begin to become aware of yourself as a mind of light in the here and now and what it really means to be a human being the possibility, the potential, the purpose. Energy waves are a more effective and efficient method of information transmission than the locks and keys of physical matter. sexual transmutation to transform yourself . Suddenly, there is a radial shift in one's sense of identity, and you abide as the seer without an object, the Singularity of "I as I" Consciousness Itself, as the sun of the heart outshines everything. %PDF-1.4 % "In so-called 'occult' literature you have probably met with the expression 'Kundalini,' 'the fire of Kundalini,' or the 'serpent of Kundalini.' Hyaluronidase, by destroying hyaluronic acid, an important component of connective tissue, reduces viscosity and thus permits greater spreading of material in tissue spaces. Cannabis & Kundalini. Old Testament represents YHWH (Age of Aries). Function: The lower dantian is the original source of energy. Skin, and blood vessel walls are made from elastin, collogen and hyaluronic acid after all and during a certain phase of an awakening the tissues of the body could become so permeable that red blood corpuscles could squeeze out of the capillaries. The more coherent the field the more potent the information exchange." For example, art is one avenue to go down. Normal level nervous system operation and gastrointestinal tract digestion would not provide either the quantity or quality of energy needed for this process. Range for plants begins at 768. <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> A new octave then develops within the organism, not outside it. We know that each element has a certain atomic number so transmutation involves the change . Here is a. But none of the known theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. The blood sweating phenomena is also undoubtedly due to the increase in histamine release during extreme stress. Out of body experiences. Thus the term aesthesis is similar, if not identical to Robert Heinlein's word "Grok." >J N>J ro>(>J;DJ0 DTQ"P0uz~Zfw41Gb'2J Rf.U.D$.J It was the chief contributor to the cultivation of kundalini and the preservation of its knowledge prior to present times. Many believe sexual energy is akin to creative energy, and that it can be harnessedand transformedto help us in other areas of our life, such as fitness or art. These cells accumulate in lymph nodes and the spleen. Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that involves exploring your personal identity. Hydrogens - human scale - transmutation of energy in the body, illustrated as a "three story factory". The heart sense works by aesthesis, or by "breathing in." Hydrogens - cosmic scale. Pt. FOR SALE! Meditations: They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. It was used in combination with many other herbs after a certain purification process of marana and shodhana, to remove toxicity and, till it was criminalised. You can experiment with this theory of metamorphic catabolic breakdown by macrophages by eating something noxious to the body like processed cheese or processed meats which will activate the immune system. xbbf`b`` Although increased histamine is probably common throughout an awakening, and if there was also an extreme threat to life then a greater amount of histamine might be released; creating the bloody sweat of Jesus. With consciousness and practice, we can learn how to redirect the body's energy and the desire for sexual expression towards other thoughts and other pursuits. -oJYWMw_w_~Nq^ZBLe@>\&*",bD?7}k{]!W 108, Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Secret Teachings of Plants, the Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature; ~ Thus the stress response always activates the immune system." Concealed behind every major religion and tradition hides a secret, vigorously guarded throughout history, becoming completely forbidden to . This leads to the total reorganization of the material structure, its transformation or transmutation. Pt. This immune suppression is somewhat masked by increased mitosis (cell division) and the illuminating "glow" that occurs which makes the bodymind seem supernaturally vital. 0000001049 00000 n How to belly-breathe for sexual and emotional transformation Sit down in a chair, a pillow or on the floor with your spine upright, put your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards. In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, there are innumerable sets of specialized yogic exercises combining posture and movement with many powerful breathing techniques and certain body locks that together create an expanding a contracting and vibratory pressure on various areas of the body, that saturated with blood and vitalized by the air bring about a charging and purification of the nerves, glands and organs. For those interested in Christ, Mary Magdalene, Divine Feminine History, Sexual Magic, Womb Healing and Magic, Alchemy, A Guide to awakening, Divine Union, Water Priestesses, Different kinds of White Witchcraft. I joined one of their groups and asked if anyone has had increase in . 0000000880 00000 n "When we consider transmuting our sexual energy, we're really asking ourselves into quite an advanced practice," Roxo adds, because sexual energy exists on so many levelsphysical, mental, emotional, and even astral. "The transition of matter si 12 into emanations and the gradual saturation of the whole organism by it is what alchemy calls 'transmutation' or transformation. Meditation has a profound and lasting impact on spiritual evolution, leading to inner peace, enhanced health, relationships and overall wellbeing.The only exception to this recommendation is if you're experiencing strong Kundalini energy in the upper chakras. For those interested in Christ, Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Kundalini, Awakening, Mastery through sexual transmutation, breath work, aguide to healing, ego work, and more. For those interested in the White/Left Hand Path, Mystery Schools, Sacred Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Enlightenment, Self Mastery, Diving into abilities, Gnosticism, etc. Although we only vaguely know what we are talking about, today we refer to this storehouse of consciousness as the Universal Mind or Global Brain. The macrophages that were grown and activated during the metamorphic initiation chemistry probably have a very different nature and purpose than those produced by the body under normal chemistry. The CBD component in particular has various . Elastase and collagenase are enzymes capable to spit collagen and elastin, the basic members of connective proteins." Most of these books can be found in PDF form by googling the book name with PDF after, although this is not recommended. Once the body is charges the various centers begin to vibrate with a higher frequency, like the tightening of the drum or strings on a guitar, violin, or harp, and one begins to have a direct experience of the reverberation of chants and mantras that make up the many kundalini kriyas, and meditations, and with that, the awareness dawns of inner sound and light. Part of the sexual energy is transformed to a higher form of pranic energy to be used for spiritual, intelligent and creative functions. You need to follow certain rules to be successful in Kundalini Yog but the research says, that Kundalini Energy gets activated easily if a person leads a continent and simple life by doing "Kayakalp Meditation-Sahaj Dhyan" every early morning before Sunrise. 87 17 Sexual Transmutation: From Pleasure to Willpower. This catabolysis probably through the activation of the reticuloendothelial system (RES), part of the immune system, consists of the phagocytic cells located in reticular connective tissue, primarily monocytes and macrophages. This increased heart field would reorganize the matter and energy in the body (transfiguration). [1. Our EMF has more of a medium in which to flow and this ups all the energy exchanges in the bodymind. Heart coherence also reduces cortisol production thus enhancing hippocampal activity as well as boosting the immune system. The most famous Meditation is "Kundalini Yog". . To fulfill their many functions macrophages in their activated state are able to produce more than one hundred different substances. avec qui nous aimons! 103 0 obj<>stream West - Celibacy for the Kingdom, Recommended books for manliness and self-development, /gurdjieff/quotes/index-gurdjieff-quotes.htm, gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Lee Warfield: Same-sex attraction overcome, Max Freedom Long's experiments with celibacy, Sridhar Swami - commentary by Srila Prabhupada, Gary Wilson, scientific study, effects of porn, Bernarr Macfadden, from Manhood and Marriage 1916. Because a great deal of blood circulates through the spleen, this organ serves as a kind of reservoir for blood. "Macrophages secrete not only cyotoxic and inflammation controlling mediators but also substances participating in tissue reorganization. "We're working with many different bodies," she explains, from the physical to the emotional, and so on. "Transmutation is the conversion of one element into another, so it's changing one state into a different state," Alexandra Roxo, spiritual teacher and author of F*ck Like a Goddess, explains to mbg. In order for the practice of transmutation to have positive results, it is necessary to have a strong foundation. ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce. (Recommended for those seeking to learn about the Right Hand (White) path of becoming Resurrected.) Keep the head above the cross formed by such placements of hands. gYdKRon You could, of course, channel it directly into physical sex, as so many do, but if you need a little extra oomph of creative energy or physical might, holding off on the sex and using that energy elsewhere is the idea of sexual transmutation. xref It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing.
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